Home Forums Chat Forum which classic computer game(s) would you like remade for today?

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  • which classic computer game(s) would you like remade for today?
  • jackthedog
    Free Member

    As said above, a lot of old games don’t much translate to the modern world. Desert Strike was one of my Megadrive favourites, but it was an isometric game that recreated today would seem laughably restricted. Hence it would be released as a regular flight sim, and not be unique like it once was.

    Road Rash however, as mentioned in the first and many many subsequent posts was my first thought when I saw the thread. That would be simply epic. Super bikes racing round city environments, illegal racing with weapons, how awesome.

    In fact I’m going to start queuing outside the game shop now

    Full Member

    Plus another, for me anyway, a modern day version of Dungeon Master

    Here you go.


    Did you play Quazatron?

    I did. It was a decent enough, and they did well in writing something which played to the Speccy’s strengths (ie, a direct port would probably have been dire). Always preferred Paradroid though.

    Full Member

    Plenty of mindless shooting

    Free Member

    Qix and Beach head on the Atari.
    Arnie on the C64.
    Classic game I can’t remember on the Amiga jumping around roof tops killing people.
    Killer Instinct on the SNES.

    Free Member

    I used to love the games on the old Neo-Geo arcade machines…have you seen the Analogue Interactive walnut consoles? They play the arcade MVS cartridges, way cheaper than the AES home versions…shame the console isn’t cheap though!

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    Free Member

    Cannon Fodder has been shamelessly ripped off onto ios as Tiny Troopers – a quick play on a mate’s ipad suggests they’ve done a good job. Missing the intro music though…

    Free Member

    Meta Galatic Llamas battle at the edge of time


    come to think of it anything wriiten by Jeff minter and Llama software 😀

    Free Member

    Anyone mentioned Exile yet?

    Best BBC game EVAR!1 bloody kids nowadays have no idea

    And Repton, Chuckie Egg, Joust, and pretty much everything else from the late 80’s 😀

    [edit] p.s. Starship command. I think my mondeo has better graphics TBH

    Free Member

    Sensible Soccer

    Full Member

    Hell’s teeth, Shadowfire!

    Free Member

    I loved Star Control on the Megadrive.

    Free Member

    Contact Sam Cruise
    Dino Dini’s Kick Off 2
    Airbourne Ranger
    California Games
    Eddie Kidd’s Jump Challenge
    Another World

    Free Member

    Man alive! Exile! Bloody hell I’d forgotten all about that game… It was awesome sauce…

    I remember the robots being hard as nails. Tricky game for an 8 yr old 😀

    Would a remake be worth it? It was good for the time, but now?

    Free Member

    not forgetting Impossible Mission

    Free Member

    Jesus! Jeff Minter. Is that hippy still alive???

    Free Member

    California games

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    Free Member

    rick dangerous!!!

    although superseeded by tomb raider i suppose

    Full Member

    ChrisL – no offence but you strike me more as being the type of kid who’d rarely leave his bedroom rather than hanging around arcades.

    I did play in the arcade at Aberdeen beach a little, but mostly I played on my C64, or friends’ Spectrums. R-Type was converted to them but at the time the arcade original was to me just an unbelievably amazing looking thing I only saw in magazines.

    Cougar – I totally understand why games back then were so biased to repetition and pattern learning, I just thought that my post was going on a bit and so decided not to mention it. 🙂

    X-Com/UFO was an evolution of games such as Laser Squad and Lords of Chaos so it’s already been demonstrated once that the core concept can evolve beyond the initial hardware it was implemented on. Turn-based gaming might be an increasingly small market niche, though, and a late 90s sequel to X-Com suggests that it isn’t a format that can be made real-time easily.

    Free Member

    Got to be, the definite collection:

    Cosmic Causeway
    Last Ninja
    Buggy Boy
    Daley Thompsons Decathlon
    California games
    Ghosts and Goblins
    Ikari Warriors
    and the game that you could play when loading where you paint squares

    I need to get my C64 back, PS3 beater anyday

    Free Member

    not forgetting Impossible Mission

    Loved that game on the C64 – was amazed at the characters fluid running and jumping and the game even spoke to you in that evil electronic voice!

    Full Member

    Cougar by the gods that grimrock game looks awesome (i love the eye of the beholder games).
    unfortunately my pc isn’t powerful enough to run it,and i don’t have a credit card to order it online 🙁 GAH!

    Full Member

    I’ve a couple of mates playing Grimrock, it’s supposed to be awesome. In the Steam sale currently, you’ve got 6 hours to pick it up for under a fiver.

    Is that hippy still alive?

    Mostly involved in iDevice development these days.

    Interesting trivia fact, the visualisation thing on the Xbox 360 music player is a Minter outing, it’s the evolution of the old Colourspace / Trip-a-Tron “light synthesiser” outings.

    Free Member


    Well I used to play First Encounters which is a great advancement over the original version – proper graphics and you can change ships. Looks like you can get it here:


    Full Member

    Beyond The Forbidden Forest.

    It’s not exactly a looker nor did it have any replay value, but it was so tense and atmospheric and all the more impressive for looking so crude.

    Full Member

    Well I used to play First Encounters which is a great advancement over the original version – proper graphics and you can change ships. Looks like you can get it here:

    And renowned for being the most bug filled game of all time.

    Free Member

    for an updated version of elite, check out oolite[/url]

    Free Member

    a remake of doom 2 would be immense!

    Free Member

    And renowned for being the most bug filled game of all time.

    Yeah but there was a patch at some point that fixed things – I never had any problems when I played it and yeah it was what pretty great in Elite terms. On missions fun to choose between a massive trading ship stuffed with the biggest lasers and shields but poor manoeuvrability or a light weight fighter that couldn’t carry much fire power or many shields but was very difficult to hit.

    Full Member

    Oh wait First Encounters was the 3rd in the series I meant Frontier.

    Full Member

    Ghouls and Ghosts was amazing fun when I was a kid, I loved it.

    Are there any emulators that I can use to play it again and relive being 12?

    Full Member

    Oh wait First Encounters was the 3rd in the series I meant Frontier.

    IIRC they were both buggy, but Encounters was worse.

    Full Member

    Shadowrun (SNES)

    ooh – thanks Cougar!
    I’m already worried by the clean hyper realism though. I guess it’s inevitable, but I liked the dirty and sparse look of the original.

    Full Member

    I backed their Kickstarter. Never played the SNES game, but used to play (and later GM) the pen & paper RPG forever ago.

    Free Member

    non should be re-made they should be locked away and remembered for what they were 😉

    i did download the orginal syphon filter the other night form the PS Store, funny as hell seeing the chunky graphics and terrible contorl system, but i thad me hooked and thats what it was all about. i know its not that old but its mentla to see how far gaming has come, in a weird way games these days are almost too perfect…

    speedball would be a good remake

    Free Member

    Excuse the thread reserection just seen that an 80’s classic I think we missed has been remade and is due release this month: Carrier Command.

    I always got hammered by the red carrier but kept coming back to it, will have to checkout the reviews of the remake Carrier Comand: Gaea Mission.

    Free Member

    Perhaps not as old as some of the others being suggested but a classic nonetheless. This was Rare when they made awesome games.

    Free Member

    Does anyone remember ‘Planets’.
    It was a turn based space strategy game, where everyone completed their moves and sent the disc to someone to ‘run’ the turn, or you’d all go to someone’s house to do it.
    Quite compelling considering how basic it was.

    Free Member

    You can get SpeedBall2 on the iphone. It’s way too easy after a while though.

    The one I’d love to see remade, with a GTA type game engine, is Skooldaze / Bak 2 Skool

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