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  • Track and trace still working?
  • doncorleoni
    Free Member

    Hi… Now Boris has decided to let corona rip I find myself being a close contact of someone I work with who tested positive. 9 of my team including me got sent home from work, details given from positive person to track and trace (Wednesday last week) but as of yet no call or anything (checked with others and nothing.

    Obviously we are all doing the right thing and self isolating for 10 days. But as far as I am aware it’s only legal if contacted by track and trace…starting to wonder if they have scrapped the whole contact tracing to let it rip!

    Question – any ideas how long it should take from a positive test to informing close contacts? I guess given the rise in cases maybe there is a big backlog… Or just not bothering.

    I do use the NHS app… But the person who tested positive had Bluetooth off

    Hmmmm.. Annoying as such a nice day to be stuck home. Plop.

    Full Member

    I would imagine the proper T&T is stretched beyond capacity with the volume of positive tests

    Free Member

    Yep sadly I thought this may be the case :( hey at least the silly bump glitch seems to be fixed!

    Free Member

    The colleagues of mine that have been t and t’d were all contacted around 4 or 5 days following contacts.

    Free Member

    Cheers malv… Useful to know. As I said all 9 of us doing the right thing but in 4-5 days or whatever if not contacted just think how many people could be spreading it about!

    :( happy days

    Full Member

    My wife got pinged a couple of weeks ago with less than 12 hours of isolation left to complete.

    Full Member

    its never worked properly. You might get told to isolate in a few days. the system simply cannot cope with the number of contacts.

    Free Member

    Rich / tj ta for reply. OK so as I thought… As I said my work are great and sent us all home immediately without question. All of us isolating anyway as we are good people :)

    Begs a question how many bloomin others are carrying on as close contacts as normal.. Some of my friends who I was supposed to be meeting this weekend said to me if track and trace don’t contact you you can do what you like! It’s that kind of attitude that is causing this spike. But then again it was inevitable. Double jabbed so hope to be OK :(

    Bastard covid had enough now.

    Full Member

    Like TJ said, wha-da-ya-mean “still”?

    Free Member

    Igm :) ha never has a truer word been said

    This is the first time in a year I know for sure I was a close contact so was kind of expecting to be notified immediately

    Hey ho… Luckily my work is doing the job of track and trace right now

    Full Member
    Full Member

    If it was reported as being at work then your employer will inform you. I’ve not known anyone at work be contacted by T&T due work contact. I’ve rang around staff though as an employer were responsible to inform staff.

    Free Member

    I got an email 6 days after my positive test promising a follow up call to get contacts details that never came.

    Full Member

    T&T has a very low target of (IIRC) 80% of contacts being informed with 48 hours and has hardly ever reached this. Last decemnber it was under 20% and rate then were much lower

    Of course no system would be able to cope with the numbers as they are now but T&T has been utterly crap

    Full Member

    My son tested positive Wednesday after feeling ill Monday. Track and trace called him yesterday and we had a text with 10 mins telling us to isolate (we were already).

    Free Member

    I’ve rang around staff though as an employer were responsible to inform staff.

    On a legal point they have no legal obligation to isolate (other than from their workplace) just on an employer’s say so. Needs to be T&T or Public Health.

    Full Member

    We got contacted on Wednesday after the contact took place the previous Thursday, but as mentioned above I think theyll be fairly busy at the moment!

    Full Member

    On a legal point they have no legal obligation to isolate (other than from their workplace) just on an employer’s say so. Needs to be T&T or Public Health.

    We PCR test our staff.

    Full Member

    I got pinged an hour ago for an exposure on the 14th. We had a case at work the week before but the management “investigation” determined that there was no need for anyone other than the infected party to isolate.

    Full Member

    management “investigation”

    I suspect a lot of this will go on in the coming weeks/months..

    Full Member

    Yep. Tested positive this morning, I’ve been contacted 3 times by text, 3 times by email and had a call!

    Full Member

    Lateral Flow Test was negative. PCR test result expected tomorrow.

    Are there many reports of erroneous pings from the app? My exposure was on the 14th according to the app.

    I went to Morrisons first thing, for no more than 10 minutes max. Then 8 hours in work but none of my colleagues have tested positive since the 14th. Then an hour in the gym, the only other person in there was the PT on duty who also hasn’t tested positive.

    As the criteria is 15 minutes at closer than 2m I can’t see where I was exposed.

    Full Member

    As the criteria is 15 minutes at closer than 2m I can’t see where I was exposed.

    bluetooth innacuracies? IIRC one of the criticisms of it is the bluetooth is too innacurate. I don’t know enough about it to know how true that is. apparently it can ping thru walls

    Plenty of reports of erroneous pings

    Full Member

    I’m disappointed by STW. 23 posts in and nobody’s mentioned that Track and Trace is a Royal Mail service. The NHS service is called Test and Trace…

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