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  • Mintel predicts £1 billion new bike sales this year
  • 1981miked
    Free Member

    I fall out with things all the time.

    I regularly call my phone an arse####

    My Hoover is an awkward bas####

    I call my cat an arseho## kn#bend bast### all the time, she isn’t, she is well behaved, cute, funny and affectionate… But when she is bad.. She is real bad!

    Free Member

    I bought an S3L in orange with black extremities in July, cracking bike, use it every day to commute to work and find the 3 gears to be spot on for what I want.

    I went for the standard Brompton tyres and they are great, keep them inflated to the recommended 100psi and they roll fine. Can’t recommend Bromton enough.

    No discounts to be had I’m afraid. I asked several bike shops and Brompton and they said the demand for the bikes is such that it isn’t necessary, ou may get some accessories thrown in though.

    Defo the best bike I have had for years, i enjoy riding it, it’s nice and simple and fuss free, the S (straight) bars are good aswell and look loads better than the Others.

    Free Member

    Nice Golf Somafunk.. Worth more than u spent now though I reckon.

    Free Member

    Sorry CountZero, I shall endeavour to try harder and not act ten for YOU..

    On the subject of making assumptions though, YOU appear to have made one in your post about me!

    YOU must be one of those people they orders ridiculous coffee’s..

    I’ll add smart arses to my list now.

    Touché ; )

    Free Member

    I think it’s just what people hate now Kenny.. Just join in, it’s fun.

    Free Member


    I am lost for words… 1 word… WHY?

    Free Member

    Hell yeah I’m on top of the world today!

    Does look a tad psychotic now I see it after a nights sleep.. Oh well, I still hate all of the above. Glad I made some of u smile and feel normal.

    I haven’t been on this forum for a few months with 1 thing or another, feels good to be back.. Now where did I bury that body?

    Free Member

    Oh and Radio bloody 1… Just a racket, full of stupid r&b music that goes nowhere.. A song should have a beginning, a middle bit and and end, not just ramble on in a monotone fashion for 3 minutes.
    That stupid Elly Golding song out just now, do we need to hear it every 5 minutes?
    Jeremy Vine.. Smug git, grow a pair and shut some of ur guests up!
    Do gooders who phone up Jeremy Vine then talk over everybody else.
    X Factor.. Can’t actually believe people still watch it..
    The Americanisation of this country.. It’s tyres not tires, and kerb not curb..

    Oh and perhaps my biggest pi55 boiler..

    People ordering stupid coffee’s.. I’ll have a triple mochafrappachino light with extra low cal sugar, hold the milk but froth the cup, I’ll have a chocolate sprinkles and a caramel drizzle… Just get a bloody cup of tea or black coffee and get out my way! What did u all do 10 years ago before all this crap came in? U drank normal coffee like everybody else!

    And people having a coffee going round the supermarket… Really? U can’t go 2 hours without one? U look like a Toby!

    God I’m angry!

    Free Member

    Myleen Klass… Can’t stand her, the only woman to ever give give birth apparently.
    Miranda… Don’t know why, not even funny
    Those stupid Essex/Chelsea, Newcastle programmes with the half wit fame seekers…
    Ssangyon cars.. Why would u buy one?
    Chrysler PT Cruisers.. Really? At what point did u say “yep, that’s just what I’m after”.. A stupid looking, impractical Americanised piece of crap!
    People who speak like “u know Bruv, innit”.. “U get me”? Well, actually no I don’t because u don’t appear to be talking a language I understand!
    My boss.. Why are u so childish? Ur a millionaire.. Cheer the fu## up! Why do u even come to work?
    People cycling in the dark with no lights!
    People who indicate right at roundabouts and go straight on…. AAAAARRRRGGGHHH! Who the funk taught u that? Because it’s bloody wrong!
    Rubber neckers on motorways.. It has bugger all to do with u, stop being so nosey and get moving.

    That’s it for now.. Humbug!

    Free Member

    Definitely get it from a responsible place, cats protection or other..

