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  • The First Women’s Red Bull Rampage Is Underway
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    I used to be more bothered about it, but these days, I just let it happen. There are words that sound and work better. I prefer trash to rubbish and bin to trash can. Mrs.10 has just had to adapt to my hybrid style. Which is an unspoken battle I seem to have won!

    Full Member

    Are you in the US?

    Yes. I try to remember to use English spelling and words when I post here, but I sometimes forget.

    Full Member

    I did in one direction but couldn’t be arsed in the other. They were fine. Alaska Air to BC for reference.

    edit to say I’d still take them off on the way to a biking vacation, though, just avoid having issues at the start.

    Full Member

    Ant and Dec?

    Car crash TV.

    Full Member

    The roofers I knew 20 years ago were all banging plenty of sniff. And the plumbers, chips and sparks.

    What a time to be alive! Wish I was 20 again.

    Yeah, me too.

    Full Member

    It’s been done so many times that it’s almost a cliche to be avoided.

    But have they made one starring Dwayne Johnson?

    Full Member

    This is good just for the Tango and Cash reference and Trump is a scab.

    Full Member

    Usual Colorado winter for me. I’ll work at Breck, so I’ll mostly ski the Epic Pass mountains.

    Full Member

    Stonehenge – the Barratts of stone circles. Generic building materials from wherever and a standardised layout, all built in some vague manner….

    Open plan layout with great views. Ample parking.

    Full Member

    I’d take that any day over “on top of the bin.”

    Or the recycling bin! I don’t understand it, though; it gets moved into the bin at certain points during the day. It’s like she doesn’t want to commit to throwing it in the trash just then.

    Full Member

    Teaspoons should of course be kept in a beaker

    Not that beaker!

    Full Member

    Id love to know the story of why our ancestors felt the need to do this

    They can take our stones, but they’ll never take our freedom.

    Full Member

    Trash gets pilled up on the kitchen counter next to the bin, even when the bin has space in it. It’s worse than a teabag replica of the Leaning Tower.

    Full Member

    I guess even his fans are getting bored of hearing the same shit. He’s trotting out the same attacks on Harris as on Biden—nearly word for word. It’s the Old Boy remake no one asked for, and no one except the most loyal of MAGA **** wants. He’s also been flying around in Epstein’s plane, which is a great look for the Q (remember them?) weirdos who thought he would smash some international ring of child smugglers.

    Full Member

    I’d never had Millionaires’ Shortbread until I went on holiday to Scotland. The first place I had it was a cafe near the Great Glen Way north of Fort Augustus. I really liked it. After that, I started to see it in a few places in Kent, but it was never as good. I guess you are always chasing that first, best buzz.

    Full Member

    If you haven’t seen or heard the Trump interview with Musk, here is Brian Tyler Cohen’s take.

    Full Member

    Damn RNP! Please remind me to stay on your good side!

    Full Member

    Ask for an ear at the very least

    For this level of heinous crime I believe the seller should provide this on a neckless. For the inconvenience.

    Full Member

     I tried Vegemite for the first time relatively recently and was disappointed, perhaps it’s a case of “what you’re used to”?

    My old boss went out of his way to get Vegemite just so he could tell people it’s better than Marmite. It isn’t and he’s a dickhead. As a result I’m fully in on Marmite. Bovil is Satan’s urea.

    Full Member

    Well, I pulled the trigger on the Tone X one. It seems like it would be a good option for my existing distortion pedal and give me what I need with an overwhelming number of amp options to program in!

    Full Member

    Well done for getting out there @Ro5ey what did you play in your set?

    Full Member

    This is why I like TSA Pre-check. I can keep my cheap-as-shit Casio watch and my shoes on with impunity.

    Full Member

    every monday morning, getting worse with every step towards my computer.

    Yep, I could have written a lot of this. And for the OP I’ve been diagnosed with depression and anxiety and my symptoms have been similar to yours. I think my trigger is just being at home these days.

    To offer advice, anti anxiety meds can help. I find consistent exercise a real benefit, and notice when I don’t exercise. When my symptoms get worse I find the motivation to exercise decreases and I often can’t get going again for a while. And I’ll experience pretty much what you’re describing. I have had an EKG etc. and the chest pain doesn’t appear to be from my heart.

    Full Member

    Gillingham. For the gold clowns innit

    Full Member

    Edit. Nevermind may not be allowed

    Full Member

    I’ve been using a Braun Ser 3 when not using my artisan Damascus steel DE razor blades, unicorn horn holder, and ethically sourced Badger Tadger hair brush. It’s okay for about a day or so of growth. But after that, it’s a bit shit. But it is less irritating on my skin, and it is pretty good at cutting the hair short. If you tend to go for a day or so between shaves or it grows fast, you may want to look for something with a better, longer hair trimmer.

