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  • Fresh Goods Friday 695 – The Enduro Beckoning Edition
  • 0091paddy
    Free Member

    Are you Formula one drivers? Rider ability accounts for a lot more than 'grippy' tyres!

    Free Member

    Whey, all is well. have quoted me with 12months cover at £60 less than I'm paying now, with the AA, also includes breakdown cover throughout the policy period.

    SHABBA. Bye Bye Zurich. 😀

    Free Member

    Cheers guys, rang Zurich and they will be wanting £200 more, due to inflation.

    Not tried Confused yet so will give them a go.

    Swift Cover won't touch me with a barge pole..

    Free Member

    So insurance being £600 more than 12 months before is acceptable? Bolleaux.

    If this is the same accross the UK, insurance companies must be taking £billions.

    Free Member

    You'll be fine, if I can do pretty well in them, anyone can! May I ask of your future plans? Sixth form/college etc, may be able to offer a bit of advice you see.

    Best of luck, just watch countless clips on youtube/youporn( :wink:) until you feel the urge to sleep!


    Free Member

    Makes the weirdo's have something 'different' "hey look at me"

    Free Member

    or, in the time trial area.

    I've never done one before, but 30seconds through and off would sound about right, depends on the circuit though.

    If it has some hills, and either one of you is stronger on the climbs, have the weaker rider ride the hill at the front.

    Free Member

    An X5 with 700hp:

    I'm not a fan, but boy check the vid!

    Free Member

    The road is full of liabilities, so why not add another!

    Free Member

    "why the **** am I doing a Triathlon!, **** this, I'm taking up a real sport" is hopefully what he said..

    Free Member

    Gather a few mates, wait around in a parked car at night, near to where you think they live? When you see the git, confront him.

    Best of luck, but that is what I'd do. It's clearly a rare piece of kit, and sticks out like a sore thumb, so devote a fair bit of time to hunting them down.

    Free Member

    Good idea for the race bike as previous 'race blades' are shite. I'll be keeping the trusty SKS chromoplastics on the winter bike though. If it aint broke..

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Tesco have their hand in everything, they undercut and rip off farmers and land owners, put small businesses out of work, and cause countless other problems, and the adverts with out of work actors are highly annoying. But they made over a £billion last year IIRC, so they're really not bothered.

    We still all shop there at times though.

    Free Member

    Watched both the videos on here, and they're both shocking.

    Boils my blood to see people still texting or on the phone at the wheel.

    I went to the same school as these two, terrible event:

    Free Member

    Thanks for the input people. I have previously worked with two individuals who work in countryside management sector, one guy does large scale forestry contracts, so planting/spraying/pruning/mowing throughout the UK, and he has put work my way before, but this was local work at the time, and some of these contracts can be near enough anywhere in the UK.

    The second guy I did some work with manages a large estate in Staffordshire, and he does all forms of maintenance to do with running the estate. Due to my previous college commitments I no longer work with him, and he's taken on someone else on a part time basis.

    I had an interview a few months ago with the forestry commission, for a voluntary role working along side the head forester, unfortunately I didn't get the position.

    Those two previous roles, confirmed that I would rather get involved with the sectors I mentioned rather that conservation type work, as well as following my own personal interests.


    Free Member

    Nice new ride!

    Free Member

    What's all this about being proud? You were born here, you didn't choose to live here.

    That's like me being proud of having brown hair, despite the fact I was born with brown hair.

    Always confuses me.. :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    haha, I just did a *lol*

    Free Member

    @ tankslapper – so you're saying cats don't serve a purpose, what about the companionship they can bring to some people? As for serving a purpose.. *slips in to your character* if a dog isn't a rescue dog/drugs dog/sheep dog/police dog etc, whats the point in having it?

    Free Member

    duntmatter, have a look here spec and pictures

    Free Member

    Trying to go back on topic. If I buy a cat, in the full knowledge that it will kill wild birds, yet derive pleasure from owning it, and I am no less cruel from deriving pleasure by dispatching the birds myself. I can see by owning a cat I would endanger local wildlife

    Hahaha, what utter toss. God knows where you've learnt any of that.

    Free Member

    Spot on.

    Free Member

    Bit of ridic car porn:

    Hamann Volcano

    Hamann Victory

    Weineck Cobra (The most powerful car ever made)

    Mansory Conquistador

    Ferrari 559 GTB Project Kahn Edition

    That new 458 is very nice though! 8)

    Free Member

    They'd look terrible..