    We got out 4 year old short hair silver tabby called Marley in August.. I don’t even like cats, I just like her!

    We had been getting visits from the Neighbours cat, the wife started to feed it and it kept coming back so I said lets just get one..

    We went to “look” at the cats in the re-homing centre, we saw Marley looking properly scared and uneasy in the corner of her pen, I went in to see her, she then hid behind a blanket.. I fell in love with the little menace there and then, the wife went in and she came straight up to say hello to her..

    We picked her up 3 days later, “give her time to settle in, she won’t come out her carry box for ages”… They said! I opened the box and she was out in a flash, explored the whole house and took residence on my big chair in the man cave and promptly fell asleep all night!

    Next day she was a bit shy, but eventually came down for food, took another day to use the litter tray, then started sitting with us in the living room… Normally cosied up to me! She sits on the windowsill now and is more independent as she know we aren’t going to abandon her. She is a house cat tho, goes mental at the sight of other cats, we let her out once and she was scared stiff!

    She romes round the house like she owns it, sleeps at the bottom of our bed, sits on my chest to wake me up at weekends, sleeps on our bed all day, gets bed head, always looks guilty, plays at night and eats when we eat.. Proper little madam but I’m not embarrassed to say I love her to bits and wouldn’t change her for the world.

    If I could post a pic I would! Always happy to see the wife, normally happy to see me and more so when I feed her.

    Costs are:
    £11 per month insurance
    £15 per month in food (max, including biscuits and treats)
    £4 per month in cat litter
    £2.50 per month in flea treatment

    Free Member

    Yeah I know mate, been looking at El cheapo bike this week.. Was thinking of going old school.. V brakes and fully rigid, or a Trek Y22..

    I think I’ll get my brother to post up the Cotic Soul I sold him last year and see how I get on..sorry for the doom mongering guys!

    Struggling a bit this week with work and other stuff!

    Free Member

    I’m a lorry driver..
    It’s sh1t..Pays ok (but work a lot of hours), I miss my wife and family when working away. Not always good health food accessible either. See some awful and selfish driving, and most lorry drivers are filthy swines!

    Wish I’d stuck in more at school it got a trade or joined the armed forces as per the regrets In life thread.

    Other than that im a bundle of joy and riding along on the crest of a wave!

    Free Member

    The berm track thing at the car park.. Can’t remember what it’s called..

    Free Member

    Yeah had to drive there mate, like I said it was just the group I rode with.. They preferred trail centres, it’s guaranteed to be half decent riding I suppose..

    Even visiting larger areas like Ae, Kirroughtree, Mabie etc I noticed a difference overall..

    Maybe just volume of people.. And I happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time!

    But yeah I know what ur saying, I used to ride the open hills years ago and had no qualms there.. Just a different bunch I rode with then.

    However that isn’t the industries fault.. More of a rant! The high horse is away now.. ; )

    Free Member

    Mountain biking has gone off the scale in terms of the pricing… I sold my mountain bike earlier this year as I thought it was becoming to middle class and full of the mimby pimby brigade! I also totally fell out of love with it and had and still have no motivation to cycle at all.. Have hardly ridden a bike this year! First time I have been without a mountain bike for about 18 years..

    Granted I mainly rode trail centres due to the group I used to ride with.. But I was at Glentress the last time I used the MTB, I was riding the pump track and came round a corner to find a family sat at the trail side with bike left on the path.. I cycles round them and never said a word.. I was followed down the track (unbeknown to me) by the parents and told I was a ” stupid idiot for riding so fast off road, I was a danger to myself and others”.. I promptly pointed out they shouldn’t be stopped there and got told to “watch my back”….

    Another visit I was riding down a rocky section minding my own business and passed a group all admiring the rocks, I was give a mouthful of abuse for not “ringing my bell, going to fast and not taking there safety into consideration”… I didn’t even stop to argue! I couldn’t be bothered anymore!

    The price of bikes and components is shocking aswell, I purchased an Orange 5 pro in 2009 for £2500, I really like this bike and wish if never sold it, so I though I’d price one up again… £3500 for the same bike.. With worse components… Really? Have they started to roll the turd in glitter?? Because you definitely haven’t changed that much!

