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  • 1981miked
    Free Member

    That Merlin is amazing value..

    Jacob: whilst research and considering many bikes is always a good thing I think you need to stop looking at so many different bike and bike types, it is easy to get carried away and forget what you were looking for in the process, I think your budget has doubled since your original post?

    Chucking more money at a bike purchase does not always get a “better” bike, yes it will have better spec, better frame etc but it may not be what is best for what you want the bike for. A winter bike is something that will be used and abused and no doubt put back in the shed without a proper clean, I would not be dropping £2k on a winter commuter, it is a lot of cash for a bike that will get a hard life. I have been where you are and taken a few days to consider my options and stopped looking into it, it lets you put things into perspective and think what you really need.

    At the end of the day you are asking a load of strangers to spend up to £2k on a bike YOU have to ride and live with. Go and see the bikes you like then sleep on it and decide what one will suit your needs.

    Hope you don’t think I’m being an arse by saying this but you may end up splashing a load of cash needlessly, when a £300 Merlin or £1000 2014 model will be more than enough bike for your requirements.

    Every day there are new bikes for people to critique and pass comment on, but you seem no closer to making a decision.

    Good luck with your search mate.

    Free Member

    Is your chainset grey? That looks soooo bad compared to the black! ; )

    You will be 0.25 seconds quicker on your commute to work with the upgrades mate!!

    Honestly though, Itlooks even better in the metal. I’m really struggling to not click buy it on a 2014 Kona Jake.

    Had a few Kona’s over the years and all have ridden superbly.

    Jacob46.. Thats the mate I referred to in a previous reply to your post about the CX bike choice. Go but one mate, cracking bike.

    Now get racing Mr Petrie!

    Free Member

    This arrived for me today.

    It’s mental bright for £19… Won’t be able to test it properly for a while due to injury but still glad I purchased it.

    Free Member

    Anodised black is boring.. I want bright colours! All my biking gear is dark colours, I’m fed up of it. Currently adding colour to my riding apparel!

    Free Member

    Nice bike, but not a fan of white.

    Free Member

    Cheers Jamie, wouldn’t show up on my phone. That is a cracking spec for the cash, it will be December before I’ll be riding again anyway due to injury.

    Hmmm.. Off to count my pennies!

    Free Member

    That looks really nice, no details on spec though. I had a Cube road bike which was very nice to ride and well built. Cube bikes look good value for money.

    Nice in the red aswell.. No help to your ongoing conundrum but I’d have it over our other choices, but then I like shiny bright bikes. I went with my mate go pick up his 2015 Kona Jake the Snake yesterday from Evans and I was very impressed with the quality of the bike. Looks much better in the metal than the pics.

    I’m considering the 2014 Kona Jake, looks good value for money now they are reduced.

    Free Member

    Yeah I loved the Y22’s but they appear to me made of carbon fibre equal on strength to a crisp.

    Landed a jump at the local BMX track and the front end went a different way to the rest of the bike, the other was during a race on a downhill section, came round the corner and down a 1.5 foot drop straight into a tree.. I was apparently riding to quick for the section and overshot the corner. The other just cracked at the seat tube when out riding. Trek rep eventually offered me a nice hardtail instead.

    The ATX incident happened when out mucking about and jumping some stairs.. When the Giant rep asked what happened.. “I was just riding it normally down a hill and it blew and cracked”..

    Not sure he believed me.. The perks of working in a bike shop many years ago!

    Free Member

    Not for many a moon.

    Did break 3 Trek Y22’s, 2 at the headtube and 1 and the seatpost sleeve, also blew the rear shock and cracked the shock mount on a Giant ATX1 DH years ago.

    Im less rad to the power of sick now tho, perhaps I ride lighter now and skip over or round the real rough stuff to maintain speed!

    Free Member

    They are very good value for money, I’m in the market for a CX bike as a treat to myself when I’m ready to ride again after ACL surgery.

    Was looking to build one up myself though as a wee project to keep me busy and motivated. I shall be keeping an eye out for the Akrose frame and fork price.

    Current favourite is the Planet X London road frameset at £300, so hopefully it will be of simaliar price.

