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  • the leaked memo (saying trump is a dick)
  • funkmasterp
    Full Member

    Woah! I for one am glad that this leak happened. Up until this point I was under the impression that Trump was a super nice human being. Shocked beyond belief that he’s actually a massive **** tool.

    Free Member

    Good to see the Ambassador has resigned.

    The Ambassador can describe the President however he wished but once the official information is leaked good or bad there is a security breach and he should be held responsible.

    Whoever leaked the memo should be prosecuted as well.

    As for blaming everything Putin to deflect the leaked memo that is just a lazy argument.

    Whether people like President Trump or not that is their personal views but being an Ambassador he should have known better.

    So,,, boris’s got to go then? I don’t see why the diplomat who told the truth should go. But hey, it’s his decision 🙄

    Yes, he should go too but who is going to make him go? You have No future PM. 🤣

    Full Member

    Whether people like President Trump or not that is their personal views but being an Ambassador he should have known better.

    Its his job to tell people whats what and the truth surely?

    Free Member

    Its his job to tell people whats what and the truth surely?

    It is for the govt officials to know amongst themselves that rather than for public consumption.

    They can describe however negative they wish on any head of state in their own official time beyond the public.

    But once the information is leaked then someone needs to be held responsible.

    Free Member

    Yes, he should go too but who is going to make him go? You have No future PM. 🤣

    We’ve had a “no future PM” she’s gone, let’s have a PM with a Future.


    And IMO, you can’t hide behind Diplomatic Immunity when the truth is involved.

    You wouldn’t expect a Diplomat to lie under oath, but we seem to have Boris who lies at every opportunity. So it’s about time all those lies come to the for, and we we make our own decisions about the current crop of lying Tory retards.


    Full Member

    It’s hardly a secret that he’s a dick though. Wish I had that job, it’d be a breeze.

    Trump – dick
    Farage – dick
    Putin – dick

    Where do I apply to be an ambassador?

    Free Member

    .. let’s have a PM with a Future.

    You have None! Nil! None of the ones from all the main parties.

    … but we seem to have Boris who lies at every opportunity.

    IMO all politicians will try to get away with whatever they can cos it is in their nature of their job. Some may use nice words that make you feel good about them while others simply not as polished in the dark art.

    So it’s about time all those lies come to the for, and we we make our own decisions about the current crop of lying Tory retards.

    Only Tories? You have too much faith in politicians … 😃
    The correct response should be ALL of them in all the political parties.

    Trump – dick
    Farage – dick
    Putin – dick

    Only them? 😄

    Free Member

    Official secrets act has to be signed up to (ie. as part of an employment contract), so no default responsibilities on public.

    Uncorrect. You’re bound by it without signing – just like the other Acts of Parliament.

    Free Member

    <Tin foil hat>
    Is this a dead cat on the table moment?
    Every one has stopped talking about tRump and his links to
    sex trafficker jeffrey epstein, to concentrate on a tiff caused by
    what a ambassador said in confidential email.
    </Tin foil hat>

    Full Member

    Makes you think 🤔

    Free Member

    There is always a deflecting tirade when Trumps around.

    Full Member

    The Ambassador can describe the President however he wished but once the official information is leaked good or bad there is a security breach and he should be held responsible.

    Go on then, I know it’s Chewy so it’s not going to make any sense, but would you care to explain how the author of a report in another continent should be responsible for a leak of extracts of it from a source in Whitehall? Bloke on R4 (ex ambassador) yesterday explained that a report from an ambassador would have read by a minimum of 100 people in Whitehall, far more if the information was less sensitive.

    I’m normally all up for freedom of the press but the Mail on Sunday should be feeling pretty shitty right now. The information shared was not earth shattering so I’m not convinced it was in the public interest to damage relationships between the two countries by publishing it. I suppose the only thing we have had emphasised (again) what a pustulating knob Trump is and (again) what a tool BJ is too.

    Free Member

    Journalist/paper nope. Although I think the civil service could, and should, forget to include them in briefings for a while.

    Civil servants don’t brief journos as a rule. They we issue quotes and statements, and comms teams arrange interviews with ministers, but interacting directly with journalists isn’t really how it goes. That’s what special advisers – who are appointed directly by ministers – are for (they’re notorious for leaking things too).

    Full Member

     I know it’s Chewy so it’s not going to make any sense, but would you care to explain…

    Please don’t.

    Full Member

    I think there’s more of this to come once Johnson is PM

    Only the most fawning yes men will survive the cull

    Full Member

    We are truly the yanks bitch now.

    Full Member

    The Ambassador can describe the President however he wished but once the official information is leaked good or bad there is a security breach and he should be held responsible

    WTAF? Assuming he followed the correct protocol (correctly classified, correct recipients and correct network used for information of that classification level) when sending the reports (and there’s nothing to suggest he didn’t) then that’s where his responsibility ends. Those receiving and disseminating the information take over responsibility for it’s handling.

