Home Forums Chat Forum which classic computer game(s) would you like remade for today?

  • This topic has 129 replies, 87 voices, and was last updated 12 years ago by Drac.
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  • which classic computer game(s) would you like remade for today?
  • Drac
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    And I was just mentioning it for the poor who can’t afford iPads.

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    Shadowrun (SNES)
    But they would probably ruin it.

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    System Shock

    I was going to suggest X-Com, but that’s already been remade and is about to come out. Looks very good too.

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    spy vs spy
    freespace 2

    Full Member

    TLL!! Man, good call.

    Freespace 2 is an interesting one. When Volition went breasts uppermost, their parting shot was to release the source code to the public. So there’s still an active hobbyist dev community for it.

    If you want to play it, there’s an Open Installer which adds updated graphics, modern PC support, and a host of third party stuff. it’s very, very good.

    Free Member

    cheers cougar, loved FS2 🙂

    Full Member

    You and me both.

    I long for a modern game of that ilk. How good would a multiplayer FS2 / iWar type game be? Either team / squadron-based (like CoD et al online), or something like an MMO elite even? Missions like WoW’s raids maybe.

    I tried EVE a while back as it seemed too perfect to be true. Sadly, it was. The trading side was well done, but the combat was dry and dull (and you can’t invert the Y-axis which is just dense in a flying game).

    Full Member

    This thread makes me want to bring out my mega drive from hiding. It may well happen 🙂

    I have got Chuckie Egg on my PC, and my kids love it too!!!!

    When are they bringing out the next oddworld game with abe and munch? Surely its long overdue

    Free Member

    Yes Elite – months of my teens lost to inter-planetary drug and weapons dealing.

    Was a very special game.

    Full Member

    fantastic choices everyone 😀 i forgot to add space hulk to the list (both the original and the 3do/ps1 versions were great games,if hard as nails).oh and heroquest i would have to add also 🙂

    Free Member

    Chuckie egg was brilliant on the spectrum but absolutely rubbish on anything else.

    Full Member

    When are they bringing out the next oddworld game with abe and munch? Surely its long overdue

    Rumoured next year.

    Full Member

    Excellent, hope they do.

    Free Member

    Xenon 2, whizzkid, shadow of the beast 2, super cars 2, lotus esprit turbo challenge and…… Days of thunder (it’d have to be a shocking as the original though)

    Free Member

    Centipede but would have to have the ball controller.

    Free Member

    Not as old as some but I’d love to see this with updated graphics.

    Free Member

    Willard , when you say X-com, do you mean UFO – Enemy Unknown? I know it was released under a couple of different names and on the underdogs site you can download the original, but whats the craic with a new version?

    Free Member

    super smash tv
    oh and properly good version of sudden strike please! 🙂 SS3 was so promising and yet so disappointing.

    Free Member

    To name but a few I loved over the years: a remake of any would be ace

    Elite (hours and hours lost to that game)
    Jet Set Willy
    California Games(played to death on my mates Atari Lynx, the surfing was ace, even better when the shark got ya)
    DiscWorld (but please keep Eric Idle as Rincewind)
    AH64 Attack Helicopter
    Bomberman (4 player SNES multitap tastic!!!)
    Daley Thomson’s Decathlon (nothing destroyed Joysticks quicker)

    Full Member

    Yes, the UFO – Enemy Unknown series. The new version is the same sort of thing with similar gameplay and goals, but with graphics brought up to date.

    I had a look for details and the wikipedia entry is here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XCOM:_Enemy_Unknown

    One of the trailers is here:

    Free Member

    Lords of midnight & the sequel doomdarks revenge. Played and played on my zx spectrum

    Free Member

    Thanks Willard, I’ll keep my eyes open for that!

    Free Member

    Oceans Head over Heals, 3d platform game
    Or the batman one that was similar style, Movie was another 3d platform puzzler
    Gift of the gods all on zx spectrum

    Bomber man is great on the playstation played over network with 7 other strangers
    If they reproduced Daley Thompson it would have to come with a controller you could take to pieces so you could push the contacts together inside and get a sub 9 second 100m time 😉

    Full Member

    I reckon that a lot of these games, especially the 8 bit games, would either be unrecognisable or feel terribly limited if they were remade.

