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    They seem to think it will be better for them and the economy.

    Even though there is vast amounts of evidence to the contrary, I can’t understand this: Trump voters think they will gain under Trump. But they won’t unless they’re earning in the top 5%.

    Full Member

    I want to think the polling companies know what a cock up they made in 2016 by showing Clinton with a strong lead. And are now very conservative in assessing Harris’ chances. As posted above, I see far fewer Trump signs and stickers and far more Harris signs and stickers, even in Texas and Arizona. I’ve completed my ballot, which will be in the box tomorrow!

    Full Member

    What to do?

    Put up a Christmas tree and fill yer boots with the sweet Christmas food.

    Full Member

    I didn’t actually put in the link. What a numpty.

    Full Member

    He’s thinking he’ll use YouTube and/or apps which is fine.

    This dude is pretty good. It’s relaxing to have him in the background while I’m working. I haven’t watched all his videos, but he seems to be recommended a lot elsewhere—and probably here if I failed to notice. But in-person learning with a tutor he connects with will be a great start.

    Full Member

    Ink loss from my fountain pen. I don’t know why it affects the Parker more than other fountain pens, but without fail, I have to refill the Parker more than I use it. Thinking it’s evaporation, I’ve tried keeping the pen sealed in Tupperware, but the ink still vanishes. At this point, I assume it’s aliens.

    Full Member

    I grew up in Loose in Kent, it’s definitely pronounced /luːz/

    I understand this reference! I lived in Tovil, mispronounced “toe ville” by TVS news.

    Full Member

    I know, I know, I’m basically an axe murderer.

    It’s like an orange on a toothpick.

    Full Member

    License plate surrounds—especially ones with something at the top and bottom. Oh, and anything that compares children to pets or tells me the driver believes in sky fairies. Get ****.

    Full Member

    I haven’t watched it yet. But I can categorically tell you that the new US version of HIGNFY is going to be shite. And if it isn’t, I’ll still refuse to walk back this opinion. Whoever is the US version of Paul Merton will never be as great as Paul Merton.

    Full Member

    I really do feel sorry for the normal people in the US. When you sit back and take a long hard look at the situation, you just end up at how? How is that man running for office, let alone POTUS?

    I do, often. My family says things like, “Trump is good for farmers,” while ignoring the fact that his trade war with China nearly killed soybean exports when he was in office. The farm in question? A soybean farm. They can’t fact-check a single thing. Even when the Cheeto nearly destroyed their livelihood, they still think he’s a great businessman.

    Full Member

    its difficult not to fear the worst about what’s going to happen in November

    Full Member

    I am due to arrive in phoenix Arizona on November 5th for about a week.Arizona is a swing state so do you think it will be fun or scary. I thought I might do as it happens reporting live for stw news.

    You’ll be fine. The cities are less wild than rural areas. There are a good number of Dems in Phoenix. You’ll probably see a few trucks with Trump flags on them. But not as many as in previous elections. Apocraphally.

    Full Member

    The state and I never found Debbie.

    I have never had an anti-climactic drive on a road in Texas.

    Full Member


    New Pumpkins album?

    3 feet high and rising?

    Full Member

    I’ve been recovering from a virus (again) at the start. So, just some light football practice on days 1 and 3. And some mild grooving at a gig on day 2. I’m feeling nearly better now; thanks for asking ;)

    Full Member

    Maybe I will have another go with something a bit easier.

    The clue helped me. But it wasn’t obvious. BTW I miss the Silver Jews. David Berman’s passing was a great loss for us all.

    Full Member


    This is also kind of obscure. But I’d say a pretty well-known American indie band. You definitely know that one song they did, ;) May have to exclude myself from this as it seems this was an EP rather than a album. I blame Amazon.

    Full Member

    Regarding my one on page 3, this clue may give it away too easy, but no one seems to be getting it, so it might be too obscure.

    One of the members of this band was also in a slightly more well known group whose name is the UK version of sidewalk

    Silver Jews – American Water

    Full Member

    I keep thinking this, then not posting about it because I’m not sure whether I’ve already posted it or not.

    TBH I’m not entirely sure whether I’ve posted this before, either.

    Getting old sucks! I suspect a big part of this was my mental wobble a few years ago. It seems to have impacted my short-term memory, which is both good and bad.

