[url= http://singletrackworld.com/columns/2015/12/sexism-in-mountain-biking-an-open-letter-to-maxxis/ ]Just read this on STW.[/url] I had a look at the Maxxis USA website, and it appears that their marketing dept have got it "right" when it comes to who they are selling their products to. Unfortunate really.
Its the reaction to the article that caught my attention.
The comments on STW have been supportive of Adele Mitchell's article, but on Facebook quite the opposite, yes I know social media can be trollagedon.
I only mention this because I saw [url= http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b06s5h18/reggie-yates-extreme-uk-2-men-at-war ]this last night.
[/url] 😯
My definition of being a man in today's world certainly differs from the inadequacies that some men have when viewing Women as equals, and saying that its political correctness gone mad if they can't say or act a particular way towards them like they used to, right down to a marketing dept believing that this is the way to sell products, regardless of whether the proceeds go to charity.
What does the STW hive mind think?