    Free Member

    I’m considering that Planet X aswell Jacob. Good spec for the price, I’ll be building my own tho. They do it in silver aswell which is much nicer.

    Im struggling to find better vfm.

    Free Member

    We visited in May this year and thoroughly enjoyed it. Nice people, nice country and nice weather.The local buses are the best way to get about the island at only £1.30 for a day pass, the bus tours are also worth doing as you can hop on and hop off as much as you like which is ideal as you can cover a lot of ground in one day and see loads of stuff.

    Valetta is lovely with lots to see and do, the knights hospital, War Museum, Malta experience and the Lascaris war rooms are all worth a visit and all in the same area of the city.

    We also visited the aviation museum which was good. Mdina and the silent city are very good with a lovely coffee shop in the walls of the city, you sit on top of the castle walls and can see as far as Valetta, up to Bugibba and beyond on a good clear day (excellent cakes aswell).

    Boat trip to Gozo and the Blue lagoon was very good aswell, food and beers was excellent and all included.

    All in all id recommend Malta (local beer is Cisk and is very nice), i would also definitely go back as there is so much we didn’t get to see. When you get out of the airport and into the streets you will wonder what the f### you have come into as it looks old fashioned and almost run down in some places, however once you get exploring you realise it is clean and and the history, people and weather more than make up for it.

    We stayed up near St Pauls bay which was nice and more touristy than we were used to but it was very nice all the same and easy to avoid the crowds.

    Free Member

    I went bolt through rear on my Cotic Soul build. Just got a superstar 10mm through adaptor QR thingy. Not really sure if It make a difference but makes the wheels easier to get in and out as you just put the axle through the hub.

    Looks good in Orange aswell.

    Free Member

    Ah business as usual I see for the middle class, over opinionated morons! Little England will be a happier place again now the muck can continue to fly North of the border.

    There is no “victim complex” here, just a country of people fed up of being lied to. It would appear there is a “superior complex” present in some of you spouting your stereotypical anti Scottish statements.

    Oh and it’s Scotsman.. Not Scotchman. You may think it makes to look amusing and controversial, in actual fact it makes to look like a complete bellend!

    Back to these “handouts” some of you have discussed for Scotland, because we contribute nothing to Westminster… Ever!

    I assume none of you spouting the drivel will be heading north to enjoy anything out country has to offer anytime soon. Seeing as how you can’t stand us by the pish being typed on your keyboards.. Excellent! More room for us and more empty hills to ride up around and down.

    Back to work now children, would hate to think the country would grind to a halt without your expertise and input.

    Free Member

    Correct Woody!

    Free Member

    I never said no anti English.. I said that none of the people I spoke to have the anti English reason to vote no. I’m sure it exists on both sides of the border. Just seems to more prevelant on this particular website at the minute.

    Free Member

    Well said CeeBug..

    The amount of hateful bile vomitted out by some members on this forum is disgusting. Almost like they are trying to provoke a reaction and start an argument.. However this seems to be more frequent on this forum these days!

    Once a great source of info and light banter has turned into lots of people with to much to say for themselves, and won’t hear anybody else’s opinion (apart from their sparring partners). They tend to gang up like litte school bullies and overload the thread with “insightful” opinion. Which actually means they walk the thin line of “banter” and down right racism, sexism, elitism and other potentially offensive insight.. Oh and a fair amount of middle class guff.

    I can honestly say that not once have I spoken to anybody voting YES just because they hate the English. I don’t have an issue with our southern neighbours, if anything it seems a lot of English people have this so called “chip” you talk of places firmly on both shoulders.

    But they do say bullies prey on people/things they are jealous of, or are trying to cover up insecurities in their own personal lives.

    I do hope we can drop all the bullshit and go back to talking bikes etc. I’m sick of reading your racist and hateful posts.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Good stuff anagallis_arvensis, hope u get home same day like me. I had my whole leg numbed so felt little pain until the next day. Making up for it now though, especially at nights. Throbs when I’m on my feet for more than 15 minutes. On the plus side the exercises are getting easier to of and I can now lift my leg. Make sure and use bother cold and hot pads to help the swelling, it made a massive difference to me.

