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  • so tragic – baking cakes for work…
  • rephlexer
    Full Member

    cards on the table – I don’t mind doing a bit of baking and even find it therapeutic.

    Have got a situation where I’ll bake a cake for the tea room at work (once/twice a month) and won’t hold back on making it a proper job rather than the average supermarket ‘cake in a box’ garbage that ends up on the table usually.

    I do it cos I really like eating tasty cakes and giving people something they can’t just buy anywhere – plus it makes the vibe abit better in the team. Not doing it to be a hero or get the ‘mad respect’ but I’m not  about – if I’m doing it I’m going for it – usually producing pretty good results tbh.

    It’s a mixed team of 13 people age 24 – 40 (I’m 38) also fairly split english/scots and we all get on pretty well although the is abit of culture of ‘slaggin people for lols’ and herein lies the rub.

    Everytime I bring baking in a subset of the group (4 people – all the scots and younger than me) love to rip the piss and say that it’s my wife doing all the baking and that I’m passing it off as my own work – whilst quite happily enjoying the cakes! Anything I say at all to even slightly counter this just eggs them on even more and they get a kick of seeing that it winds me up and accuse me of being ‘very defensive lol’. I’m left feeling abit embarrassed at them being dicks when I’m going out of my way to be nice.

    I could just be a stroppy and say next time it happens is the last time I bring stuff in but that feels like I’m just empowering them.

    The rest of the group are genuinely grateful and one of the english guys said to me discretely that bantz at work is generally funny but he finds this whole cake wind up situ just rude/embarrassing so it’s not just me being a princess.

    I know Glaswegians love a bit of the old back and forth and maybe its a mark of respect or whtevr so I should just suck it up like a big fanny? – but I kind of can’t be arsed doing it again – I try to go along with it but it doesnt feel like bantz when they’re ripping the piss. I only did in the first place as I want my work to be the kind of place where someone might want to bake a cake for everyone :/

    pretty confident a discrete whatsapp asking to them ‘play nice’ will be just end up in a digital kicking

    PS: its not all guys rinsing me out – one of them is a lass who is gluten intolerant – and I made her a mini raspberry pavlova two weeks ago specifically so she’d be involved (god I’m such a gimp)

    Free Member

    That post is waaaay too long!

    Anyway, **** off into the buttercream next time, let them eat it and then deliberate on whether to tell them.

    The cake my manager made for his birthday was **** amazeballs!! A real work of art. Everyone was greatly impressed – although this is an NHS office, mostly staffed by cake-munching women, with not a knuckle-dragging Scotch person/bantalad in sight.

    Full Member

    People are shit. Sorry bout that. Cakes’ nice tho.

    Free Member

    P. S. If someone is going to be a ****, let them – don’t let them make you the ****

    Free Member

    it’s just other people – why are you choosing to let it upset you?

    Sounds like a joke that’s just got a bit tired and isn’t funny any more – they’ll realize at some point and stop.

    Just look at them dead pan and say “still wheeling that old joke out egh?  You’re welcome not to have any…”

    Full Member

    @robhilton – yeah I am venting possibly the ultimate first world problem

    gonna call your buttercream idea plan B (plan J?)

    Full Member

    make one decorated as a roulette wheel

    tell them you made this one specially for them – keep popping over to see who’s had which piece

    Free Member

    love to rip the piss and say that it’s my wife doing all the baking

    They’re just winding you up for fun. Only thing you can do is not let them. Just shrug and say “Yeah, whatever.” Obviously people appreciate the cakes so just leave it at that.

    Full Member

    Spike the next one with loads of chilli or similar,  then tip off the rest of the staff in advance :)

    Free Member

    Bake the piss takers a “special” cake.

    There must beca special ingredient you can add to theirs, courtesybof your wife.

    Free Member

    I guess technically you are being harassed at work on the basis of your gender. So if you want you could have them all wiped out by HR.

    Alternatively, tell them to f*** off and keep baking cakes. The middle ground would by to speak to them individually about it or if needed their manager.

    Free Member

    No pudding for them !

    Free Member

    We’re hiring at the moment….

    Free Member

    Take in one of those little skanky looking haggis from Tesco put that on one plate, then make your best 3 tiered carrot cake put it on the other plate. When one of the 4 go to get cake, stand up and say”woah I got you the haggis” if they try to go for the cake insist the haggis is theirs and the cakes for the others. They’ll soon realise to pipe down when they become the joke.

    Free Member

    Just take a break from doing it and when they or others ask why reply, ‘do you need to ask?’

    Full Member

    Just tell them you spat in the slices they had so they’re wrong it was all your wife’s work.

    Full Member

    Are they Rangers or Celtic fans? Decorate cake in opposite team colours.


    Make a batch of cupcakes, but there’s could be small/spicy hot/personalised.

