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  • Weird Dreams
  • jivehoneyjive
    Free Member

    Just woke up from a quick power nap and I had the weirdest dream…

    I was a little boy, about 9 years old and most of the time I was locked in a cupboard… every now and again, I’d be let out and see this girl who was about 6, who kept blowing kisses and winking at me, but when I went to talk to her, she was all shy and wouldn’t speak a word.

    Nonetheless, she kept winking and blowing kisses and slipped an invitation to a party she was having under the cupboard door.

    I managed to get out of the cupboard using my shoelaces, but just as I arrived at the party, I tripped on the doorstep and ripped off a scab I got from playing cupboard hopscotch; I did my best to be brave, but I was crying inside and scowled a bit, just as the girl looked up to see me. After that, she stopped blowing kisses, but she kept winking.

    I didn’t really know many other people at the party, so I bought a bottle of Ribena to share and try to make friends… more on that later.

    Whilst I was queuing for jelly, the winky girl walked by with her friend, who said “f*ck him, he seems really serious”, which I thought was a bit strong for one so young~ I also wondered how she’d feel if she spent most of her life in a cupboard.

    Because I was a bit upset by this, I didn’t share as much of the Ribena as I should’ve… turned out it was ram jam with Pernod and I was one drunken little boy.

    So, I went back to my cupboard and the girl who winked and me and blew kisses was still friendly, but still wouldn’t speak to me, which seemed really mean.

    As it turned out, she grew up and went to work in Television and then the trouble started… she kept making programmes to tease me about what happened, but wouldn’t tell me what happened. This carried on for years and Miley Cyrus, Taylor Swift, Jay Z, Beyonce and maybe even Lewis Hamilton got involved.

    All the while, I just sat in my cupboard (which had a TV), hoping someone would come and help.

    Sounds like a bit of a nightmare all told, but in the end, I still kicked the illuminati’s butt like a total boss, so it was OK.

    What does it mean, and what’s the weirdest dream you’ve had?

    Free Member

    What does it mean

    You fancy your Mom.

    HTH, Sigmund

    Free Member

    Are you with R Kelly?

    Free Member

    I dream stuff while I’m asleep that I’d never even be able to imagine while I’m awake. Like the one where I’m driving round a snowy field in a bus, picking people up & dropping them off, interspaced by racing a bloke on an ice speedway bike.
    I mean, WTF?

    Full Member

    So you came out of the closet and went back in again?

    I have no idea at all what this could mean.

    Free Member

    So you came out of the closet and went back in again?

    I have no idea at all what that could mean.

    Makes you think….


    Free Member

    Are you with R Kelly?

    Free Member

    Hmm, now you mention it, I think there was a Bridget involved…

    Full Member

    The weirdest dream I ever had is not the dream itself, but the fact that I can remember fragments of hundreds if not thousands of them, by starting with one I remember clearly and going from there in a process of association. It’s like all the dreams I ever had are stored in my mind and can be accessed through the right thought processes.

    Anyone know what I’m talking about it? It’s similar to just bog-standard memory I guess, but a bit different in that there feels like a form of connectivity between all of the dreams. Like they’re stored in one big neuronal filing cabinet.

    Full Member

    So you came out of the closet and went back in again?
    I have no idea at all what that could mean.
    Makes you think….

    ….sticky sheets?

    Free Member

    sticky sheets

    Not if they were in the closet.

    Full Member

    Did you see DrP or any ghosts in this dream?

    Free Member

    We have a policy in our house that if my wife or I start recounting a dream, the other person is fully entitled to leave the room immediately with no further explanation

    Full Member

    I’ve no idea but it’s immigrants fault.

    Full Member

    What does it mean

    It means you were asleep. HTH.

    I’ve been having lucid dreams lately. Ones where I suddenly realise, “hey, I’m dreaming!” and can take some degree of control over it, even being able to wake myself up.

    Then I started dreaming that I was lying in bed having just woken up from a dream. That got a bit surreal. Wake up, get washed and dressed for work, then my alarm goes off for real and I’m thinking “I’ve got to get ready for work AGAIN and I’ve just done all that once!”

    Free Member

    Less of the cheese

    Free Member

    Just woken up from another mad one…

    Rachel Atherton kept digging up artifacts from ancient history, then drawing misleading pictures of them, putting adverts in the local paper to try and reduce my morale… there was something to do with squirrels and a joke taken the wrong way too.

    The Queen would appear every now and again, throwing sharp and jagged precious stones with surprising strength and precision from the never ending supply on her crown. She’d then run off cackling ‘you’ll never take me alive’

    In a round about scooby doo way, it turned out it was because she was jealous of my wheelbarrow, but was too shy to ask for a go.