    Full Member

    Pre-tipping. As in, you order a coffee and pay, and it asks you to tip before the coffee is made or given to you. I don’t know if the coffee or the service is good yet. All you’ve done is enter my order on the screen. It’s a fee to stop someone **** up your coffee on purpose. IMO

    Full Member

    Bunch of savages in this town.

    I’m not supposed to be here today.

    Full Member

    I’m considering buying an amp modeler pedal so I can travel more easily to and from prospective practices. Does anyone have any recommendations?

    The Nu-X Amp Acadamy looks like a lot for the money but seems to have longevity issues. Strymon seems like a good option, but it is rather pricey and slightly limited in features. Boss IR-2 maybe?

    Full Member

    I think there are two things at play here. Traditional media has figured out how to report on Trump: They highlight the bad things he says and does and report the other stuff like he’s a regular guy. But they also don’t try to maintain the balance similarly. They’re not looking for something negative (except Fox) to say about Kamala. I’ve seen that she’s getting mostly positive reporting in the current news cycle.

    The other is that Trump is somewhat hoised by his own media-baiting petard. The typically short attention span of people these days with news used to work in his favor. Now it’s just “oh, look, Trump said something stupid again.” He’s old news, so to speak. In 2016, he was a fresh idea to drain the swamp of established political dynasties. Now he’s just some old rambling orange man, who shits his pants, can’t remember who he’s talking about, and keeps shouting at clouds. And the guy that’s supposed to be helping him is off getting carnal with the sexy-looking sofa at American Furniture Warehouse.

    Full Member

    All they did with Hillary was yell about emails and Benghazi. He can’t do that with Harris, so now he’s got ‘but she’s black’ as his only real option. As always, Jon Stewart did a good bit about the rep’s confusion and shit.

    Full Member

    Well, apparently Kamala Harris has just turned black. More racist bollocks from Trump. Who has always identified as a nutty shit covered in melted red Leicester.

    Full Member

    My in-laws had a rescue that absolutely loved me. They used to call me her boyfriend. She would growl and bark at my wife if she hugged me. But was fine with her any other time. Mind you, she **** hated cyclists. The dog, not my wife.

    Full Member

    Oh yeah, top drawer. Like you, I can not move from an area and yet have somehow, by magic, found a tool on a ladder rung across the garage. I don’t know how. I have a messy mind, though. I’m always just putting things down where I am, not returning them to their actual home.

    Full Member

    I reckon it will eventually stabilise it’s self.

    This is probably correct. As more people buy electric cars, the charging points will become (more of) an issue. There’s almost certainly going to be too great a shortfall for the number of people wanting to charge their cars. ebiking a reasonable journey will probably become something more people do. <crosses fingers>

    Full Member

    Alternatively, my dad was a ****. He also had a beard and hair. Makes you think.

    Full Member

    There are so many good ones already mentioned.

    I like the Mission Impossible movies for some solid, brain-in-neutral stupidity.

    Dredd because it’s awesome.

    Pretty much any Michael Bay movie has some great sound system-challenging effects. But the actual films…..

    Like DrP I’ve watched Nobody loads of times. It’s great.

    Full Member

    how much is the fight for voters really about personality and how much about policy? The view we get from the media is probably pretty skewed.

    For the politically focused there’s a lot more than just the Presidential race happening. State elections, House of Representatives and Senate elections will also be happening. Along with judicial votes for state judges.

    But for a massive part of the US population it’s going to be Trump vs the liberal left. For example, the mil is not politically focused. She’s listening to some shitty RW radio station in her car and believes some ridiculous things that we have to explain are wrong to her.

    How the voters get information is going to effect their interest. My ballot is huge. There’s a lot to vote for on it. And it takes effort to research the candidates outside of the President.

    Full Member

    Tennessee Republican files articles of impeachment against Harris

    It’s like a badge of stupidity honor for these Reps. “I’ve filed articles of impeachment. Love me Donald, like the sons you, oh” I can smell his desperate neediness from here.

    Full Member

    Sadly, latest poll shows she’ll lose to Trump by a smaller margin than Biden

    Well, thank **** for that. The polls show someone who has literally just started campaigning behind someone who has been campaigning for 2 years. Obviously, polls at this stage are perfectly accurate 3 months into the future. Infact we should just ditch the **** election and give Trump a crown and a nuclear football shaped like a Fleshlight. Jesus wept, she’s not even the official nominee yet.

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