    Full Member

    Chewke being his usual obtuse self, I see. The ambassador was doing exactly what ambassadors do all the time, it’s his job, or part of it, to keep his government up to date on the inside workings of the country to which he’s posted.
    There was even an American woman on the radio saying that all he had written was what everyone in Washington knew anyway! Any responsibility for this leak lies, purely and simply, with someone at this end with an agenda that’s clearly pro-Trump, indulging in a blatant ass-kissing exercise.
    The New Yorker’s take on it:

    Full Member

    What’s really depressing is the Tory MPs toadying up to Johnson won’t condem him for throwing darroch under a bus.

    Whatever spad, civil servant or minister leaked this is hopefully crapping themselves right now.

    Unfortunately I fear they’ll get away with it & the brexiters will just be emboldened to do it again & again. No matter the damage to the country & government.

    Peston reckons this was Johnson sending a warning to the civil service, I cannot see thats any way to be PM. It will only foster resentment

    Full Member

    A beautiful foreshadowing of our special relationship when Europe gets fed up of our shit and we have no friends.

    Full Member

    There was even an American woman on the radio saying that all he had written was what everyone in Washington knew anyway!

    Its all things that people within the Whitehouse have already written- not in confidential cables but in national newspapers.

    all the leaked information revealed was that the ambassador was able to summarise the information very eloquently.

    Full Member

    Peston reckons this was Johnson sending a warning to the civil service

    For a while now the Brexiteers have been lining up civil servants to cop the blame for the disaster that Brexit is bound to be. Boris is just drawing up the battle lines for when the blamestorming begins.

    Full Member

    I do hope Dumbojo gets an opportunity to display his allegiance to his country of birth by sending our gallant boys to be the first slaughtered in Iran.

    Full Member

    Don’t need to be JHJ to know this was politically motivated.

    Free Member

    I would recommend to anyone trying to avoid ill-informed dirge that the killfile is extremely effective. If you’re lucky, you can avoid the imminent non-sequitur.

    Free Member

    FastHaggis sed> The truth is that there was a fight with Trump over the last Ferrero Rocher at the Ambassador’s Party.


    Free Member

    Go on then, I know it’s Chewy so it’s not going to make any sense, but would you care to explain how the author of a report in another continent should be responsible for a leak of extracts of it from a source in Whitehall?

    Ford make cars. If someone gets drunk, drives a Ford car and runs someone over then it’s Ford who should be held responsible as if they hadn’t made the car the accident wouldn’t have happened. It’s called chewkw logic

    Free Member

    The ambassador’s assesment of Trump might very well be correct, he might not be in any way to blame for the leak, but once his comments became public his position became untenable. He has to be able to work with the Trump regime or there’s no point him being there. In fact i’m suprised he took so long to resign, totally unfortunate but that’s life and life isn’t fair.

    Free Member

    Isn’t this like “leaking” a recipe for egg and chips?

    Free Member

    His ability to do his job became untenable once Trump refused to engage with him and un-invited him to various meetings and functions. This is the action of a pathetic narcissist rather than a politician and Trump not only disrespects the normal discourse of diplomacy (its not the first time he’s frozen out ambassadors), but also disrespects the office of the President of the United States.

    I wish Trump was clever enough to be doing things for a political end no matter how mischievous it might be, but the reality is he’s just spitting his dummy out like a child in a school playground and hitting back at someone who’d called him a name. Acting like a spineless bully. He’s taken it personally and reacted in a personal way. unprofessional. Unintelligent. Just a bit sad and pathetic really.

    Full Member

    Nailed it.

    Free Member

    Duplomacy is a shallow affair with nothing honourable about it. An ambassador is only effective if they are credible. Their job is to smile politely in public whilst bitching about their hosts in private. Whilst everyone on all sides knows this to be the case, if your bitching is exposed your credibility is gone and there’s no point you staying there.

    Full Member

    Is it just me that suspects that at any other period in our history we would have shrugged our shoulders, and instructed our chap to stay put until the next president takes office?
    With the shower of bastards we have in charge now, and the fact that we’re about to be reduced to a point where we have all the influence of a f***ing banana Republic, it’s no wonder he had to quit.

    Free Member

    Duplomacy is a shallow affair

    It’s far from it.

    Full Member

    This is the action of a pathetic narcissist

    thats the funny thing

    Darroch said he ‘radiated insecurity’

    his 2 day twitter tantrum has proven Darroch 100% correct

    Full Member

    And unfortunately it will only reinforce Trump’s sense of self-importance and inflate his ego. I still wonder in his heart if he’s knows he’s a complete turd and chooses to act however it suits him or if just completely delusional and thinks his behaviour is normal

    Full Member

    As a narcissist, I suspect he thinks he’s cleverer and actually superior to everyone else, and that his behaviour is just that which enables him to be superior…

    Full Member

    I think the plan is to appoint Farage as the next ambassador and Boris will continue to develop a relationship with the Brexit party. I never thought I’d be hoping for Jeremy Hunt to win anything.

    Full Member
    Full Member

    That Grauniad article paints a bloody grim picture…

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