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  • Today I’ve saved a life and I feel smug!
  • sharkbait
    Free Member

    I went out on the balcony earlier, I looked into next doors garden and there was this little fella flapping around the edge of the pond – unable to get out!

    I jumped the wall between us as their house is pretty secure and went to the pond where s/he was still alive. So I fished him out and the poor little thing was shivering like mad!
    Took him back to mine and put him on a towel in a box and put it in the airing cupboard which was the warmest place I could think of.
    A couple of hours later and he’s up!

    I decided the best option was to take him back to where I found him and when I opened the box he hopped up and flew out into the hedge – Job Done!!! 😁

    So I’m feeling smug….. or I was until I saw one of his siblings had also gone into the pond afterwards but hadn’t made it 😓

    Full Member

    Oh shit – that’s a baby robin.  Does anyone know where the OP lives ?  It’ll be ripping out his innards in no time 😬😨💀

    Full Member

    Good work! We have fledglings flapping about all over the place at the moment.  They are pretty vulnerable on their first few sorties!

    Free Member

    Oh shit – that’s a baby robin.

    Fear not…. I’ve been reliably informed that it’s a Goldfinch.

    (Obviously that info will be wrong and a baby robin’s going to come and disembowel me in the night 🤦🏻‍♂️)

    Free Member

    I once did similar when I saw a bird in the middle of a 50mph road – used my car as a road block and went and ‘saved’ the little fella – no idea if they survived but I did my bit. The other road users weren’t happy 😹

    Full Member

    We made my Greek FiL stop so we could save a tortoise on a busy Greek road. He thought we were bonkers.

    Free Member

    Once, while walking the fife coast path, I looked up and saw two tiny little birds obviously in distress on a fence. went up and one had got a claw wedged into the twists of barbed wire by the tie i got there it had dislocated its toes and made a right mess. the other one wasn’t for abondonning it. Tool the decision the toe was toast and pule it apart, and they flew off happily together.

    I like to think its still alive telling its gret great grandchicks.

    I then got to standrews only to realise i had forgotten my wallet and had spent all my coin so had to walk miles and steal my parents car to drive home. KArma can suck a dick

    Full Member

    Out on a ride we found a young hedgehog wandering down the middle of the road. Had not been hit but didn’t look great. No sign of parents or siblings.

    Moved it onto the verge and began debating what we could do with it – had visions of it ending up in my jersey pocket.

    A mum and young daughter out walking came over to see if we were alright, so we showed them the hedgehog and said we were wondering what to do next. Right on cue the daughter said “can we look after it mummy?” Mum knew there was no way she could say no to her daughter in front of strangers, dug a small shopping bag out her pocket to wrap the hedgehog in and off they went.

    Last thing I heard was mum saying “I don’t know how we are going to explain this to your dad….”

    Free Member

    I saved a bumble bee the other day that landed on my shoulder. Half hour on a table spoon with some sugar water and he was up and off 😀

    Free Member

    You should have left it to die. It was weak, mother nature had chosen it to perish. Something else would have fed on its bloated corpse.  Still, it is the weekend soon.

    Free Member

    Out on my bike yesterday and came across a couple holding up the traffic, for a caterpillar crossing the road. Could understand if it was a chicken 🙄.

    Free Member

    A very real demonstration of the butterfly effect

    Free Member

    I was paddle boarding a few weeks ago and there was a sheep making a right racket on the river bank. Her lamb had fallen into the river so I went over to try to lift it out. Lambs are deceptively heavy so ended up having to get into the water to be able to shove it back on to the bank.

    Free Member

    I once did similar when I saw a bird in the middle of a 50mph road – used my car as a road block and went and ‘saved’ the little fella

    Not to be dramatic but know of a person who stopped on dual carriageway to save a bird. Went to the back of his car to get a coat and a van smashed into the back. Result was catastrophic injuries and he bled to death. Not saying you were wrong and guess you blocked the road to protect yourself. Just stay safe out there!

    Full Member

    Over the years we’ve saved many a sheep/lamb from popping its clogs. They get stuck on their backs, in hedges, fences, tangled up in balloons, or other rubbish.
    Last night I fished a tree bee out of a bucket of water, made sure it dried off and popped it onto a flowering chive.

    Full Member

    Sheep are dumb, suicidal creatures.

    Full Member

    Had a baby Robin in the conservatory this morning

    Full Member

    A very real demonstration of the butterfly effect

    Well spotted

    Free Member

    Over the years we’ve saved many a sheep/lamb from popping its clogs. They get stuck on their backs, in hedges, fences, tangled up in balloons, or other rubbish.

    Yeah we used to live next to a field that often had sheep in it and I saved a few – one with its head stuck in a fence, one stuck between two fences (a new fence had been erected next to an old one and it trapped itself between the two) and a riggwelter (on its back).

    guess you blocked the road to protect yourself

    Err no – to protect the bird actually LOL! I was young – I doubt I’d do that today.

    Saying that, I once swerved to avoid a rabbit in the road, lost control, hit the kerb and rolled the car, writing it off in the process. Still – the rabbit survived.

    Full Member

    Last week while camping, a swallow came into the awning, did a circuit, chirped and left. All this happened in seconds. Gave me a fright, in a good way.
    Last year a fledgling blackbird hopped into our house. I had to sit very still for 5 minutes while it decided whether to continue with the tour of the living room, or go back into the big wide world.
    Luckily both birds didn’t leave a large amount of ‘droppings’ splattered all over the place, which is what happens usually.

    Free Member

    I’ve saved a few bees over the years, with a bumble bee rescued from the clutches of a massive spider last week making me feel particularly chuffed.
    I’ve also rescued a lamb (returned to a very distressed mother after it escaped the field) and several sheep (one on its back and a few from a thorny death in hedges – properly stupid creatures)
    Never saved a person’s life though. You?

    Full Member

    Never saved a person’s life though. You?

    Only by not selecting them to be my next victim.

    Full Member

    Had a baby Robin in the conservatory this morning

    I thought there were laws against that sort of thing!

    Free Member

    I found a baby goldfinch on the floor a couple of years ago, and spent 3 weeks hand raising it, feeding, encouraging it to fly, and then sending it on sorties around the house before it spread it’s wings and came back less and less often. It was a very rewarding and fun lockdown project. I have great photo somewhere of me asleep, and it also asleep, sat on my chest. 😍

    Full Member

    Lost count of the different beasts I’ve saved.

    Sheep would die twice if they could

    Full Member

    I can confirm lambs do weigh a lot more than you would expect. I live in a place where sheep graze on the village green and I sometimes have to pluck them out of the river when on dog walks. Sheep set out to kill themselves every single day.

    Free Member

    I can confirm lambs do weigh a lot more than you would expect.

    Whereas sheep don’t – I almost threw the riggwelter I saved in the air when I righted her given how light she was compared to what my brain was telling me when I saw the size of the unshorn beast laying there.

    Free Member

    Get a job in healthcare and you could do this everyday! Seriously, we need people right now. I mean, seriously, we really need people right now

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