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  • Strava settings; how do I stop seeing zwift rides
  • shedbrewed
    Free Member

    Any way of doing it so I don’t see all the zwift rides that friends undertake and upload to strava? Is there some setting that only displays real rides?

    Full Member

    I don’t think you can and it’s been endlessly requested as a feature!

    Full Member

    I don’t think you can

    Full Member

    Why? It’s still a ride, effort has still been exerted. Sure tack the stats with a pinch of salt but as someone who dabbles in Zwift if you push on its a proper workout.

    I don’t think there’s any way of not seeing them.

    Full Member

    You can’t. Nor can you stop all those annoying “such and such joined such and such challenge” notifications. I’ve got three friends who seem to join about a bazillion challenges each week.

    Full Member

    I’m pretty confident you can’t (ever if you are a Strava subscriber).

    Free Member

    @breadcrumb because I’m just not interested in it. I like seeing where people have ridden in the real world.
    Thanks all. Time to do a cull then.

    Full Member

    Unfollow the riders posting them…

    Free Member

    Elevate for Strava (formerly known as Stravistix) plugin has an option to hide virtual rides, as well as minimum distances for runs and rides.

    Free Member

    Yea, it’d be good to be able to cull short or regularly repeated rides too, a lot of friends and colleagues commute so 90% of the day’s feed is commutes.

    I’m sure the algorithm that sorts the feed does something to prioritize them, but it would be better if you could curate it a bit more.

    Full Member

     I like seeing where people have ridden in the real world.
    Thanks all. Time to do a cull then.

    This is me too. As a result I normally stop ALL of my activities uploading to Strava and just make an exception for rides that I think might be more interesting. I say “normally” because I’m currently uploading everything as part of the 100 Days to Xmas thing.

    Full Member

    I didn’t have much time for the virtual rides before realising a smart trainer was going to fit in around family life.

    And yeah I get the feed does get a little overwhelmed by virtual rides this time of year. Best just to skip by of it’s not for you. Who knows, with that fitness they are building they might hit some big outdoors rides once the weather allows.

    Free Member

    Why? It’s still a ride,

    It’s really not.

    Free Member

    +1 for being able to hide virtual rides & commutes. I’m sure most of my followers don’t want to see my everso dull ride to work, but it all adds to the weekly kilometerage stats 😉

    It is truly baffling the number of people who’ll give kudos on a slow amble to work. For me, a minimum of 1 PR or an obviously challenging ride is required for a thumbs up…

    Full Member

    a lot of friends and colleagues commute so 90% of the day’s feed is commutes.

    I just make them all private. Nobody needs to see me bashing out the same 2 routes a few times a week, and some of my followers insist on Kudosing every short trip to the local town.

    Full Member

    I Kudos everything as I now it irks the folk I follow…I’m annoying in real-life so figure online should be the same.

    Free Member

    I can’t remember the name of the plug-in but all my virtual rides are automatically muted. They still appear in my profile but are hidden from everyone’s public feed. Pretty sure you can do the same for commutes too but obviously you’re relying on people being bothered to set that up on their own account.

    I guess like most folk I’m not really interested in repetitive commutes or virtual rides. I don’t know why Strava don’t just provide the feature to filter what you see. Surely it can’t be too difficult for them and I don’t know what the downside would be.

    Free Member

    On the Android Strava app, you can make your own rides “visible to everyone” (so they count for club leaderboards, challenges etc.), but lower down in the edit section “mute” rides so they don’t appear in your own feed or the feeds of followers/club members.

    Full Member

    I Kudos everything as I now it irks the folk I follow…I’m annoying in real-life so figure online should be the same.

    🤣 Well I’m glad you don’t follow me DickBarton!

    Free Member

    I have given up looking at Strava. It’s only a tool for uploading to Veloviewer now. Annoyed me that Strava is always suggesting that I follow people I don’t know.

    Full Member

    I can’t remember the name of the plug-in but all my virtual rides are automatically muted. They still appear in my profile but are hidden from everyone’s public feed.

    Probably strautomator or activityfix – think they can both mute things flagged as a virtual ride, or rides with no distance etc. I use them to get rid of the 3d map that they set as a default.

    But the other folk would need to use them, if they don’t then I don’t think there’s anything you can do to stop them appearing in your feed

    Full Member

    This is me too. As a result I normally stop ALL of my activities uploading to Strava and just make an exception for rides that I think might be more interesting. I say “normally” because I’m currently uploading everything as part of the 100 Days to Xmas thing.

    Exactly the same for me.

    My criteria for giving a kudos:
    Road ride: 30 miles or trophy
    Mtb ride: 10 miles (round here, trophies are a bit pants)
    Run: 3 miles
    Walk: 5 miles or an interesting photo
    Zwift: race or workout

    Full Member

    That is pretty weird. Surely any physical activity should be encouraged as it beats sitting on the sofa.

    Full Member

    I just make them all private.

    Me too. No-one needs to see my pathetic power output.

    Full Member

    That is pretty weird. Surely any physical activity should be encouraged as it beats sitting on the sofa.

