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  • Turbo trainers, what and how many km?
  • weeksy
    Full Member

    According to Zwift, my Kickr Snap has 29,440.9km on it and is over 4 years old, showing me at 36days 1hr 49 mins total.


    Full Member

    There is a big wide world out there.  I only use mine now if injured

    Full Member

    Had mine a year and a half, I’m 4km short of 4000km.

    There is a big wide world out there. I only use mine now if injured

    I only use mine when it’s too cold and/or too wet and/or too dark. So, about 9 months of the year…

    Full Member

    Eh, you’d never get out round ‘ere.

    Full Member

    Elite Zumo. 2 years. 5,030 km. 7d 14h 39m

    Full Member

    1700 miles in 15 months on a wattbike.

    The better half has done much more than that in the same time.

    Mostly comprising of 20 to 40 minute workouts and zwift races.

    I don’t know how people have the mind or arse for long zone 2 rides indoors.

    Free Member

    Wahoo Kickr, only had it a year, but did 4120 miles on it last year… it did not take away riding outside, but would of ridden outside twice a week and nothing else, now i ride indoors and outdoors 6 days a week (helps a great deal in being a diet and exercise controlled T2 diabetic to know i can go outside a burn of blood glucose whatever the weather).

    Full Member


    Is that distance close to the circumference of the earth?

    Probably goes to show how much over estimated the trainer and the application is in relation to the real outdoor world?

    The only true figure is the time spent on the trainer I reckon?

    How do I find the data on my trainer? Is there a background menu that smart trainers have?

    Edit: I’ll take a look on Zwift and add a bit for non swift riding!

    Full Member

    Elite Zumo, I’d be suprised if it’s done more than 200km’s….

    I should really just sell it.

    Free Member

    Elite Direto, I reckon I’ve had it 3 years and have done ridden 8078km & climbed 93800m over 253.05 hours / 10.5 days and burned 162984 kCal

    Full Member

    Probably goes to show how much over estimated the trainer and the application is in relation to the real outdoor world?

    I think it’s more that it doesn’t limit your speed going down hill. You can go as fast as your legs will spin down alp d’huez and not have to brake for the hairpins etc rather than saying you are going faster than you really are at a given moment.

    Full Member

    Wahoo Kickr, 3 years old, 500 miles.

    Used entirely when I’m to injured to ride or run outside. Hateful thing.

    Full Member

    Tacx Neo – about 25,000km, 175000m climbed.  Never missed a beat in 4 years.

    Now on Kickr Bike.

    Stealth ad – anyone interested in a lightly used Tacx Neo? :-)

    Free Member

    Probably goes to show how much over estimated the trainer and the application is in relation to the real outdoor world?

    Obviously varies by application but IME an hours brisk ride on Zwift feels about the same as a brisk hour in the real world and comes up with a comparable average speed.  The not braking for hairpins thing is largely offset by the lack of hairpins in the real world and the fact that intermittent braking doesn’t really have that much impact because the gradient accelerates you upto terminal velocity fairly swiftly anyway. That and the second law of thermodynamics ensures that a ride up and down a hill is always slower (or harder) than the same distance on the flat.

    That’s on my old Bkool trainer, which is a shock to the system as it barely registers 2/3 of the watts the previous minoura one did 😭

    The dumb minoura did mean the mileages in some apps were huge though as it was recording rear wheel speed.

    Free Member

    Mine is not that impressive for 8 yrs of owning a Kick Snap but… I would just to point out that for Weeksy, as someone who claims to dislike training and says he rides “cus nature and scenery and beers with mates innit!'”: that is rather a lot of time spent in his garage puddling sweat on the floor 🤔😉😉🤣🤣

    Full Member

    You’re right matey. We all work so like today it’s 50 mins in there for lunch. 30km done and lunch over.

    Heading out every day just isn’t viable.

    Plus I like racing.

