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  • Victoria Pendleton
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    Thanks for writing all that out. Interesting read and piqued my interest so I’ve just ordered Nicole’s book…

    Full Member

    Nicole’s book is excellent. She really didn’t get the recognition she deserved as an athlete.

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    @tonycooke good informative read. Thank you.

    The hurdles some people have to get through to reach the top, it really does wind an outsider up.

    Free Member

    Thanks Mr Cooke. Really interesting and informative.

    Full Member

    @tonycooke thanks for taking the time to respond. That was a really interesting post. Just ordered ‘the breakaway’ on the back of this.

    Thread’s taken a different turn to what I expected after my original post. Despite the cliche ‘three sides to every story etc’, on balance I’ll give this one to Mr Cooke.

    Full Member

    Fair play Nicole Cooks dad. Beautifully written, evocative and cutting.

    Full Member

    I read Nicole Cook’s book quite soon after it came out. It was pretty eye-opening on the poor treatment she received and the sorry state of the support for women’s cycling at the time.

    Full Member

    Well something positive has come out of crazy legs post, as I’ve now bought the book as well.

    Free Member

    Well the book sales are doing well by the looks of it. I’ve just ordered it too.


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    Bloody stealth ads 😉

    Full Member

    There’s a strong argument that she’s Britains best ever cyclist.


    Free Member

    Nicole Cooke was a bit before my time, but Mr Cookes very definitive reply to destroy the nonsense being written about his daughter and himself poked me into also getting the book.

    It’s interesting to see reference to DUMB training. I too had been encouraged to just get some century rides in to build stamina and fitness by the old club riders. And the when I started to ride with guys who were actually winning races was told that anything over 60 miles was typically JUNK miles or just a social day out.

    Looking forward to reading the book.

    Full Member

    There’s a strong argument that she’s Britains best ever cyclist.

    Since Beryl Burton maybe

    And still disappointing that very rarely do either of them come up in discussions on that title because they are women.

    Full Member

    There’s a strong argument that she’s Britains best ever cyclist.

    I think Beryl Burton would have something to say about that. She is certainly an all time great though.

    Edited…too slow!!

    Agree with Dash though, she is way above the likes of Froome or G who get so much attention.

    Free Member

    I wondered why this thread had popped back up and I’m pleased I looked back in just for Mr Cookes post.

    A measured, masterful dismantling of internet bollocks disguised as first hand facts.  Crazy’s post looks just like it was put up for public consumption without considering anybody at all might actually read it, including the principal subject.

    Maybe he’ll be back to either counter punch or apologise, but after that calm shredding he might want to keep his head down lest he make the man cross.

    I too have ordered the book. It sounds very insightful.

    Full Member

    Like most of STW I am reading Nicole’s book. Shocking!! I am interested by her warm words for ESCA (BSCA) as that was something my dad was heavily involved in. At the time it was just some obsession that my mum and I were annoyed by, but in retrospect maybe he is forgiven. A bit 🙂

    Full Member

    Just read back through this thread, including Mr Cooke’s superb response. I wasn’t familiar with any of what’s been written here, so his response was truly enlightening, and might I suggest that crazylegs gets some of this to treat the burn!

    Free Member

    Well, that was a very interesting post @tonycooke and you’ve made me purchase Nicole’s autobiography on kindle! 🙂

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    I think there’s a way STW get a cut if you purchase from a link posted in a comment, so here’s the Kindle link:




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    Well, I feel somewhat embarrassed by the compliments paid.  I was simply trying to right a wrong; thank you for so many kind words.

    Some of you have also been good enough to purchase Nicole’s book.  You will read it and make up your own mind about the content.  I post here a review that is, again, relevant to Leg’s comment; another individual whose actions were influenced at the time by all the bad mouthing.

    Three facts are critical to why all this bad mouthing took place.  1) Nicole was an outstanding female operating in a sport that gave scant regard to its female competitors.  2) The sport of cycling has an endemic and long standing problem with PEDs.  She, and I, came into direct contact with that very quickly.  I first went to UKAD in 2003; at that time it was still in the UKSport building and called “Drug Free Sport”.  I was tasked with expressing Nicole’s experiences in this regard.  I informed Brailsford that I had gone there and the purpose of that meeting.  As a consequence, Nicole & her father were clearly a threat to those who chose to gain performance advantage from a syringe and their enablers and supports on the sidelines.  3) The quality of some, not all, of the staff at British Cycling supporting the elite riders, who were so well described by their one time manager Ken Mattheson, as I quoted in my first post.