    A bit more stable on the crutches now aswell and I can hobble short distances with just the one, I wouldn’t recommend attempting to go without them as I have no strength in the knee and it just wants to give if I even try, I read some people get off them in a few days.. I won’t be trying it that’s for sure. Bruising is showing up now and still very tight.

    Finding it hard to just accept I can do **** all but enjoying the lazing about for a change. X Box will be getting big useage this week.

    Keep us posted mate.

    Free Member

    I just want it done and dusted so people stop the childish sniping and “witty” remarks coming from both sides! I’m bored of it. I fear a lot of fellow Scots will vote YES just because they feel it is the right thing to do because they are patriotic…

    If that is your rational then please don’t bother, vote either way because of what it means to you and what you feel will be beneficial to you, your family and your future. Don’t just vote yes because your anti English.. Are we still in the 14th Century here?

    Vote for what matters to you, but make the vote count.

    On the other side.. Some people south of the border seem to be taking great delight in bating, sniping and generally using it as an excuse to be confrontational.. And throw all the usual stereotypes our way. If this is your attitude is it any wonder some people will vote yes just to get away from this childish and idiotic behaviour?

    I’d like it if we stuck to facts and stopped behaving like the very halfwits who have put us in this position. Let’s leave the bullshit to the politicians.. We are all capable of behaving in a reasonable manner and debating without the jibes are we not?

    Free Member

    Thanks for all the encouraging words guys. I’m in Dundee, my surgeon was Dave Nicoll, who I was very impressed with before and after surgery. He didn’t seem overly keen on doing the surgery at the consultation but I insisted it was what I wanted.

    I’m not giving up Ice Hockey at 33, he said the success rate is 90%, but there was 100% chance I wouldn’t be playing hockey at the level I wanted if I didn’t get it done. Plus anything more than 25 miles on the bike and it was locking out, getting weak and swelling. I couldn’t do anything with it as it just used to swell and get very tired!

    Been icing it and using a hot water bottle on it, I had ice under the knee and heat on top last night which really helped it. Just so frustrating having to rely on people to do stuff for u. I can’t really put any weight on it for a pro longed period.. May have over done it yesterday! Surgeon said it was a bit on the tight side.. I can safely say he was right! Tight as a camels arse in a sand storm!

    As for the crutches, I don’t want to think about not using them, Early days mind you. Need to get the missus to help me do the exercises as I can’t lift the leg, and I can’t straighten it and “push” the knee into the bed, I can do the movement but can’t hold it. I’m a lorry driver but luckily (or unluckily) the boss let me work in the office when I first did it. I’m going back into the office until it heals properly.

    Symptoms wise.. I was playing in the Scottish Cup (which we won by the way) and I had my legs swiped by my opposite number, then got a few hits on the knee and shoved against the goal.. He was bullying me : (

    Then in the 30 seconds we were 2 – 0 up and I was on chasing the puck down in their zone, I went to bank to the right and my knee just gave out and dislocated, went down like a ton of bricks and couldn’t get up. Had to get it popped back in on the ice.. Was helped off the ice and as soon as the leg pads came off.. It started swelling immediately. Tried to put weight on it but couldn’t. I never went to A&E until next day, they thought I’d fractured my knee cap at first. Let the swelling go down and had it X Rayed, nothing broken, then they thought it was my Medial Collateral Ligament, the MRI showed a complete rupture of ACL and possible cartlidge damage!

    So waited for surgery, knee was unstable and nearly popped out last time I rode at Glen Livet.. Even though it was heavily strapped. They said my left knee is on it’s way out aswell and I’m on borrowed time with the ligaments, so have have to look forward to aswell. Marvellous.

    Sorry for long post, just wanted to answer all the posts.

    Free Member

    Cheers mate. My doctor was the team medic for Paisley Pirates Ice Hockey team so I’m in good hands. He is putting me in touch the the Team GB winter Olympic physio.. Happy days!

    Free Member

    Yeah one of the exercises is tightening ur hamstring to push ur knee into the bed.. Can’t do that either! I’m sure the feeling will come back. Feels sore when elevated, sore lying flat and throbs when on crutches. Can’t get comfy with it.

