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  • Fox 36 Float Factory GRIP2 Review
  • 1981miked
    Free Member

    It’s just washing… Why does it need to dried more efficiently or analysed! If it’s dry outside.. Put it out. If it’s raining.. Don’t put it out. Simples innit!

    Some of the topics on here beggar belief at times.

    Free Member

    We’ll I’m not planning 100 mile epics, just more than steady laps of trail centres..

    Free Member

    No sadly not mate, I did spy the frame at freeborn.. Great deal. I priced up a build today and it was up around £2500.

    Just sold my Cotic Soul.. So much for “no expensive bikes anymore… No point as I don’t ride very much”..

    Free Member

    It’s a 26er bike I’m looking at, I do like to chuck my bikes about but I’m really looking to do more natural stuff and longer distance so thinking a slightly longer and more comparable top tube length would be better.

    Plus.. Ain’t she pretty..

    Anybody done business with this shop?

    Free Member

    Cheers for that,

    I have spied a nice Orange Bandit at bike swanky, it’s reduced, good spec and a medium…

    Oh so tempted! I’d be running it with a 70mm stem as I like to stretch out a bit.

    Free Member

    Double post .. Damn you I Pad!

    Free Member

    Bound to be a team or game near you Rusty Mac, British Elite league is years behind NHL and other bigger leagues but still a good introduction to the sport. Took the wife a few years back and she was amazed at the speed and the fact the refs allow the “enforcers” to slug it out on the ice, blow for blow until somebody falls..

    I prefer a game to flow but I play the game so maybe I’m talking from what I prefer and how I like a game to progress. A lot of people seem to think it’s an easy game to play for some reason, it’s an incredibly good leveller, as nobody really has a “natural talent”, everybody has to work very hard even to play at a mediocre level. I can’t imagine the
    hours I spent at the rink when I was younger, just practicing skating!

    Great sport to watch and even better to play, done wonders for my fitness… Not bad for a “pish” sport!

    Some of the hits you see are amazing, YouTube is your friend there, just search for best NHL hits..

    Free Member

    Daytime running lights that only illuminate the headlights.. The new Fiesta must have them as I have seen a few at night with no tail lights..

    Dash illuminating lights that illuminate during the day.. Because people then forget to put their lights on at night.

    Any why does nobody flash to indicate they have no lights on?????

    And while I’m on my soap box.. People driving round town at night with sidelights and front fog/driving lights on.. When did that become acceptable? Put ur bloody lights on properly!

    Low fuel warnings beeps that go off every x minutes.. I know ur low on fuel because I can read the fuel gauge, I have better things to do than dash off for fuel every time it gets below a quarter tank.. Plus I like a game of fuel light bingo! Makes the journey more exciting..

    Free Member

    Absolutely superb.. Well done sir. ; )

    Free Member

    I hope some of you or close to you never have a serious accident. Not a sympathetic bone in your body.

    Hi is a father, husband, son, brother etc.. There is a family willing him to pull through and show signs of recovery, knowing deep down that this probably won’t happen.

    Of course these accidents happen every day to every day people, but due to Michael being known worldwide this is news.. This is the way of it, sometimes it sucks, sometimes it’s a reality check. Whatever feelings and opinions you may have on him as man, competitor or the way he chose to ski off piste, the long and short of it is, he will more than likely spend the rest of his life being fed through a tube. Just imagine for a second it was somebody you knew.

    I knew a guy who fell off the the ladder of his Transit van while securing a load, banged his head and was knocked out, he was conscious and talking when the Ambulance arrived, they put him in a medically endured coma.. And he never regained consciousness… They switched the machine off after a week.

    Free Member

    Ha ha.. That’s cheered me up..

    The warm toilet seat picture is rather stomach churning!

    Free Member

    Those steel Kili’s are bloody lovely.. I couldn’t find one in a small when I was looking though.. : (

    Free Member

    That NFL Voice over is proper funny!

    Free Member

    That was never going to work..

    Not enough of a run up to get speed, looks like the front end of the bike looses traction as he makes the turn for the ramp aswell, I doubt it was high enough for the parachute to work properly anyway, if he had come down a ramp to gain momentum then hit a higher peaked ramp it may have worked.. But he didn’t.. So EPIC FAIL!

    What tyres for BASE jumping then?
    Should he run a double and bash or 1×9.. If 1×9 what does he need to do?
    Probably a stupid headset question….

    Free Member

    I still can’t get my head round people indicating right at roundabouts and going straight on!

    Also people’s failure to keep a uniform speed up.. And who do some drivers take it upon themselves to enforce 15-20mph speeds on safe roads with a limit of 30mph… You are not being a safe driver, your frustrating people and causing congestion!

    Free Member

    I’d be cancelling all plans and going to track it down if it was mine..

    Sorry for ur loss mate, hope u get it back. Got to be worth a few quid!

    Free Member

    I’ll be selling a 50mm Thomson stem as of Saturday. I prefer a 70mm stem, so 50mm is up for sale. Email me at mikedonald@hotmaildotcom for more info.


    Free Member

    Not very PC NW-alps-jeyer-aka-boz-2

    Or very nice for that matter!

    Good on Andy, well deserved in my opinion.

    Free Member

    That’s terrible news mate, so sorry and sad that a wee pup has succumbed to a terrible illness. To loose one family pet is bad enough but 2 in such a short time!

    Proper bad.. Made worse by the time of year.