    Free Member

    Glaswegians, salt of the earth, so they keep telling me….

    Full Member

    Take me in to work with you. I’ll stand next to the cake and any time one of them reaches for a piece I’ll grab it and eat it. I know it’s good of me to offer my services in such a way. I’m all about helping others………….

    …….and cake

    Free Member

    Tell them  ….. “Im raising a bit of money for charity this week. I’d like £2 a slice please”

    You’ll not see the Scots for dust.

    And then the following week you’ll have all the ammo you need for any of their wise cracks.

    Good luck.

    Full Member

    Sorry, you are being way too sensitive.

    In a piss take environment saying that someone else other than you made it is a backhanded compliment- I.e. this is so good it can’t be your work. Take it for what it is and move on.

    Free Member

    Actually thats not a bad shout.

    Option A. They take a slice and don’t pay. Spend all week slating them

    Option B. They don’t take a slice or pay they get a mild slating and you send an email round announcing the total and what charity will be next week

    Option C. They just keep slating you and you just ignore it and srnd an email announcing total and announcing you’ll do the same next month and will take requests for cake AND charity.

    You continue to make something you enjoy making. people enjoy cake. Charity gets money.

    Don’t ask a price though just put a tin preferably that makes a noise “here that guys? Thats the sound of a not **** being not a ****. Whats your excuse?”

    And put wheat in the gluten free and watch her face as she shits herself.

    Free Member

    Ooh cake, an important topic at last.  You are being a tart.  Lighten up.  Are you sure it is not something else that is making you this sensitive, because getting wound up about something so trivial seems a bit…..well, tragic.

    My SO likes to watch bake off, I don’t mind it either tbh if it’s on when I sit down.  I remember an episode where some old bloke got emotional about how much baking meant to him, mostly because there was nothing else in his rather sad life.  It was pathetic.  You sound a bit like that guy.  TO be serious for a moment, I think your resilience needs a bit of work.

    Next time they start ripping the piss, would it hurt to just say ‘ay, whatever’ and get on with it?  Or just withhold cake, that will soon shut them up.

    I’m left feeling abit embarrassed at them being dicks when I’m going out of my way to be nice.

    And I suspect someone feels a bit embarrassed about you being so sensitive about nothing.  Accept that some people just don’t care as much about cake as you do?

    Free Member

    Please tell me that one of the Glaswegians is named Clint.

    Free Member

    They obviously know which button to push… :)

    Disconnect that button & retaliate in kind: “No, actually, YOUR wife* made it while I was s****ing her over your kitchen table”


    Full Member


    Free Member

    Sounds like standard bantz to me.

    Dont make it into an issue as it isnt one.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    You’ll not see the Scots for dust.

    Not that old chesnut.

    Free Member

    Disconnect that button & retaliate in kind: “No, actually, YOUR wife* made it while I was s****ing her over your kitchen table”

    As someone who is currently sitting in Govan, I can verify that this is the correct response. Go for “daughter” instead if, old enough and, you really want to hit hard.

    Free Member

    The cakes are irrelevant, it’s banter; you’ve risen to it so it continues. They don’t mean any harm. As you say, they’re the younger ones, and they haven’t learned that it can really upset people. They will accept the same aimed at them. Make a fluffy sponge with pink icing, tell them that since they insist your wife made the cakes she’s made one specially for them (but have a solid fruit cake for the rest).

    Free Member

    ” Not that old chesnut”

    Bantz mate innit

    Although thinking about it …. That is what your wife said about you, last time i was round.

    Full Member

    If their joking is over the top then remove their cake privileges.  When they complain or don’t take you seriously, tell them it was your wife’s idea.

    Or think up some witty retorts, that insults them back

    ‘No cake for you, your wife told me in bed the other night that she thinks youre a fat bastard’ etc

    ’i only bake a cake after your mum gives me a BJ’   Fruit or sponge tomorrow?

    Free Member

    Not that old chesnut

    I wouldn’t put them on a cake

    Free Member

    Remember if a Weegie isn’t insulting you it means they really don’t like you

    Free Member

    Is this a wind up?

    Free Member

    I shouldn’t really be telling you this but…..

    Memorize this phrase for use the next time you feel intimidated by these Weegies.

    ” Aye right, daftie. I might bake cakes but Yer Da sells the Avon

    It’s like Glaswegian Kryptonite. ;-)

    Full Member

    Remember if a Weegie isn’t insulting you it means they really don’t like you


    and don’t worry, it wont happen for long as the life expectancy of a weegie is not very long ;-)

    Full Member

    Just tell them their wife made it, and you picked it up when you popped over to satisfy her.

    Free Member

    Perhaps they think you are bit of a delicate flour, and that’s why they keep egging you on? I wouldn’t rise to it. Don’t let them sponge off you any longer.

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