Home Forums Chat Forum When did you last write a cheque?

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  • When did you last write a cheque?
  • franksinatra
    Full Member

    I was doing some admin earlier and found my cheque book, talk about blast form the past! The stub suggests I last wrote a cheque in Feb 2015, to pay football club membership for my lad.

    Writing a cheque always felt slightly grand, made me feel richer than I was/am.

    Does anyone still use cheques on a regular basis?

    Full Member

    Haven’t even seen one since 2005

    Full Member

    Absolutely no idea but probably over 10 years ago, I can’t even recall when I last owed a chequebook.

    Full Member

    About a month ago, to test some changes to how cheques appear on your statement…

    Full Member

    Can’t remember. I know the last one I paid in would’ve been from an insurance company, cos they were the weirdos that stuck with cheques later than most other businesses. Just to annoy us I think.

    Full Member

    Still used a quite a bit in business and with local societies.

    Personally, not written one for over a decade.

    Full Member

    I still keep my prize possession together on my desk with my Jim’ll’Fix it badge

    Full Member

    We still receive the odd cheque from DVLA when selling car or elderly relatives for kids birthdays. Luckily mobile banking app allows for them to be scanned in which makes life easier.

    Free Member

    Not written, but deposited a cheque last month, days before its six month unofficial deadline.

    Full Member

    No idea, I think I still have a cheque book somewhere though….

    Full Member

    I cashed a cheque recently, that was a stunningly easy experience just using the banking app and camera on my phone.

    Writing one? Jeez, I would say not since 2004 ish. Found my cheque books recently though, no idea if there are still valid or if any business would accept?

    As a student, cheques kept me in booze and fags, and meant a deep personal relationship between the local bank manager and my flatmate, given the number of phone calls made telling me to stop writing them.

    Free Member

    Later this week. Will be going in to pay a lump of mortgage off. Won’t take debit card over counter. Its cash or cheque

    Full Member

    I had a cheque from DVLA for £3.34 i threw it in the bin.

    I’ve not written or owned one since before 2000.

    Full Member

    Written & received one this year, but can’t remember what for, just another means of payment if you don’t have the recipients bank details innit.

    Free Member

    Around the same time that someone faxed me an invoice.

    Free Member

    Always kept a cheque book to pay registration with SSSC, pointless and futile attempt to annoy them for being so Sh!t. Now this has been taken from me by last pay settlement which means council now pay it!

    Full Member

    My mum still writes me a cheque for my birthday occasionally.

    I genuinely can’t remember the last time I wrote one, or why. Probably some fine or other.

    Full Member

    At least before June 2017 based on the stubs in my desk draw.

    Last cheques received would be this year, closing out my mum’s investments after she died.

    Full Member

    Received a cheque in post from pet insurance. Why they never sent to my bank account despite me giving them the details I don’t know, depositing it was a pain.

    Bank app didn’t accept it, go to bank it was shut at 3pm tried to use cash machine to deposit, that rejected it also. Arrived at bank next day to find a long queue of people with one teller in operation.

    Full Member

    days before its six month unofficial deadline

    Oh, it’s an official deadline, it’s just rarely enforced as it relies on the person in the bank noticing the date on the cheque when you pay it in, or the person who’d written the cheque noticing that it’s come out of their account more than six months after they wrote it.

    I don’t think the ‘take a photo to pay a cheque in’ apps look at the date (or, indeed, the signature) on the cheque, I could be wrong. We haven’t got one yet, much to our customers’ annoyance…

    Full Member

    I had to order a cheque book a few months ago to pay for some scout activities for the lad. The district treasurer seemed to reckon they were more secure and easier to keep track of than electronic payments. Each to their own. Cheque book acquired, cheque written, put in an envelope, stamp found and dropped in the post box.

    Seems so archaic and inefficient compared to BACS/Faster Payments.

    Other than that, it’s been decades.

    Full Member

    It really annoyed me (as a First Direct customer) that HSBC proper got app pay-in before its digital arm.

    I get the occasional professional fee as a cheque, and my parents/aunts sometimes give the kids cheques for Christmas or birthdays.

    Can’t remember the last time I wrote one though. Probably a school trip or something?

