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  • Well… this made me chuckle 😂 (Warning: Knucklehead content)
  • scruffywelder
    Free Member

    Peak stupid from an Übergammon…


    I love the utterly deadpan 🤦‍♂️ response from the caller. Well played indeed 😁

    Free Member

    Some of the follow ups are good too…

    Full Member

    Reminds me of this parody.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Peak stupid from an Übergammon…


    I love the utterly deadpan 🤦‍♂️ response from the caller. Well played indeed 😁

    Ha that’s great. “… … … … … … See-ya Cameron, cheerio” 😂

    Full Member

    When your schtick of playing “confused from middle England” backfires horrendously and you realise that you’ve just said that concrete grows on trees on live radio…Brilliant.

    I think the thing that makes it for me is the guest’s deadpan silence at the end, and the slightly wry smile

    Full Member

    I watched the follow up to see how they explained it afterwards:

    Absolutely unbelievable. Almost turned it off halfway but kept going in a sort of horrified fascination.

    In case you don’t want to torment yourself: they claim that concrete does grow, because it expands. This is what he meant by “growing”. Just like you can say the economy grows, but that doesn’t mean it’s planted in the ground. Trees are not sustainable, because they take a long time to grow.

    The worst thing is that people actually watch this and take it seriously.

    Full Member

    I’m reading the graphic novel of 1984 with my 11 year old. Between that, this, and the covid fevers, I’m beginning to worry I’m losing touch with reality. When I first saw this I thought it was funny. Seeing them double down on the position rather than admit they screwed up is pretty terrifying.

    Full Member

    Do you think he’s misunderstood the phrase ‘concrete jungle’?

    Full Member

    Seeing them double down on the position rather than admit they screwed up is pretty terrifying.

    I’m off to post this comment in every Chat Forum thread started in the last five years…

    Full Member

    It doesn’t expand as it cures, it shrinks.

    He’a thick lying Bell end.

    Full Member

    We must be reaching Peak Gammon now. Where can they go after claiming concrete grows?

    Free Member

    Man this guy must think his listeners are stupid or he is stupid.

    Equivocation – using a term with more than one meaning in a statement without specifying which meaning is intended.[20]
    Ambiguous middle term – using a middle term with multiple meanings.[21]


    Full Member

    I thought Mel Smith had returned

    Full Member

    Of course the obvious thing is, even if he did mean it as he explains, then so what? How does that help make his point in the interview? It’s completely irrelevant and almost as stupid and pointless a comment as if he did actually think concrete grows like trees.

    Full Member

    In case you don’t want to torment yourself:

    I got as far as “Theatre of the Mind” and couldn’t continue. :)

    He does appear desperate to be right, although the only ‘expert’ he can find to back him is a ‘futurist’ who looks suspiciously like Dominic Cummings, so presumably he’ll be right some time in the 2040s.

    What the **** is a futurist, anyhow?

    Free Member

    OMG. How has it come to this. We’re all doomed aren’t we??

    Free Member

    Wow, that is staggering.

    I watched it, expecting a well-meaning but naive protester to get ‘destroyed’ by an experienced silver-tongued wordsmith.

    I can’t really handle this acceptance of nonsense as facts. I need the world to make sense but half the media seems hell-bent on presenting outright lies as truth.

    I’m beginning to worry I’m losing touch with reality.

    Exactly. Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia.

    Free Member

    rejoice in the knowledge this is eating at the **** so badly he’s running round desperately try to prove you can grow concrete like a tree an is therefore sustainable :D

    Full Member

    What is talk Radio and can I now go back to ignoring it? It seems like something I don’t have the time for.

    Full Member

    Talk Radio is for folks that switch off LBC once Nick Ferrari has finished for the day.

    The thing about this that amazes me is that they put this out themselves, presumably to show them “owning the Libs” genius

    Free Member

    How the f*** does this oxygen thief actually get national exposure through his own radio show? I am genuinely dumbfounded! If as nickc says, his method is “confused from middle England” then I can only hope that he has a very small audience. If this is the state of national broadcasters then we are truly screwed.

    Full Member

    The thing about this that amazes me is that they put this out themselves, presumably to show them “owning the Libs” genius

    I know its utterly fascinating, one of their presenters has literally argued you can grow concrete and they think its a win. Because “lefties” are pointing out he’s an idiot and generating more views.

    That’s right in 2021 Britain pointing out that concrete doesn’t grow like wood makes you a “lefty idiot”

    Full Member

    What horrible wee human,the bile and anger just oozes out of him.
    Sounds like he had an extra bowl of stupidity for breakfast.

    Full Member

    This is very confusing. How does this person still have a job? Actually, how was he employed in the first place? I am going to walk the dog and try and find something good with the world

    Free Member

    Was that some kind of performance art?

    Man this guy must think his listeners are stupid or he is stupid.

    I’m reminded of the courtroom scene from Idiocracy.

    Well, actually, now I come to think about it, quite a lot about the current populist idiot parade reminds me of a lot of Idiocracy.

    Full Member

    I am going to walk the dog and try and find something good with the world

    Good idea: If the only thing you find is what your dog produces, your day will already be better :D

    Full Member

    They really think “lefty” is some kind of insult, don’t they.
    Whereas anyone to the left of them will hear the word lefty on their blubbering dribble filled wobbly lips and just know that it’s only meaning is that they are, in fact a ****.

    Full Member

    Having just taken delivery of a load of insulated plasterboard I blummin wish that the stuff

    Full Member

    They really think “lefty” is some kind of insult, don’t they.

    or “lefty do-gooder” because wanting to help other people in your community and not wanting to to be self-centred is somehow a bad thing. It’s what happens when Johnson and Patel directly attack people and lawyers for doing their jobs

    Full Member

    No, it is what happens when a media amplifies the message that politicians put out.

    If Johnson and Patel’s stupidity and hate was met in all cases by a media that denounced what they said as unreasonable, instead of using phrases like “enemies of the people” to support them, then this would not be an issue.

    Full Member

    What is alarming is that Graham’s audience lapped it up and thought the interviewees silence meant he had lost the argument. These are people we share the country with and who get to vote!

    Full Member

    They really think “lefty” is some kind of insult, don’t they.

    See also woke.

    Being anti-woke is good but the opposite of woke is asleep!? Lefty do-gooder as opposed to what Rightist-Shitehawk perhaps?

    The best one is probably using Antifa in a derogatory way. Its a portmanteau of Anti and Fascist. So are they Anti-Anti-Fascist?

    Doublespeak is alive and well.

    Free Member

    Presumably the concrete (cement) shortage is due to a lack of minimum wage migrants to pick it??

    Free Member

    Full Member

    Mike Graham looks surprisingly similar to Mark Francois (same fat faced podgy gammon baked look) so I think we should be asking mamma graham if she slipped the milkman more than a note in a bottle

    Full Member

    :D :D

    Full Member

    That presenter just makes me think of this, and that truly scares me.

    Full Member

    Being anti-woke is good but the opposite of woke is asleep!?

    Would that not be awake as opposed to woke? OT massively, sorry!

    I agree that the subject of the OP was highly amusing and is now becoming disturbing. I don’t understand how anyone that can genuinely agree with the idiot can actually hold down a job.

    Full Member

    Seems that The Express doesn’t see things the same way as us…

    Free Member

    The thing about Mike Graham is that he doesn’t believe most of the things that he says. He’s a paid contrarian with an agenda written for him.

    Unfortunately, people like our very own non-sequitur loving forumite lack the critical thinking skills to understand that Graham is a provocateur, who’ll argue that black is white just because.

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