    Free Member

    You don’t need to ride daily in order to sniff flowers and take lean-bike-on-gate-pics on the Ridgeway in the sunshine let alone keep up with Crust to the pub 🤣

    Admit it- you’re a secret training addict 🤣😉

    Full Member

    Yeah but they’re all pointless miles 😅

    Free Member

    Ah- now that’s a very good point 🤣

    Full Member

    I’m drinking beer round the corner from you, I may start making sense before leaving

    Free Member

    Elite Zumo, got it at the start of first lockdown so nearly 3 years. According to Zwift I’ve done 4586km,, over 6d 9hr 38m

    There is a big wide world out there.  I only use mine now if injured

    Very true, but they have their uses. Mine is mainly used for a quick 45mins- 1hr before work a couple of times a week in winter, with the odd longer one at the weekend if it’s too grim/icy out. I don’t see myself doing any of the longer routes on Zwift any time soon though – about 2 hrs is my limit.

    Free Member

    Saris H3; c. 2.5 years; just under 5000Km and just over 59,000m climbing in 7 days and 13 hours.

    380 slices of pizza burned; 6 of them put back in the system tonight ;)

    Hit the squeaky pulley/belt issue 2 or 3 months in, a box with replacement parts arrived with no quibble 2 days (from America!) after they seen/heard the video of the noise. No complaints with that service, or the trainer since those went in.

    Useage fell off a lot last winter, as I decided it was too grotty out for road riding… but not bad enough to stay inside… That’s when I got my first MTB and ended up on here :)

    Full Member

    11200km ridden… 120000m climbed (both ISH figures…)..

    All zwift…

    Prob, erm, 3 years? ISH.


    Full Member

    Drivo, 6yrs 3 months.  12,400km

    Full Member

    Zwift Hub, got it on the 5th Nov last year, 1,342km, 2 days 7hrs, 12,928m climbed.  And cruicually –  83 slices of pizza burnt.  Of course, I may have eaten considerably more than 83 slices in the last 3 months …..

    Genuinely enjoying playing with it so far, it’s definitely better for me and more fun than the last (dumb) trainer I had that I got rid of about 10yrs ago.  Perfect to get the blood pumping before work early morning.

    Free Member

    Jet Black Volt, purchased Jan 2022 3108km

    more impressive is the SRAM PC830  chain that has done 6143km, but is  not even close to the 0.5 wear point. A clean drive train that never gets used outside really lasts.

    Full Member

    Don’t forget your not slowing down for corners, cars, junctions, traffic lights, roundabouts so the average speed is going to be higher. I also freewheel more in the real world than on a trainer.

    Full Member

    more impressive is the SRAM PC830 chain that has done 6143km, but is not even close to the 0.5 wear point. A clean drive train that never gets used outside really lasts.

    Yep. Similar experience with my 10 speed Shimano.

    Full Member

    Between May 2020 and Jul 2022 I covered off ~22,500km on a Tacx Neo and then Aug 2022 onward about 6000km on a Kikr bike. I’ll admit I enjoy it and have seen real fitness gains and weight loss through indoor riding and it’s been much easier to fit in riding at hours that don’t impinge on family life too much.

    Free Member

    Original Flux, 20km in 36 hours, belt jumped, destroyed it’s guts and it was replaced (in 10 days over the xmas holidays, so an impressive warranty process).

    Original Flux Nr.2 about 20000 km between the ex and i, in almost exactly 12 months. First one failed just before xmas, replaced just before NYE, second one failed (magic smoke escaped) a couple of days after boxing day.

    Shop i bought it from did me a deal, gave me the original RRP of the Flux off the price of a Neo, and knocked another 10% off.

    Not bad considering i bought the Flux in their pre christmas sale (20% off) and it was near enough 2000sek cheaper by the time it failed…

    The Neo hasn’t even done 500km a year in the time i’ve had it. Had more important things to do.

    Important but deeply unpleasant…

    Free Member

    I have news for you folks you do zero kilometres on your stationary trainers and you don’t gain any elevation. The clue is in the name 😀

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