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  • Snobby cyclists not minding their own business! (working class rant)
  • kudos100
    Free Member

    Todays country walk with the kids was spoilt in the end.

    Picture the scene. I’m out walking with the kids and they are collecting daffodils to give to the local old peoples home.

    Some snob on a bike (a tandem to make matters worse!!) has the nerve to tell my kids off for picking wild flowers!

    Understandably annoyed I tell this pompous idiot to do one. How dare he tell my kids off for picking flowers that are in abundance at this time of year. It’s not like they are an endangered species now is it!!

    The middle class snobby idiot starts sticking his oar in so I tell him to get back on his tandem and piss off!!

    He then has the cheek to tell me I’m setting a bad example to my children!! He has no idea I work two jobs and look after three kids all on my own. Little johnny is predicted straight A’s in his gcse’s, he will be the first family member to go to university.

    Their dad had died 6 months ago and some of the flowers were going on his grave.

    Some people should really mind their own business and keep their snobby middle class opinions to themselves.

    Free Member


    1/10 – must try harder.

    Take a saw to them next time.

    Full Member

    hah i bet it was the 40% income tax that was really annoying the cyclist or the fact that the trail had nt been gritted.

    Free Member

    I did hear him moaning to his wife about the state of the footpath……

    Full Member



    Free Member


    Full Member

    Wasn’t bunnyhop then due to one small detail.

    Free Member

    What’s “snobby” got to do with it?

    I understand you disagree with the guy, but aren’t wild flowers (what with being wild and all) everybody’s business?

    Free Member

    Ah I see.

    Blimey, that’s a huge thread. I can probably get the gist from the first 5 posts (generally the case when a thread goes to 3 pages).

    Free Member


    I’m out walking with the kids and they are collecting daffodils to give to the local old peoples home.

    Or this?

    Their dad had died 6 months ago and some of the flowers were going on his grave.

    Have you had a sex change? Or where you a gay couple with adopted children? If the latter i am truly sorry for your loss.

    1/10 – Even the other side of the event wasn’t that bad!

    Free Member

    If some weirdo approached my kids and started talking to them rather than me, I’d do the same. Most decent folk understand you don’t start conversations with others’ kids, no excuses, so you’re right to be concerned.
    Most importantly, hope the kids are ok. They all get a lot of direction at school these days on how to avoid dangerous situations with strangers, but you never know till it happens. Lucky you were with them.
    You did well to keep so calm in front of the kids. If they then went on to try to tell me that they know how to parent better… Well, just shows that they weren’t all there in the head.
    Did they have any distinguishing features? You should mention it to the other parents in the village, they might have approached some other kids. Worth being vigilant from now on.

    Full Member

    avoid dangerous situations with strangers

    – ‘Hey kid get on the tandem I’m a friend of your mum’
    – ‘No and I don’t care how many puppies you have’

    Free Member

    If some weirdo approached my kids and started talking to them rather than me, I’d do the same

    Whoah, hold it right there.

    Why can’t I talk to kids? Are they second class citizens or something and I have to go through their handler to obtain permission?

    Free Member

    If some weirdo approached my kids and started talking to them rather than me, I’d do the same. Most decent folk understand you don’t start conversations with others’ kids, no excuses, so you’re right to be concerned.
    Most importantly, hope the kids are ok. They all get a lot of direction at school these days on how to avoid dangerous situations with strangers, but you never know till it happens. Lucky you were with them.
    You did well to keep so calm in front of the kids. If they then went on to try to tell me that they know how to parent better… Well, just shows that they weren’t all there in the head.
    Did they have any distinguishing features? You should mention it to the other parents in the village, they might have approached some other kids. Worth being vigilant from now on.

    WTF if that crap is serious You’re a complete mentalist.

    Free Member

    Three threads in his/her history now to say Kudos can’t cope with other people being right.

    Free Member

    If some weirdo approached my kids and started talking to them rather than me, I’d do the same

    Whoah, hold it right there.

    Why can’t I talk to kids? Are they second class citizens or something and I have to go through their handler to obtain permission?


