Home Forums Bike Forum You don’t need MIPS….

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  • You don’t need MIPS….
  • Daffy
    Full Member

    Kask’s argument has always been that to include MIPS means they have to compromise design and comfort whilst adding weight and cost, thus making it a poorer experience all round for a lot of customer.

    To all the baldies – it’s as much about scalp movement as hair movement. The initial rotational impact is lessened by the fact that the scalp slides over the skull first and gradually tensions – the tests as they are used today for MIPS are essentially a rubber head where the force of impact moves directly from the helmet to the skull with no energy dissipation.

    Full Member

    I guess the argument therefore is that you don’t need MIPS for a helmet to have some degree of efficacy, but still nobody can categorically say there are zero benefits from MIPS for mitigating rotational injuries so it’s all still a bit ‘meh’ really.

    I still think fit and comfort (and to some extent cost) take precedence, you’re less likely to take a tumble in the first place if you’re not cooking your brain or have a lump poking into the side of your noggin.
    So MIPS isn’t something I would go out of my way to have, others will want to hedge their bets which is fine I suppose.

    Plus I have plenty of hair and from looking at my Dad I don’t think baldness is on the cards any time soon so nature has gifted me a consistent shear layer anyway 😉

    Full Member

    Had a Giro Hex helmet (no MIPS) that got put to the test about 6 months ago with an OTB. Did the job no sign of concussion all good. Replaced it with another Giro but this one came with MIPS. Wasn’t an active choice on my part but was a good deal at CRC.

    Can’t say that I notice it moving or making a noise, plus it’s more comfortable than the older helmet, but I guess that’s just improvements in the RocLoc fitting.

    So in summary I wouldn’t let the presence or absence of MIPS sway my helmet choice. But if it’s there I’m not complaining.

    Free Member

    MIPS isn’t much extra cost, so why wouldn’t you buy it?

    Much extra cost being what?
    My last 8 open face helmets cost 6x£10 and 2X£12.50

    Full Member

    MIPS isn’t much extra cost, so why wouldn’t you buy it?

    I think there are a couple of other types that work similar to MIPS.

    Because MIPS systems seem to be very shoddily made for the 40 GBP on-cost. I am not against it per se, but I have also worked in marketing for a good deal of my life. Someone with be telling folks they don’t need gravel bikes or 35mm bars and stems next.

    They are introducing MIPS into motorcycle helmets in Europe. And then there is the on cost.

    Free Member


    Someone with be telling folks they don’t need gravel bikes or 35mm bars and stems next.

    Phew…. but how about Rev Grips and those suspension bar thingy’s… don’t we need those?


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