    No-one’s saying don’t do it, but it does ‘spoil’ the Strava feed a bit when most activities are meaningless half-in-the-sea squiggles with weird jumble of word descriptions. Add in half a dozen challenges that people have joined and it just puts you off scrolling any further on the off chance somebody has actually ridden something interesting or relevant.

    It should be a matter of etiquette really, I keep (most) of my roller sessions private as they won’t add any interest to anyone’s feed and an hour of Z2 isn’t really an achievement even if it is part of a structured training plan.

    Full Member

    a lot of friends and colleagues commute so 90% of the day’s feed is commutes.

    I have started muting my commutes

    Full Member

    I sort of get why this bothers people but for me I find Strava useful for motivation so if my mates are smashing out rides loads of times a week, real or virtual, it kind of helps motivate me to get off my arse too. Its really very easy to just scroll past posts on Strava.

    There are some super fast guys on my feed who regularly win time trials and hill climbs, one of whom never does a single ride indoors, ever, for anything. I find it fairly inspirational but honestly, the daily “Morning Ride” posts which are just a random 40miles of the same interlocking local lanes as they do their intervals are really no more or less interesting than the Zwift posts I see.

    I guess we all like to see a big ride with photos and a funny story but lets face it for most people these are not what’s happening every time they leave the house on a bike.

    Full Member

    Look how long it took them to add the “MTB ride” category.

    They’ll probably let you filter out virtual rides in 2032.

    I’d also like to do it. Not to diminish anyone’s efforts on their turbo, it’s just not of interest.

    Full Member

    If you use chrome you can add the Sauce for Strava extension – it’s really good, removes virtual rides, challenges and a few other things.


    Full Member

    are really no more or less interesting than the Zwift posts I see.

    They’re exactly the sort of rides I like to see, in case they’re maybe using a bit of road I wasn’t aware of, or maybe link things together in an interesting way.

    I think that’s why I object to seeing so much (probably the bulk of my feed) Zwift activity, because I enjoy the whole GPS/route planning aspect.

    Full Member

    I just deleted my account :-)

    Full Member

    @breadcrumb because I’m just not interested in it. I like seeing where people have ridden in the real world.


    I have no interest in seeing virtual stuff.

    Full Member

    If you use chrome you can add the Sauce for Strava extension – it’s really good, removes virtual rides, challenges and a few other things.

    Awesome suggestion!

    BB Also available for Firefox.

    Full Member

    It’s not all about power output.

    Power output ÷ Body weight is more realistic.

    Or Watts per KG.

    Full Member

    I sort of get why this bothers people but for me I find Strava useful for motivation so if my mates are smashing out rides loads of times a week, real or virtual, it kind of helps motivate me to get off my arse too. Its really very easy to just scroll past posts on Strava.

    For me I prefer to see significant rides or rides in different locations (I especially like to see rides and runs in holiday locations, and make a note to ask friends about them), and find them motivational. A lot of my friends commute by bike and zwift in winter and I have no interest in that, so 20 people commuting by bike, plus zwift rides, that is actually a hell of a lot of scrolling to get to the rides I want to see.

    For me it is so poor I stopped subscribing a long time ago, and probably haven’t logged on to look for over 6 months.

    It is about giving people the choice to tune their feeds for their own preferences, simple changes that would be fairly easy to impliment. IMO they are losing subscribers and users by being pigheaded and ignoring their customers.

    Full Member

    Yeah I agree there should be no reason not to give people the option really.

    I can’t remember when Strava was conceived but I think I must have been using it for fifteen years or so. I might be mis-remembering but I’m fairly sure Zwift wasn’t really a thing so I guess they never expected to be showing people riding under the sea on a laptop screen. Seems like it would be easy to change the options for people though.

    Weirdly, I would probably find people’s Traineroad posts more interesting than their Zwift rides but that’s probably just me.

    Full Member

    Weirdly, I would probably find people’s Traineroad posts more interesting than their Zwift rides but that’s probably just me.

    Ditto! I’m a bit of a training geek (not that you would know it on the bike 🙄) and find big chunky graphs quite interesting.

    I guess on that point I have commented on an occasional Zwift activity when it is obvious what the session was, but along with the meaningless squiggle maps it’s the word soup activity titles which annoy me.

    IMO they are losing subscribers and users by being pigheaded and ignoring their customers.

    I’d thought the common assumption was that ZWIFT was a customer of Strava, and the inability to turn off Zwift activity is because Strava have effectively agreed to continue showing it to their subscribers as a sort of advertising.

    Full Member

    I’d thought the common assumption was that ZWIFT was a customer of Strava, and the inability to turn off Zwift activity is because Strava have effectively agreed to continue showing it to their subscribers as a sort of advertising.

    Interesting point!

    Full Member


    I have no interest in seeing virtual stuff.

    Was just about to say that there’ll undoubtedly be a commercial relationship between Strava and Zwift which requires the display of those activities….and the Zwift logo.

    Free Member

    What about dog walks? A friend of mine walks his dog at least 3 times a day and records it on Strava 🤣

    For me it’s all about routes. I’m really interested in trail conditions too and river/stream levels. Virtual activities are MEH 🫤

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