    Free Member

    Zokes is a Pigeon Fancier with Ailurophobia?

    Anyone who says 'dark side' should be shot?

    Free Member

    If you are wishing to have a discussion about food chains, I could continue, but I'm off out riding in a tick so I'll not bother, me saying that was merely an obvious fact that you already know.

    OK kick the cat, remove it's tail, do as you wish. After that's over and next doors kid kicks his football over continually, what you going to do to him?

    Cats can only be litter tray trained.

    Free Member

    I've read everything on this thread!

    I can only know what I know from what I've seen,heard and read, if a disc brakes advantages could outway the redevelopment and redesign costs of a bike, then why aren't they all over bikes that aren't intended for competition use? Audax bikes/touring bikes/sportive bikes/ etc. I know that some touring bikes have them, and the advantage there is greater modulation and power given the extra kilos carried, but that isn't the question here.

    Creating a solution for a problem that doesn't exist springs to mind in this instance.

    Free Member

    So from my perspective as an armchair expert, I can conclude that all road frames are now strong enough to withstand disk brake use, hence why so many manufacturers are now producing road bikes with disc brakes.

    Oh wait.

    Free Member

    Kick it in the head then zokes, I'm sure that way you'll alter it's mindset so it thinks "oh, better not poo here, that nasty man will kick me"..

    Seeing as some users on this thread are scared of having a cat come into their garden, try doing something about it, put in a motion activated sprinkler, so that way whenever the cat comes into your garden, it'll get a a soaking and run off, failing that plant some Plectranthus caninus, which is a minty weed that cats don't like, that in turn will keep a cat at bay.

    Cats are also domesticated, so the idea that they terrorise the local bird population is one we'll just have to get used to, cats eat birds, birds eat worms, and so on.

    Free Member

    I love it when people say "cats always shit in the middle of my garden"..doesn't happen. Cats will always try and cover up their doings, it's a well known fact.

    Must have been some macho hard man, or new age hippy who owned the snake anyway, it's cruel to keep such a creature in captivity, which is essentially is. (being in a glass tank most of the time)

    Hope no ones pets come into my garden, I've got a 13ft Alligator.


    Free Member

    The ballast which are sometimes added, make up the couple of hundred grams that a bike could be under, it's not like they're adding a kilo to a bike that weighs 5.8kg.

    As for the weight of the top-10 riders bikes, I'd agree with that they're all going to be use as light a bike as possible. But then that opens up the can of worms of power/weight/watts Vs weight of a bike argument, which some hsay the weight of the bike makes next to no difference, so in theory a top rider could ride a 25lb steel bike, and still be up in the GC…yeah. 😐

    Free Member

    6.8kg is the set limit so that the bikes can withstand the rigures of racing, going any lighter will compromise strength and the safety of the riders, which is of course paramount. If you've ever picked a bike up weighing 6.8kg, you'll soon realise it's very light. Most of the riders bikes are usually around 7.0kg+ anyway.

    Discs brakes aren't used because the injuries resulting from their use would be pretty serious, eg: fingers comming off (160 rider peloton bar to bar, tyre to tyre). The majority of the bikes wouldn't be able to withstand the force either. That and the fact they aren't needed..

    Ciao 😉

    Free Member

    I nod/wave at all cyclists, most times they respond. If not they'll be hearing some rather nice words come out of my mouth "Miserable *insert own expletive*

    Guy I know used to turn round and ask people why they didn't reply. 😆

    Free Member

    Suns out, therfore you don't need one 🙂

    Free Member

    njee, typical response. Do you realise that not all Halfords employ monkeys to put the bikes together?

    OP – Front wheel will be off and tied with the handlebars around the frame. A box will contain the pedals/reflectors/and in some cases the front brake caliper. The seat post will be seperate as well. The bike should only take about 10mins to wack together, but allow about another 45mins to get everything tight and to allow any re-adjusting of gears

    Free Member

    It's if you've used them in the past, but haven't had any purchases for a few weeks/months. An incentive to get you back.

    Free Member

    Aldi luxury Suisse stuff, and I've tried just about every other type, including the likes of Waitrose finest.. :mrgreen:

    Free Member

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