    I’m really struggling to justify buying another mountain bike with the prices and specs on offer.. However, if people pay the prices… The manufacturers will continue to charge essentially whatever they damn well please!

    Don’t even get me started on the clothing.. £60+ for baggy over shorts…. Really? Shorts used to be £30, tops were maybe £20-£30.. What the hell happened to the prices.. Cycling glasses… How much?
    Ok people don’t have to buy it.. But they do because they read it in a magazine!

    It’s a conspiracy I tell u… We are a marketing mans dream!


    What’s next? 650b and 7/10ths?

    And breathe!

    Free Member

    Proper lol fest mate! Billy Bookcase is a quality name.

    Keep it going.

    Free Member

    Hora- good luck then mate, I’m pondering trying for the Royal Navy Reserves, fairly sure my knees would manage that.

    Looking to buy another mountain bike aswell and find a job that gets me home more.

    Keep us posted Hora.

    Free Member

    Not re-applying for the Royal Marines after being told to do so.. Passed all the tests including the potential Royal Marines course.

    Got home, got a join date… Went to get a final check over from doctor, they picked up what they thought was a heart murmur…… Access denied! Until it was sorted out.. Had to wait 2 months for and ECG.. Nothing came up! Specialist reckoned they doctor had made a mistake and panicked as I have a very low pulse count.. I was fuming!

    Went to see careers office, they told me I had to re-apply.. I never did! : (

    Really feel I missed my calling in life and now I’m stuck driving a lorry! Can’t get motivated to get fit, have all but given up cycling (don’t even have a mountain bike now),still play Ice Hockey but both knees are minced and got a bad shoulder!

    Wish I hadn’t stopped playing Ice Hockey when I was 18 for 10 years aswell!

    Oh and I wish I hadn’t taken my ungrateful Ex to Australia with my family when my Dad retired.. She ruined my holiday!

    However I’m a very luck guy to have a beautiful wife, nice house, great family, 2 lovely nephews, amazing friends, money in the bank and I recently purchased a 2003 BMW M3… Happy days!

    Free Member

    Just saw your whole post Scotroutes.. Phone only loaded the first line when first viewed. All those routes sound ace, we will have a look when we get there and do some.


    Free Member

    Yeah but he has just got his and I borrowed a demo for the day so thought we could go for a cycle while he was up from London.

    Free Member

    Awful video, full of marketing BS and just the kind of drivel that alot of people buy into. Having said that the frame is really nice and if it wasn’t going to cost £10,000000000000 I’d consider it.. But as biking stuff seems to have shot up in price… I’m out!

    Free Member

    I saw a Renault 5 Turbo today actually.. Looked fairly clean and tidy. A guy I knew a few years back had a 5 Turbo Raider.. Mental car but blew up on a number of occasions..

    I’m off to perv at M3’s online.. Still undecided on what to get.

    That’s a damned nice car Jools.. Prices are mental for them tho, have u seen what the first M3”s are going for.. £25k+ 8O

    Free Member

    Spied this earlier today.. This could be my new number 1 choice..

    Still can’t get the RS out my head tho.. Or the Pulsar for that matter.

    I drove my brothers and Dad’s all the time so I know they are fun to drive, never driven and M3 tho. Certainally a very usable car for me!

    Concerned the RS may be a bit to nice to use potentially every day, plus I wouldn’t want to destroy it, I had a 1990 XR3i which appeared to made from cheese…

    The Pulsar I could go for, but I reckon the M3 may have it beaten! I just want something a bit different, fed up of sensible cars, been looking at all sorts from Alfa 159’s to Civic Type R’s to Suzuki Swift sports.. Nothing excites me like the cars above tho.

    Free Member

    That skyline is nice Butcher, my mate has one.. Just a single turbo model and that sounds superb being wound up.. I can only imagine what the twin turbo sounds and goes like!