    Full Member

    receive the odd cheque from DVLA when selling car or elderly relatives for kids birthdays

    Is it just me that read that and thought “Blimey, times are harder than I realised”? How much is the refund of half a year’s Car Tax on a granddad nowadays?
    Anyway, back on topic, last cheque was in October last year when we sent a small donation to Battersea Dogs & Cats home. But certainly the days when you’d get through a chequebook in a month or three are long gone for most people.

    Full Member

    The district treasurer seemed to reckon they were more secure and easier to keep track of than electronic payments. Each to their own.

    What’s that you say, a District Treasurer for the Scouts is entirely stuck in their ways? You’ve got to be kidding me…

    Seems so archaic and inefficient compared to BACS/Faster Payments.

    Fun banking fact- BACS doesn’t exist for inter-account payments any more, except for stuff that’s processed in bulk like salaries, standing order etc. When someone they’ll BACS you the money, they won’t, it’ll go by Faster Payment.

    Full Member

    My parents still send my brothers and I a cheque every B’day and Xmas.

    Can’t recall when I last had to write one though….

    Free Member

    Three weeks ago.

    Full Member

    Got to write one this week to send off some climbing shoes for repairs. It’s a small business and I guess it helps to have the paperwork and payment arrive with the shoes rather than trying to match emails and payments to randomly arriving parcels. Thanks for the reminder:-)

    Free Member

    The Cattery still likes cheques, so wrote one in January.

    Free Member

    Santander banking app lets you pay cheques in by scanning them on your phone. Really handy I still get a few a year for small amounts that I need to cash. Assume other banks have similar.

    Full Member

    My last one was 2017, the first was in 2007 in the same book, I’ve user 12 over that period… at least this cheque book doesn’t have “19” pre-printed as the date (I remember the previous one did, and was having to cross it out, post 2000)

    Full Member

    Every 6 months I write one to pay £2.50 for my leasehold ground rent, invoice arrives by post, it’s a massive pain in the arse.

    Free Member

    About 2007/8 when I was massively in debt and using them to pay for groceries. Not an experience I want to repeat. Still widely used in the USA, but then so are FAX machines.

    Free Member

    Early noughties i suspect.
    I was still getting the odd cheque book from my bank in the UK until i changed account type. (Apparently they had no mechanism to stop me getting a new cheque book every 5 years, whether i’d written any cheques or not).

    Don’t even really have cash anymore either.

    Full Member

    Wote one a couple of months ago – to the Courts and Tribunal Service.

    I still get a couple of dividend cheques every three months, but I can usually scan them in via my banking app.

    Full Member

    I have not had a cheque book or paying in book since about 2017 I think…

    Full Member

    Every 6 months I write one to pay £2.50 for my leasehold ground rent, invoice arrives by post, it’s a massive pain in the arse.

    Oh, I get this. They wrote to me asking for my annual £2 fee, using a 68p stamp. I’ve ignored it. I’m hoping they’re going to write to me twice more, at which point I’ll suggest that it’s in their best financial interests to stop mithering me and pay it on my behalf.

    What’s the actual admin cost to send a letter these days?

    Full Member

    Living in the US, where the banking system is somewhat archaic,we still use checks fairly frequently.

    There is the equivalent of direct debit (sort of), but no easy push payment, without a third party app that both people have to have.

    It was a surprise when we first arrived, for sure.

    Full Member

    Never written one from my Nationwide cheque book, had the account nearly 8 years. Do remember that I wrote one for my flat deposit on my previous place, so back in 2011, and I had to change the cheque date from saying 19xx to 20xx!

    Last cheque I received was last winter from when I took the Mini off the road for the winter, DVLA insist on sending it via cheque and it was a pain getting into the city centre to pay it in. Was for the grand sum of £14 so probably only worth a fiver once I’d taken into account the fuel and parking charge.

    Full Member

    The last cheque I wrote was in about 1996, it was for the company I worked for at the time.

    I have never written a personal cheque. I’ve never even owned a cheque book 😳

    Full Member

    Living in the US, where the banking system is somewhat archaic,we still use checks fairly frequently.

    There is the equivalent of direct debit (sort of), but no easy push payment, without a third party app that both people have to have.

    It weirded me out that credit card payments and debit card payments are different things (and it’s a coin toss as to which they’ll take). They’re… just cards, I haven’t needed multiples since the days of Link cash machines and your flexible friend.

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