    Free Member

    I’m only 33 and intend to go back to hockey, running and cycling. I had no stability in the knee and would just pop out walking about. Thought about leaving it but knew id regret it. They did it all keyhole so not messy, very invasive tho. Used a Hamstring ligament so should knit and bond ok, if not them it gets done again.. If that graft fails then it’s new knee time!!

    Get it done tho mate.

    Free Member

    As said before mate, cracking pics of J Dog! He is going to be a regular on our rides as he gets older.. Then one day we will refuse to go as he will be far to quick for us old boys. He would enjoy Glenlivet as well I think! Roll on next trip.

    Free Member

    “Mork & Mindy: In Mork We Trust (#1.21)” (1979)

    Orson: The report, Mork.

    Mork: This week I discovered a terrible disease called loneliness.

    Orson: Do many people on Earth suffer from this disease?

    Mork: Oh yes sir, and how they suffer. One man I know suffers so much he has to take a medication called bourbon, even that doesn’t help very much because then he can hear paint dry.

    Orson: Does bed rest help?

    Mork: No because I’ve heard that sleeping alone is part of the problem. You see, Orson, loneliness is a disease of the spirit. People who have it think that no one cares about them.

    Orson: Do you have any idea why?

    Mork: Yes sir you can count on me. You see, when children are young, they’re told not to talk to strangers. When they go to school, they’re told not to talk to the person next to them. Finally when they’re very old, they’re told not to talk to themselves, who’s left?

    Orson: Are you saying Earthlings make each other lonely?

    Mork: No sir I’m saying just the opposite. They make themeslves lonely, they’re so busy looking out for number one that there’s not enough room for two.

    Orson: It’s too bad everybody down there can’t get together and find a cure.

    Mork: Here’s the paradox sir because if they did get together, they wouldn’t need one.

    Free Member

    Possibly sinful aardvark

    Free Member

    No I couldn’t find the links unfortunately.. Try raking in a drawer at home or robbing some scrap paper from work. I think I may have even seen paper stacked up and bound together in a “notepad” (I think the shop assistant called it that) for sale in shops.

    Free Member

    I used a thing called a pen and something called paper.. Worked for me.

    Free Member

    Yeah I should be there. Sounds good.

    Free Member

    Yeah I’d be up for this if the pace is relaxed. Currently have a suspected torn medial collateral ligament so knee not the strongest. Waiting for an MRI scan, managed 20 odd miles a couple of weeks ago but it was on road. I will keep my eye on this thread.

    Free Member

    LBS said it would 2 weeks wait time… Been looking at alternative ways to fit headset, Just don’t want to cross thread BB.

    Need to cut a steerer aswell, star fungled nut or head doctor?

    Free Member

    Nobody then? : (

    Free Member


    Dundee area.

    Free Member

    Wow.. That’s a whopper of a hit! He will have felt that the next day.
    I took a bit of a battering last weekend playing ice hockey but nothing like that.. I did end up with a dislocated knee though.. Typical as I have just ordered stuff to build a bike!

    Free Member

    Thanks for the info guys. I’ll see how it is over the next 48 hours and go from there. I’m happy the Ligaments are ok, the possible fracture is concerning but I’m sure id be inker pain if this was the case.. The dislocation is a worry as I already have a shoulder with a tendency to dislocate.. It’s another hockey injury!

    I’ll phone the GP tomorrow anyway and ask to be referred to the trauma clinic…

    Free Member

    Yeah I was hoping for slightly better news but ligaments are a bigger pain in the ass to heal than a fracture or a dislocation I would have thought..

    Free Member

    Right knee gate update.. Went to A&E as advised by by NHS 24, ligaments ok, cartildge damaged and knee dislocated, possible fracture but need swelling to go down before we will know for sure.. That’s summer pretty much written off then! : (

    Could be worse tho as a friend was airlifted off Glentress yesterday..

    Free Member

    Nah it’s just a Recce team.. We don’t even have team water bottles let alone a physio.. I’ll be making a call to NHS 24 shortly.

    Free Member

    Hmmm.. This sounds exactly what I need… Not! Just ordered loads of bits for a new build aswell, and bought new running shoes!

    I’ll phone NHS 24 and see what they say, my GP surgery a a total nightmare for appointments. Didn’t sleep very well with it, it’s throbbing and very tight.

    Thanks for the info folks, useful as always.

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