    Full Member

    Don’t feel bad… or even disproportionately cross about it, you’re eleventy-first person to post something similar on this thread.

    If it’s not on this page, I may have forgotten I read it. I probably posted the same thing 60 pages ago!

    Full Member

    Heard a suggestion somewhere(might have been here) but the best way to get the AR-15 banned or discontinued is to make it the No1 gun for African Americans to own.

    The NRA supports gun control when, well, racism.

    Full Member

    I keep experiencing something that makes me disproportionately cross, and I think, “I must add it here”. Then I forget. Forgetting things that make me DC is making me DC.

    Also, this anecdote is shit.

    Full Member

    Full Member

    So what systems/ software do people use to function at work (or home).

      At a previous job, we used to track certain team projects and share ideas. I struggled with organisation, but I found it okay. You can add post notes and shit to things. It has pre-built Kanban boards, if that’s helpful. Mostly, we would chuck in ideas and images and shit to help with the flow of the task. I was creating training courses if that helps with understanding the context.

    Full Member

    That is very upsetting. I can’t imagine how those parents feel. Using the death of a child for low-rent political gain is nothing more than I expect from these ****.

    Full Member

    Last week, there was a dusting above 11000 ft. It was a little later than average. Luckily, the front range temperatures have remained in the 80s and 90s.

    Full Member

    It really was an incredible achievement.

    Or was it? <di di do do di di do do>

    Full Member

    CNN has a preliminary fact check at 33-1. I’ll let you guess who is 33 lies.

    I was a little disappointed that the mods did not stop his bullshit. But he just made himself look even more insane so, good I guess. Harris didn’t do as well as I hoped but better than I feared. At least she managed to get some policy plans out there. And didn’t cite Fox as reputable sources of info on fact checking!

    Full Member

    I’m sorry to hear you’re having a hard time. It really is very upsetting to hear the struggles you’ve had as a result of this incident. I hope at the very least you’re able to get some good closure from the legal side.

    Full Member

    When Mini 10 was a toddler, he and Mrs.10 were driving somewhere. Someone darted across behind her as Mrs.10 backed out of the drive, and she had to jam on her brakes. In response to this, Mini 10 said, “**** People”.  It’s a proud dad moment!

    Full Member

    Ulysses 31 and The Mysterious Cities of Gold.

    This. These were easily my favourites. I have no idea what happened in them. But I do remember a massive gold condor.

    Edit Cheers Dick that’ll give me something to watch with Mini 10 tonight.

    Full Member

    Unless it’s one of those govt contractors in the movies. Without a past.

    Full Member

    I’m assuming you have the frozen sausages already. Is this going to be one of these posts where it turns out it’s a pet dog? Or Israel? Or Starmer?


    This is going to be about the government/NHS I reckon.

    Oh yeah, this.

    Full Member

    North Korea’s leading cricket umpire finds joy in the new atomic wedgie punishment for bowling a no ball.

    Full Member

    Fretted string instruments. Guitar, bass, Ukulele etc. I have 0 interest in woodwind instruments. I may get an electronic drumset for mini. 10 and I to **** about with.  I can whistle.

    Full Member

    People who send a full company emails highlighting an ‘issue’ that is a thinly veiled dig at one person. “In the future can we ALL make sure we include XYZ when we’re doing this?”

    Full Member

    You have made a lot of reasonable and well explained points. I genuinely agree with most of what you’re saying. I would like to continue discussing this as I think there’s merit for some people who may read this thread.

    I did make an attempt at writing some of my thoughts out but I have COVID and my brain is just not focusing enough to actually do this important topic justice. I just want to add that sometimes people end up using because factors in their life lead them to it. And while they know that there are people suffering because of it, it’s difficult to see a way out.

    Full Member

    Of course with booze there is also harm caused to people around the user, domestic violence etc. But neither have the gang crime, violence, linked human and sex trafficking and general misery throughout the supply chain that cocaine does.


    The US govt has, at best, turned a blind eye and, at worst, actively supported and profited from drug production in Central and South America. Is your average manual labouring 20-year-old buying some sniff is the problem?

    I understand and support the conversation here that drug production leads to misery, but I think if people want to make an impact, they’ll have to do something more than patronise people who used drugs in their youth. (edited to clarify it’s a broad statement not aimed at anyone in particular)

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