    As an example, when I got my xBox 360 I downloaded an updated version of R-Type from Arcade. In the late 80s it was the pinnacle of sideways scrolling shoot ’em ups. The xBox version had polished graphics but retained the original gameplay. And it was pretty disappointing. The gameplay relied far too much on learning the attack patterns of each enemy wave and was obviously oriented around repeating each level over and over. It felt really, well, dated.

    That said, I think that a new Paradroid could be made, substantially different from the original (e.g., in 3D, possessing a real plot) but still feel related to the original. There’s more in the original concept that can be retained in a new game than there could in Uridium (its scrolling shoot ’em up sequel, mentioned by the OP I think).

    I’d also like to see an FPS that taps into the spirit of the original doom. Frantic action, huge numbers of enemies attacking at once, lots of guns. Too many FPSes today attempt pseudo-realism, annoying sneaky missions, needing to reload guns, ordering squadmates about, etc., rather than just frantic shooting action.

    Full Member

    The gameplay relied far too much on learning the attack patterns of each enemy wave and was obviously oriented around repeating each level over and over.

    It always did. Cynically, it’s a great way of ensuring that the 10p’s keep getting fed in. You get a little bit further each time before crashing and burning.

    I think that a new Paradroid could be made

    I could get behind that. As a Spectrum owner, Paradroid was one of the very few games that made me want a C64. There’s been a PC remake or two, but not the ‘reboot’ you suggest. Could be interesting I reckon.

    Free Member

    Some of the c64 games mention (Last Ninja, Bangkok Knights, Cali Games, Whizball, etc) would definately be on the list.

    I really liked Platoon for the C64 as well and think this could be ripe for a re-make. ‘nam, maze-like jungle warfare, first-person tunnel combat, traps, etc, etc.

    Does anyone remember Head over Heels for the C64?? I distinctly remember a puzzle/maze type game with possible two charcaters to control. A cat and a dog maybe.

    Full Member

    Yeah, it was almost as good as the original Spectrum version (-:

    IIRC, Head Over Heels on the Amstrad was a brilliant version. There’s a PC remake kicking about too.

    Free Member

    Cougar’s right, the skill in old arcade machines was in learning those paterns so you could complete the game and start again.. in the early 80s I spent afar too much time hanging around inside (and outside 😉 ) arcades, there were quite a few games I could complete multuiple times and that one 10p would last an hour and a half easily. You could learn the reels on puggys too and make a pretty decent living out of your winnings (until caught)

    ChrisL – no offence but you strike me more as being the type of kid who’d rarely leave his bedroom rather than hanging around arcades.

    Full Member

    Harrier attack, Shonobi, R type (done well) & Stunt Car Racer (tie in with Gymkahna etc maybe?) for me

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    Hah, even in the nerdy “Let’s remake old games” thread GW still has to be the most gnar :mrgreen:

    Not sure what the point would be of remaking a lot of the old ones- Dizzy, etc- the hardware never held them back at all, in fact it kinda made them what they were. All a remake would be, is prettier, but does it matter? It’d be like making a higher resolution crossword. Just fire up an emulator and play the original. You might find it’s rubbish now you have a full sized brain and a bit more expectation.

    Bank Panic is still genius though.

    Free Member

    xwing, or for the geeks xwing vs tie fighter.

    Ok, so not an 8bit title but I still think it as “classic” and these days “old”. Still maybe that is me that is old, rather than the game.

    They did a new syndicate last year, but as is unfortunately often the case, made an arse of it.

    Xcom looks great. October for that. Take’s me back to laser squad.

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    Chase HQ:

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    Anyone mentioned Exile yet?

    Had it on the Amiga. Brilliant game. Very atmospheric.

    Free Member

    Another vote for Elite, not that I was any good at it, remember the day it crashed on me and my credits for some reason rose from a few thousands to millions of millions!

    Happy days

    Plus another, for me anyway, a modern day version of Dungeon Master

    One of the only games I ever completed 😉

    Free Member

    Has no-one netioned Robotron yet?
    Gotta be the best shoot em up ever, no repetition, lots of fast action. No good with buttons though, you need two joysticks (I have one on an old PC built into an big arcade console in my garage, brilliant, just like playing the early 80’s original!)

    Asteroids was pretty good as well

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    Inspired by this thread, I’ve just been here:

    and here:

    Full Member

    I could get behind that. As a Spectrum owner, Paradroid was one of the very few games that made me want a C64. There’s been a PC remake or two, but not the ‘reboot’ you suggest. Could be interesting I reckon.

    Did you play Quazatron? Was pretty much Paradroid, but (arguably) better.

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