    Sending man hugs.. I agree 2013 can bugger off!!’ Fed up of it.

    Free Member


    I remember the first purple parts on GT Zaskar’s etc, I lusted after them!

    Don’t think it would look so good against Orange though : (

    Time to get the Soul raw and clear laquer?

    Free Member

    Thanks for the info lads, I know it may well end in tears and will work out the same as buying a new frame but I’m struggling to talk myself out of it..

    I had a Kona very early on in my mountain bike history and loved it, however I also had a Trek Y22 and as good as it felt and looked at the time I’m sure it would ride like a burst mattress now!

    It would always be at the back of my mind that it’s a 20 year old frame and whilst I’m not harsh on bikes I definitely don’t trundle down the rough stuff, I tend to hop the bike over the bigger obstacles aswell. Maybe I’ll just have to cough up for another Soul or a short travel full suss!

    I’ll ponder over the weekend, thanks again folks.

    Free Member

    What tyres if you feel like he is a liar..

    Him who what does send thems products for review by you, I would say that at end of of day he would not a liar be seeming to be.

    Hope that helps.

    Free Member

    Thanks friends,

    Think I’m just after something a bit different.. Nothing catching my eye really.

    I had an Orange ST4 a few years back which I liked, but Orange bike appear to be gold plated.. According to second hand prices anyway!

    Been eyeing up a Pipedream Scion, I want steel again if I’m having a hardtail.

    Free Member

    Had 3 souls and lovely as they are I really fancy a change..

    Back to the drawing board maybe!

    Free Member

    Nissan Sunny GTi-R, plenty jap imports but very few UK spec cars.

    Anything by Ssangyong.. Awful cars
    Chrysler PT Cruiser.. Why would u even consider one
    Chrysler Neon
    Vauxhall Cavalier MK2 convertible
    Vauxhall Belmont SRi

    Free Member

    Cheers so far, I’ll look him up.

    Share where Houston?

    Free Member

    More annoying than Mr Chris Hyperactive Evans.. And his team of silly named bafoons?

    Jeremy Vine.. Never has a man deserved a kick in the kegs on a daily basis more than him! And his band of middle class, interfering, do gooder, poncy, blinkered shit bags should be mocked and ridiculed at every opportunity… I’m being very polite and reserved here!

    Grrrr…. I just listen to local radio now, can’t stand BBC radio stations.

    Free Member

    If I “brought” that magazine at a shop would I learn that it is BOUGHT… You BOUGHT that magazine!

    Free Member

    RIP Mr Mandela..

    One of the first times I actually took notice of the news was his release from prison, a true inspiration.

    Sleep well.

    Free Member

    I’m trying to resist another orange one but that price is to good to miss.. I did fancy a short travel full sis but I’d easy pay twice that price for a decent frame.

    Free Member

    Thanks for all the input guys, I was riding Cotic Soul’s for the last 2 or 3 years which I really liked. I’d have one again but just fancy a change, I had an Orange St4 which I liked so though I’d go down the short travel route again.. Better on the back aswell.

    Always liked the look of them and they are at a more acceptable price now IMO.

    Free Member

    I’m not much shorter than you then mate, I’m about 5ft 5/6.. How is the top tube clearance?

    Free Member

    Yeah I ride fast but I’m not harsh on bikes, I tend to hop over things rather than ride through things.. If that makes sense..

    It’s a nice looking bike aswell, I’m considering getting the SL4 now as I’d probably want to upgrade some of the parts..

    Free Member

    How did u find the sizing?

    Free Member

    Cheers mate, I’m not a fan of fox forks myself so that May get swapped out for an X Fusion velvet fork. Had one on my last bike and loved it.

    Cheers for the reply.

    Free Member

    Oohhhh I likey.. Want!

    Free Member

    Nope.. Can’t stand the snow. Makes the roads a dangerous place to be and my job a lot harder than it needs to be.

    Pretty to look at mind u, I don’t have the luxury of “snow days”, I have to get in and get on whatever the weather.

    Had some yesterday up past Tyndrum and out towards Bonawe near Oban. I don’t like winter in general, motivation goes as the cold effects my back where I had 3 operations, lots of scar tissue and feel the chill on it, it seizes up aswell, the knees hate it aswell and ache all the time, the fingers get paper cut type thugs on the ends and under the nails aswell.. Bad times! I’m just a miserable sod in winter.. Except Christmas Day.. Woohoo!

    Free Member

    I need a retro Kona in my life.. Wish I hadn’t sold my 2003 Nunu…

    Back to scouring eBay for one.

    Free Member

    Any experience or trades?
    If not you will find it very hard, I tried for months and got nowhere…

    Go online and search for drilling companies, get your cv and a covering letter sorted and register with them, email or send in the post.

    And do your homework, it won’t happen on its own.. Good luck.

    Free Member

    So sorry for you and your family mate..

    We got a rescue cat in August and she is a great addition to put house. I’d be gutted if anything happened to her.

    My brothers Staffie (Bullet) had to be put to sleep last year, he was in Germany with work when he went rapidly downhill.. We all went over to say bye to him, he was so tired and didn’t know what was going on. He managed to hang on until my brother got home though.

    Best natured dog I have ever known, friendly, docile, playful, attentive, funny and always up for a cuddle. Never once growled or snapped at any of the kids who used to play with him and undoubtedly wind him up.

    Rest in peace Bullet… Sadly missed.

    My thoughts are with u and ur family at this sad time.. Made worse by the fact your working away! Take care.

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