Home Forums Chat Forum Who on Earth do I vote for?

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  • Who on Earth do I vote for?
  • brian2
    Free Member

    Assume I’ve just landed from IO and have a mission to integrate into UK society. The time is approaching to cast a vote for leaders of a society who will take the country forward in an ethical, empathetic and prosperous- for- all manner. With no experience of the historic tribalism or bias or dogma of the past…who should get my vote?

    No intention of starting yet another partisan politics thread BTW. I’d really like to know, and why?

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    Whoosh! Assume I’ve already come from a volcanic inhospitable moon, I’m really looking for some help here.

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    No intention of starting yet another partisan politics thread BTW. I’d really like to know, and why?

    My God, think of the children.

    Full Member

    None of the above. 

    Free Member

    In a way I suppose I am thinking of the children (not the ones on here). How does a relatively unbiased coming-of-age person make a choice?

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    Full Member

    Ideally, probably the Greens.

    Pragmatically, anyone but a Tory

    Full Member

    First step is to discover which party has the best chance of removing the sitting Tory MP in your constituency.

    Second step is to put aside any notion of your preferred party and vote for the one best equipped to deliver step 1.

    Third step is to congratulate yourself on having helped to remove the most toxic brand of politics seen in the UK in a lifetime and worry about the party now in power later.

    Free Member

    Moon of Jupiter. Bit inhospitable, but I’m on a mission, humour me.

    Free Member

    Its probably simpler than ever before to explain to someone from the moon.

    Either you vote to oppress other people that are already suffering in the hope you’ll get one over on them…or you vote for any of the other parties.

    Free Member

    Monster raving loony party are probably the pic of the bunch

    Free Member

    Ideologically, yes, probably the Greens. Pragmatically, are they capable of governance?

    Free Member

    Who to vote for?  Good question.

    The current lot of “transactional leaders” are really not fitting into any situation domestically or globally at all.

    I might not vote at all because they are all out to get my wallet and to make my life difficult.

    The ball is in your court, vote as you like.

    Vote for the Left, right, centre and etc … no difference.

    Free Member

    I’ve just landed from IO and have a mission to integrate into UK society

    You’re not eligible to vote.

    Full Member

    First step is to discover which party has the best chance of removing the sitting Tory MP in your constituency.

    Second step is to put aside any notion of your preferred party and vote for the one best equipped to deliver step 1.


    I might not vote at all because they are all out to get my wallet and to make my life difficult.

    Yeah, that’ll show ’em!

    Free Member

    Oh for God’s sake…I was given proper ID when they sent me here. Do you think they’re stupid on IO??

    Full Member

    You’re not eligible to vote.

    more than that, you arrived ‘illegally’ and as such are not welcome so will be immediately* deported to Rwanda.

    *well, not immediately, but youll be put in a. Detention centre for several months whilst we try to circumvent the law to deport you. Then when that fails, you’ll go back in the detention centre for an as yet undecided amount of time. But on the plus side, you’ll have lots of time to research who to vote for.

    Free Member

    Yeah, that’ll show ’em!

    LOL! Really, I rather not get stress up myself for trying to choose any of them tbh.

    Vote for Starmer? I feel that he is rather clueless in terms of running the country.

    Vote for Tories? They are already in the hole dug by Boris the clown.

    Vote for Lib Dem? Are they really real people?

    Vote for Green? Only when the world population has been reduced by 3/4 and we start from scratch again.

    Vote for other micro party? They are just for a good laugh.

    Full Member

    Here you go.


    You’re welcome.

    Full Member

    My own politics have shifted greenwards as I’ve aged, but realistically it’s TORIES OUT so whichever party, to the left of them, that makes them lose their seat.
    And welcome, good to know your papers are in order, I presume you tipped customs handsomely on the way in 😀

    And what tyres for IO?

    Full Member

    @chewkw I appreciate your negativity about all politicians and have a great deal of sympathy for that view which is why my post was basically get rid of the toxicity we have at the moment and worry about the next lot once we have got them in. Doing nothing is getting us nowhere.

    Full Member

    I’ve just landed from IO and have a mission to integrate into UK society

    So given the entire planet to choose from, why did you pick this stupid little island dominated by bigots?

