Home Forums Chat Forum What lunch / afternoon nibbles to pre-empt a drinks only soiree this evening?

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  • What lunch / afternoon nibbles to pre-empt a drinks only soiree this evening?
  • Kryton57
    Full Member

    Don’t want to be sick or overly drunk :-)


    (P.S. I don’t like bananas)

    Full Member

    Listen to the experts. Does that look like a lady who can’t handle a few pints without keeling over?

    You know it makes sense :D

    Free Member

    followed by this mid afternoon

    Full Member

    and to round it off

    Free Member

    The definitive reference work:

    Pie Range

    Full Member

    Be sure to leave room for one of these for apres drinks.

    Full Member

    I gather this is just to tide you over until the inevitable feast on the way home….

    chilli sauce?

    EDIT: Beaten to it. Great minds eh Tom? :D

    Full Member

    Oh,and stay away from the cider.

    Free Member

    Eating’s cheating.

    Full Member

    Indeed, you beat me to the greggs pic!

    Full Member

    I’d like to avoid having a dump in mien hosts premises, so chilli sauce if off the menu :lol:

    No Greggs here, but their is Sainsbury’s local, Pret, Subway eat and Benugo.

    I do like a benugo New Yorker buts its £6.50 8O

    Might be best to go to Sainbury’s and get a snack / pie selection TBH….

    Full Member

    No Greggs?!! Are you on a remote Island somewhere?

    Oh… hang on a minute. £6.50 for a butty? Are you in Toxteth? :D

    Free Member

    £6.50 for a butty?

    they used the whole loaf then ?

    Free Member

    I’ll have that chip-butty if the OP doesn’t want it.

    Full Member


    Full Member

    Lots of cheese.

    Full Member

    Nobby – Member
    Lots of cheese.

    It turns out Sainsbury’s are doing 2 Cheese & Onion rolls half price. So add to that:

    Senagalese Chicken handmade fresh chunky soup with Brown roll*
    A chicken & chorizo Sarnie*
    Orange & raspberry juice*
    5x Go Ahead Chocolate Orange thins*

    …and I should be OK.

    *Note the low fat healthy item


    Full Member

    or learn to pace yourself.

    an essential sales skill.

    Full Member

    binners – Member

    No Greggs?!! Are you on a remote Island somewhere?

    Oh… hang on a minute. £6.50 for a butty? Are you in Toxteth?

    He’s definitely not in sunny Toxteth as he could get 3 dockoff crusty filled baguettes @ Tracey’s Cakes for £6.50 ;)

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