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  • Strava – Fitness and Freshness.
  • wilburt
    Free Member

    What’s a good fitness score, mine’s 45 which it would seem difficult to get much above without spending a serious amount of time on bike.

    Does anyone else use Strava to chart fitness?

    Free Member

    I’ve not looked at it before, it’s currently showing me as 38, but it got as high as 51 back in September.
    I’m happy enough with that as I’m fast approaching 59.

    Just looked back a bit further and I got up to 74 in September 2013, which is surprising as I’d only finished my cancer treatment 5 months before (maybe I was trying to prove something). 😕

    Full Member

    Just looked and mines dropped from 45 to 32 in a week of cold enforced rest.

    Full Member

    Not really sure how good a measure it is for anything other than your own progression but, 49 at present, peak somewhere around 70 in the summer

    Full Member

    no idea mine’s 8 haha, how do they measure it?

    Free Member

    I got mine up to just over 70 before the Kielder 101 in September, which was after a winter of training and a summer of short course XC racing. I never get my “freshness” much above single figures though – daily commuting doesn’t seem to allow for much recovery in the algorithm, even if it is at a ridiculously slow pace.

    Free Member

    how do they measure it?

    Witchcraft of course!

    Free Member

    There’s an explanation on the chart but in summary its a stress score based on your ride history intensity and frequency measured by heart rate or power and time…I think 🙂

    Free Member

    I think it’s broadly similar to CTL and TSB from TrainingPeaks, but their version so as to avoid licensing costs…


    With their suffer score being much the same as TSS I think.

    Anyone know if the numbers come out similarly?

    Free Member

    peaked at 130 in October 2014

    currently 13

    both based on powermeter readings

    this depresses me

    Full Member

    130 to 13? Jeez!

    Mines currently 50, rose to 69 during mid summer last year but then I started on 37, so expecting a lot higher this year.

    Usefull ness? Mostly for me I can see the peaks and troughs through my trinaing and race periods, and as long as each peak is higher the last year on year I know I’m working toward the right direction.

    Free Member

    Not sure how accurate it is.

    For example, my fitness was 63ish last year. Now it’s around 40ish. I am now way fitter and stronger than I ever was before.

    For example, my FTP was 240ish last year. It’s now 299w but according to Strava, my fitness figure is much lower…

    Free Member

    No bad thing to have a rest month. Should be possible to carry some gains through season to season? For me:-

    2014 – 53 from a rest month (october) of 12
    2015 – 87 from a rest month (october) of 24
    Currently 60 from a rest month (October) of 36 but I’ve had a bit of injury

    Temptation is to build a line on a graph. It’s better to do quality intervals and quality training which may not build such an impressive line but will give better results.

    Free Member

    Mine is at 2 Fitness and 9 fatigue 🙁 I’m hoping that’s a lack of data, but shall see over the next few months.

    Free Member

    Peaked at 68 in July, currently 36 after pretty much 3 months of various colds and bugs. Came into last year much higher as I did the rapha 500 and the winter gorricks. Still, first year of training with a power meter and turbo so expecting big things as opposed to my usual ride whatever I want approach to training.

    FTP is the same as October at 265 so I haven’t lost the power over winter despite lack of training.

    Longer sessions seem to impact it much more than daily 1hr sessions, I used to do similar hours a week but mostly at the weekend and my fitness / fatigue figures were much higher.

    Free Member

    Not sure what use it is really, and then how do you define fitness? I go by a noticeable increasing ease in climbing ability. I’ve just found I’m sailing up climbs these days. Doesn’t shift my belly though. I could go to a gym and tone up, get a six pack 😆 , and be considered fit but yet find climbing hills on a bike a real struggle (I know a few just like this. Big gym freaks, but can’t cope with some big hill rides).

    Downhill fitness is another matter. I find it’s all in the arms and I get a lot of fatigue in the arms hammering downhill all day.

    Free Member

    130 to 13? Jeez!

    sad times eh 😥 was 111 pre accident which dropped to 5 – quickly got back to mid 30s after i got back on but motivation, mood, kids, life has killed me since

    what i can see in the pattern, is that my riding in 2014 contained a lot more intervals (strava kom chasing) and
    2015 graph below was longer rides there 2x 300+ km rides in there, and historic power data shows i lost some of that top end

    Free Member

    was 240ish last year. It’s now 299w but according to Strava, my fitness figure is much lower…

    It’s calculated relative to your FTP. So bump up your FTP and fitness actually goes down as it’s now based on a bunch of efforts that are scored lower than before.

    Free Member

    Thread resurection!

    I’m a premium strava user but the freshness and fitness section is lightly greyed out with no data in it. I have logged a lot of rides over the summer with hr and some with power too.

    Any ideas why?

    Free Member

    I’m a premium strava user but the freshness and fitness section is lightly greyed out with no data in it. I have logged a lot of rides over the summer with hr and some with power too.

    Same here, can’t say I’ve checked it for quite a while though.

    Free Member

    Ive emailed strava, will report back if i hear anything from them.

    Free Member

    Reply from strava

    Need to input your ftp

    Mine works now.

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