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  • Trainer road plan – what to do in 12 weeks?
  • tpbiker
    Free Member

    Looking to get fit in time for next season’s tt league, which kicks off as soon as I return from my holiday first week in April. As such I’m looking for a 12 week plan.

    I’m not starting from scratch, not a million miles away from where I was peak season last year, but aim is to further raise the ftp to benefit my tts and climbing.

    My options are..

    -Just do both base phases and that’s it.
    -Do base phase 2 and as much as sustained build as I can fit in between now and start of April – ie I’ll miss out first base phase
    – something completely custom..suggestions welcome

    I should point out I’m not going to extend indoor training past start of April. As soon as I cone back from holiday nearly all my riding will be outside, so the 12 weeks is pretty much my limit

    Free Member

    See what their plan builder “wizard” comes up with. Stick your first TT as an ‘A’ race/event to give it something to work to.

    Free Member

    Sweet spot base for FTP improvement would be my recommendation. Go for the low, medium or high volume option depending on how much time you have available each week.

    Free Member

    I’m currently doing the full base-build-speciality sequence. If you think you’ve already got a decent base I think I’d do the last stressful week of SSBxV1, i.e. not the recovery week, to get you used to the rigid nature of the trainer setup. Then SSBxV2 for the six weeks then whatever speciality you fancy to get you to twelve weeks.

    Substitute ‘x’ for whichever level you’ve got time for.

    Full Member

    I just took a guess at your event length/timing and plugged it into plan builder. It suggested SSBII into sustained power build. The whole plan build process took less than 2 mins though so I’d recommend that, rather than just asking folk on here. It is really good.

    Oh, and if your outside riding from April onwards will still be structured training then most workouts now have an outside variation that you can send to your head unit (or just write in biro on your arm and use the lap function). I did a bit of this last summer for crit workouts and it was pretty good.

    Full Member

    Read a few people recommending the sprint triathlon plan on TR if you’re predominately looking at tens.
    I’m in a similar boat in that I’ll be TTing myself from May and currently in the last month of cross, so reasonably fit now – so be interested to hear people’s suggestions.

    Trying to improve tens it sort of intuitively feels like you should be crushing the red zone on the turbo, for such an intense event. But some of us respond better to more sweet spot focussed stuff – I guess you need the experience to have gone through a few training cycles to know what works.

    Free Member

    Plan builder suggests

    6 weeks base 1
    3 week’s base 2
    3 week’s sustained power build, all at mid volume

    That’s based on putting 7+ hours per week in the builder and it’s given me 5 days riding, of which the 2 at weekend I’ve chosen to do outside. The thing is the rides outside I do are with club and mates. I’ll go hard at points but won’t be limiting them to the durations and intensities that are on the plan

    Should I basically just put in less planned hours into the builder, aim to do 3 turbo sessions a week, and treat my outside rides completely separately?

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