    Brakes would also be upgraded fairly quickly, I remember the standard ones being fairly poor, as for wheels the biggest is go is 16″, don’t want to ruin the handling, maybe take a few mm of the ride height aswell with a set of coilovers.

    Nice car Mark.. 500bhp.. 8O

    Would love a shot in that!

    Free Member

    Hi Mark,

    I wouldn’t be running daft power in it to be fair, my brothers and Dads were reliable enough at 430bhp and 385 respectively. Although my brothers was horrendous on fuel when driven hard.

    I wouldn’t use it to commute as it isn’t worth it and not good for it if the oil or turbo isn’t getting up to temperature. I was thinking an induction kit to help it breath, new exhaust and possibly remap to get the best from what it has, other than that it would be purely cosmetic..

    I bloody love them tho.

    Any pics of yours?

    Free Member

    I’m not normally a fan of 29ers but that is very nice and ripe for upgrading.. Just wondering how daft it would look with the 16″ frame…

    Free Member

    That’s really nice.. What size did u get?

    Free Member

    So if u never saw the while game muppetwrangler how do you know it was a bit boring etc?

    When 2 players at the top of the game meet it is all about waiting for them to make a mistake and punishing them for it. Djokovic did it plenty during the game, Murray forced him into mistakes and played on the fact he had a 5 hour game on Friday, Djokovic looked heavy legged.

    I don’t think any sport is particularly interesting to watch, but as a once a year occasion Wimbledon has me and many others watching and hoping for a British champion, we have that now so lets be happy for him and stop the usual negative comments this country always seems to focus on after success.

    Free Member

    Nice one Binners..

    Thanks for that!

    Free Member

    Does it matter if he smiled (he did though).. He is payed to play tennis not smile at cameras, buy celebrity magazines if you want to see smiley faces.

    Free Member

    Maybe the fact it was 40 degrees in centre court? Or because he played a 5 hour semi final on Friday? He may have been carrying an injury.. The list goes on DanW.

    I seem to remember Murray missing some easy shots aswell.. Maybe he took a bribe to miss them?

    Ditch the tin foil hat and just be happy for the man!

    You would be gloating if he lost, so because he won its a conspiracy?

    You could see Djokovic was trying and getting angry at some of the calls.. Can’t we just celebrate British success? Why does there have to be a conspiracy? Just accept that Andy played the better Tennis on the day and wanted it more.

    Plus he donated his prize money to the cancer hospital his friend was treated in.. All round top bloke in my opinion.

    Free Member

    Really DanW? You don’t actually think that do you?

    Free Member

    Yeah I was hoping Murray would whack a ball at Salmond and shut him up.. Sadly no such luck!

    It’s a no for me…

    Free Member

    Happy now u lot? ; )

    Free Member

    Probably.. But who cares!

    Free Member

    Woop Woop…

    Champagne open… I knew he could do it!

    Great day for Bonnie Scotland….

    Free Member

    Nearly there…

    Come on Andy!!!!!

    Free Member

    I was there aswell, drove down Thursday evening and staying with the wife’s sister in Newark, weather has been absolutely superb, can’t believe the difference in temperature from Dundee to here!

    Yesterday was fantastic, the flying and static displays were really good. Battle of Britain memorial flight was thought provoking and immense to watch as always, the Lancaster is a huge lump of aircraft when seen from such close quarters, the Spitfire is simply gorgeous to watch and listen to, and I can see why they named it the Hurricane… It was covering the distance from one end of runway to the other at a good rate of knots.

    Vulcan never fails to impress.. End of!

    Great day and is come back again next year.

    Car temperature gauge said 33 degrees aswell.. 8O

    Free Member

    I miss my first proper mountain bike, a 1994/5 Trek 930, Trek Y22, my ST4 and the last Cotic Soul I sold earlier this year.. It was a perfect build in my opinion, weighed just under 25 lbs, looked stunning and rode superb. : (

    Free Member

    That’s proper nice is that..

    So nice i think u should sell it to me.. Just incase u ride it and scratch it.. Or get it dirty!

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