    Plus don’t forget you’ll need ID to vote, if you get caught trying to cast a vote illegally and they work out you’re not local the Home secretary will have you on a flight to Rwanda before you know it*

    (* Well held indefinitely in a detention centre while she uses you as a culture war propaganda tool)

    Full Member

    @roger_mellie  Those figures are chastening.

    Free Member

    Doing nothing is getting us nowhere.

    I would give Starmer a chance but he really blew it recently with his stance (we know what that is but that is not for this thread). As a person with his background in law, he doesn’t even know how to convey the message appropriately resulting in several resignation.

    Now, my view is that we are might or we going to have a hug parliament or some form of minority govt.

    I would also give Tory a chance provided they are not going to make my life harder.

    It’s a tough decision.

    Free Member

    In an ideal world, voting for who benefits you the most might be understandable…and even in the recent past that’s how it was. 

    Now though, I’d put my own interests way down the list as the current government are screwing the entire country and everyone in it for their own self-interest. 

    Full Member

    You know it makes sense!…

    Full Member

    I would also give Tory a chance provided they are not going to make my life harder.

    Now though, I’d put my own interests way down the list as the current government are screwing the entire country and everyone in it for their own self-interest. 

    I align with the second. Looking after society as a whole is in all our interests.

    Full Member

    I have the same issue.  MY seat is a labour / SNP fight.  SNP candidate is a known liar as she lied to me personally.  Labour candidate last time was an ex councillor  who is complicit in the statutory notice scandal where they tried to charge me over £150 000 for repairs to my building they had no right to make.  Greens in 3rd but I am rather fed up with them nationally wasting so much of their political capital on non core stuff.  Scotland wide the labour party are rubbish anyway and have done nothing but try to wreck things for years at Holyrood and I cannot vote for a brexiteer party under any circumstances as they are at Westminster.  LIb dems are nowhere and anyway have still got the liar Carmichael in their camp
    With no chance of the tories getting my seat then I don’t even need to hold my nose and vote anti tory.

    So flip knows who I will vote for.

    Full Member

    I would also give Tory a chance provided they are not going to make my life harder.

    It’s a tough decision.

    It sort of feels like they’ve had all their chances now, and they seldom promise to make your life worse do they.

    It isn’t really a tough decision.

    Free Member

    Tyres for IO? Metzeler Karoo Street. Proven on Mt Etna.

    So UK politics seems to be populated by self serving individuals, that much is apparent. Also by people without many qualifications to lead, organise or inspire. So how do they get to be in such positions? Who exactly puts them there? Everybody else? Would anyone with a decent set of values even want to enter the arena, or have the slightest hope of improving things? 

    Free Member

    Easy, Lib dem
    Can’t vote Tories as they are vile
    Can’t vote labour because Brexit and Palestine.

    So I’ll be voting LD and the Tories will get in again :-(

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    Steve Bruce 

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    ”None of the above”

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    Will you or anyone you love/ ever need the following:

    The NHS
    Social care
    Help whilst unemployed/ ill
    A care home
    The Police
    A dentist
    A school
    A nursery

    Basically all the institutions (that list isn’t exhaustive) that bind society together.

    Live long enough and you’ll likely need all of the above at some point in your life or someone you care about will.

    Be selfish, vote for all the above to be better… or even simply exist in a few years.

    You can be selfish *and* socially responsible as everyone benefits from a cohesive caring society.

    There is only one mainstream party actively trying to divide and undermine this country and it’s people. Vote for the candidate most likely to keep them out in your area.

    Not all politicians are the same, that’s a Tory narrative and it suits them just fine for people to believe that.

    Free Member

    There’s always the nightmare scenario of living in a constituency where ukip/reform/brexit, whatever they call themselves now, have a real chance of defeating the tory candidate into second place. Would you overturn a lifetime of never voting tory to keep out a worse representative for your town?

    TJ that is a ghastly scenario, I feel your abject disillusionment brother.

    Full Member

    My heart was with Labour for years.  Last couple years and going forward, for the sake of my children, if possible I am going to vote green.

    Next election we need to get Raab out so it’s LD’s here.  Elmbridge was last not Tory in 1904 I think.  Almost did it last go

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    Remember to vote for Farage to ingest as much pangolin anus as possible on I’m a Celeb.

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