    That is some heady mix there and it is easy to sympathise with those of good character who were swayed into poor actions based on a convincing, but entirely false, narrative, exactly like the reviewer on Amazon.  Burnt into my memory is a meeting with the Head of the Commonwealth Games Federation for Wales and the Chairman of the Welsh Sports Council.  I was granted the meeting after Nicole objected to preparations for a Commonwealth Games in direct conflict with long standing plans she had put in place and been shared completely, well in advance (over a year), with Welsh Cycling, such that Welsh Cycling had even sent a draft of a press release they had in process supporting the very program now being cancelled!  All had been thrown into turmoil because Shane Sutton, the BC senior coach no less, had engaged the Chairman at a luncheon and had told him to cancel the program.  The Chairman acted, in all innocence, but in ignorance, exactly as Sutton advised.  The meeting was very difficult with no tangible, positive outcome whatsoever.

    Nicole’s book in draft form was well beyond the size the commissioning publisher requested.  It ended up somewhat larger than the publisher originally sought but much material never made it to print.  There was, of course, the issue of content.  People with a cultivated interest in a topic, a sense of self knowledge approaching that of “expert” status, about that subject, cannot be moved too far in any one step, at any one point in time.  At the meeting I have described above, I introduced the Chairman and Head to concepts incompatible with their perceptions and they chose to doubt my word.  Sutton was after all, their previous employee, their Welsh Coach of the Year, their brightest in the field, who had gone on to become the UKSport coach of the year.  At the time of presenting the draft of the book to the publisher in 2013, the BC/Sky star was at its zenith.

    Now we are in a different place.  A tribunal with significant legal powers, has read and listened to much evidence presented by two QCs and come to a decision that an employee of BC did indeed obtain testogel for the purposes of using it with athletes with the intent to enhance performance, rather than for medical purposes.  We have the tools of the crime laid out at the scene but as to who was doped – the tribunal outcome gave us no clue.  A doctor has lost his career.

    Nicole and I talk about what portion of those draft chapters that never saw the light of day could now be made public.  A possible project for the future.  But certainly, if writing now, the book would be different.  At that time, the two interlocking foundation issues Nicole opted to prioritise were that the BC story that the cycling centre was a palace of total excellence, without fault, was a myth and the sport of cycling practised discrimination against its female competitors in manner that had been made illegal in regular employment, decades before.  Why was sport exempted?

    However, there is much else to entertain and I trust those who purchase the book find it a worthwhile read.

    Once again, thank you for the kind comments.

    Full Member

    Nicole and I talk about what portion of those draft chapters that never saw the light of day could now be made public.  A possible project for the future.

    Keep us posted 🙂

    Full Member

    Is there a possibility that you will write a book, Mr Cooke?

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    Ok, so I’ve not had the attention span to read everything above yet (but thanks to those explaining the DarkThu isn’t a new axle but some overly expensive clothing that I’d rip on the 1st night ride).

    What I would say, is Nicole’s gold medal in China in a biblical downpour was (and still is) one the defining and most enduring memories I have of watching those entire Olympics. 16 years (16 years !!!!!) on.  Often I can’t remember why I opened the fridge when I go into the kitchen, but I still remember that !

    Free Member

    Sorry, this is the image I somehow failed to post up with my post above.  A review of Nicole’s autobiography The Breakaway, as written on Amazon. Amazon review of The Breakaway Nicole Cooke

    Free Member

    Is there a possibility that you will write a book, Mr Cooke?

    I too would be interested in reading such a book. A father’s journey training and guiding their child to an Olympic and world champion. And to do so from outside of the advantaged system.

    To read the training ethos of Mr Cooke is something of particular interest; it’s proven – and not something tainted with suspicion from the typical Team Sky associates.

    Thank you for contributing here Mr Cooke.

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