    More cheese than a beggars toes…

    Free Member

    Just woke up from a quick power nap and I had the weirdest dream…

    Your dream is about regret, missed opportunities but also fear of acceptance. Be prepared for a strong desire to own a porsche.

    Free Member

    Lol you guys are weird

    Full Member

    Have had some weird dreams but the only one I can he bothered to type is:

    I let some naked hippies in the back door of our house, they came in and started shitting in their hands and shooting it down the bannisters.

    I was young when I had this dream and it was very realistic quite scary!

    Free Member

    Free Member

    A wet one….

    Free Member

    I had one where I was walking with some people, one of them this dark haired woman, with deep brown eyes. We were all loved up, but she was worried I wasn’t over my ex… I woke up in the middle of this conversation and was trying desperately to work out who the hell she was. Nobody, thats who! my dream mind had completely made her up. So weird, dreams int they.

    Free Member

    Are you with R Kelly?

    No Im with R Barry 😆

    Free Member

    I’ve really got to stop napping in the day…

    latest one, same girl in 1st dream, turns out the whole reason she was winking at me was a set up. Though I had my suspiscions at the time, her constant winking had kinda hypnotized me, but it turned out she’d been kissing some hairy lad, who I was pretty friendly with, but someone had been working behind the scenes to turn us against each other, leading to all sorts of nasty squabbles.

    As you can imagine, the Queen was looming in there too, with all her armies and whatnot and some dodgy guys making cathedrals and statues with compasses n stuff, hell bent on destroying the planet by selling weapons to Saudi Arabia.

    There was something about a snake in a jar, that looked like David Cameron.

    I’m just glad these are dreams and not real life!!

    Free Member

    Weird Dreams was great…

    Full Member

    I once dreamt me and the mrs were looking after our little one (4 months at the time.) She was being a bit of a nightmare, but when I looked in the pram, our baby was actually a tiny little President Hollande of France and it was perfectly acceptable.

    Free Member

    Just woken up from another mad one…

    Rachel Atherton kept digging up artifacts from ancient history

    Gee’s winners medals ❓

    Free Member

    I had a weird dream last night where I had to smuggle a sizeable brown fish across a land border. I think it was a trout, and I decided in all my wisdom to plug it.

    On crossing the border, and arriving at a very tall building where I was to hand over said brown fish, I discovered that I couldn’t get it out. Much panic, as to what I needed to do, and a lot of concern as to how i was going to explain it to a hospital. I woke up before I had a solution.

    Free Member

    Last night I had a really intense dream about the internet…

    1st up, I had a nasty injury and woke up in what seemed like a hospital…I was laid out on a table, like you might imagine for an alien probing and these kooky and charming scientists from a website called Bluebike installed a chip in my head that allowed them to communicate with me.

    To start with, it was all warm and supportive, helping me along with physio to overcome my injury and bringing light and laughter to a dire situation.

    As things progressed, my actions profited Bluebike immensely, and I was happy to oblige, as they had been so supportive of me in times of need…

    However, over time, things got increasingly dark and twisted, as unreasonable demands were placed on me and a campaign to bring me down was put into action. The Bluebike Programmers had decided that I’d served my purpose as a useful idiot and had to be decommissioned. They wanted me Munsoned.

    It ended up like The Running Man, where I had to face all this nasty adversaries, before confronting the head programmer, who cowered away in a corner and said ‘don’t listen to the man behind the curtain’

    The silly thing was, if the programmers had had a chat with me, instead of cowering behind the curtain, everything would’ve been fine.

    In the end, we all cracked a beer and lived happily ever after.

    Free Member

    So last night I dreamt I was Luke Skywalker… but you’ll never guess who was Darth Vader, exerting dark influence on weak minds and twisting the cosmos into nasty shapes.

    I’ll give you a clue; in this instance it was not my actual father

    Full Member

    Alexander Nix?

    Free Member

    David icke

    Full Member

    I had a really weird dream a while back that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.”

    I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia, the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.

    I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a state sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice.

    I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.

    Pretty crazy eh!

    Full Member

    john inman? I’m freeee.

    Full Member

    I just had a waking dream. Somebody on this forum had started a thread about paying for sex. When I woke up, it wasn’t there.

    Free Member

    I just had a waking dream. Somebody on this forum had started a thread about paying for sex. When I woke up, it wasn’t there.

    Hallucination caused by too much Coke?

    Full Member

    scotroutes – Member

    I just had a waking dream. Somebody on this forum had started a thread about paying for sex. When I woke up, it wasn’t there.

    What wasn’t there, the money?

    Full Member

    I just had a waking dream. Somebody on this forum had started a thread about paying for sex.

    Is there a letter missing near the start of that sentence?

    Full Member

    Don’t be coy Cougar. You know own exactly what I’m on about 😉

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