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  • South Peak Loop
  • podgeskeeper
    Free Member

    Hi All,
    Has anyone ridden the south peak loop recently? Was planning on doing it (in a day) later this month but came across a recent vid, it took these guys 12.5 hours. I know its all relative to fitness, bikes etc but just curious how long its taken others? Any other tips or bits to avoid?

    Free Member

    Not recent but 2 years ago I had a go and got round the loop in just under 6 hours. I was trying to get round quickly and stops were minimal. I did it on a xc Mtb which I thought was perfect for the mixed terrain.


    Free Member

    Thanks Andy, good to know its been done in half the time I’d seen on the video. Was just a bit concerned it was more of a beast than I was expecting.

    Full Member

    Did it 4 years ago, overnight in the rain. Also included starting and finishing from home so not the full loop but probably comparable. Includes a diversion round a field of interesting cows and also taking a wrong turn for 8 miles. Travelling time was around 9h 15m but I did take quite a few pit stops. Including pit stops it looks like it took 11h 18m. I was definitely pootling and I’d imagine that it could easily be done in a day.


    Free Member

    Rode it with my Dad last year. We had a moving time of 6h 45. Had a couple of cafe stops, so probably 8 hours all in.

    Full Member

    I’ve done it as well https://www.strava.com/activities/2393643590 moving time was 8:41. I used it as a training ride for a later “SDW in a day”. I found some of the navigation a little tricky, and in places I was just riding across grassy fields with no sign of a path (its possible I was in the wrong place!).

    Where it benefits versus SDW is that at the end you are back at your car, so logistically its much easier. There are no taps (that I’m aware of) you you’ll need to rely on businesses, of which there are plenty. I started in Winster, and I used a shop in Hartington and the tea-hut thing on the Tissington trail in Tissington.

    Whilst the climbing per mile almost exactly matches the SDW, there are several long flat-ish sections, so when you are climbing you’ll know it!


    Full Member

    Noted for a possible future challenge. Those who’ve done it, would it be do-able on a gravel bike?

    Free Member

    Here’s my Gravel Bike ride. Includes riding to and from home though.


    Perfectly doable on a Gravel Bike with wide tyres. If you want to go fast then MTB is probably the way to go.

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