    Full Member

    loum, are you on crack or have you simply overdosed heavily on Daily Mail paedo-paranoia? If that’s your genuinely held opinion on the matter then it’s both quite disturbing and rather sad.

    Free Member

    If some weirdo approached my kids and started talking to them rather than me, I’d do the same. Most decent folk understand you don’t start conversations with others’ kids, no excuses, so you’re right to be concerned.

    – 1

    Whilst riding home yesterday morning I spoke to a child of about 4-5 years old who was riding his bike in the park. Asked him if he wanted to race back towards where his parents were. Naturally he won (I was very tired and had run out of gels some time previous 😉 ). Brightened up my morning and I hope added a little to the kids morning too.

    The parents didn’t seem to love it though as i got a very disapproving look, they obviously shared the view that it was better to teach the kid that all adults should be treated with fear and suspicion.

    Free Member

    Whoah, hold it right there.

    Why can’t I talk to kids? Are they second class citizens or something and I have to go through their handler to obtain permission?

    Stranger danger and let’s face it – you are a bit strange

    just saying like 🙂

    Free Member

    Stranger danger and let’s face it – you are a bit strange


    Seeing as this is an open forum and you’ve asked that people keep their opinions to themselves… I think you’re mental and that your kids should be taken into care.

    Free Member

    Was I the only one to see Loums post as satire?

    Full Member

    Hilarious how many have missed the point. 10/10 dear boy.

    Free Member

    TJ, no you weren’t

    Free Member

    [hippy mode]Leave the flowers alone dude![/hippy mode]

    So you’ve got to be middle class to look after flowers and the working class wreck everything.

    PS Did you have permission to pick the flowers ?

    Free Member

    love the bit about disgusting features, brilliant

    Free Member

    Fair play for saying something, I would have done the same.

    Just like when I saw some kids chucking stones at ducks…

    Free Member

    Was I the only one to see Loums post as satire?

    That, and surely this whole thread is just an ‘ol fashioned STW switcheroo?

    Free Member

    Edukator – Member
    Three threads in his/her history now to say Kudos can’t cope with other people being right.

    Good to see your career in irony is continuing with great success

    Full Member

    daffodilgate 😯

    Free Member

    Phil Collins knows the score..

    Free Member

    I have to go through their handler to obtain permission?

    Yes, IME.

    After stepping in front of my supermarket trolley which she saw coming, small child jumped aside: “Sorry”.

    Me, without thinking, as I passed, in a neutral tone of voice:”Well, don’t do it then”.

    Result – confronted five minutes later by the father who threatened to punch my lights out.

    I was later advised by someone who was also a parent, after relating the tale, that it wasn’t up to me to instruct someone else’s child – that’s the parent’s job.

    Free Member

    Me, without thinking, as I passed, in a neutral tone of voice:”Well, don’t do it then”.

    Result – confronted five minutes later by the father who threatened to punch my lights out.
    This zero tolerance for smartarses thing has got me worried.

    Free Member

    Result – confronted five minutes later by the father who threatened to punch my lights out.

    Quality parenting. Poor child hasn’t got a hope.

    Free Member

    Quality parenting. Poor child hasn’t got a hope.

    I see what you’re saying but I’m not so sure.. I think some kids might benefit more from a fiercely protective father than they might perhaps from a deferential or scathingly judgemental one.. the child could even bloom in it’s environment..

    I like to think that had I been the parent I would have used the opportunity as a nature lesson, perhaps attempting to study the anti-social woppits unfriendly bluster more closely.. maybe provoking it further with some good natured jeering.. the way a teacher might provoke an ant with a twig, to demonstrate it’s aggression to the class..

    Free Member

    Why can’t I talk to kids?

    Because it means you are definitely absolutely a child-molesting paedo and deserve to be killed to death many many times in a public place, after which the rest of your family should be humiliated and banished to the hills.

    Not that people in this country are paranoid at all.

    Ideally, all children should be kept in a windowless cellar until the age of 40 just in case exposure to ‘the real world’ causes them to have to learn how to deal with things.

    Free Member

    I think some kids might benefit more from a fiercely protective father \
    a ‘fiercely protective father’ wouldn’t let their child wander off in a supermarket. This one just sounds a thug.

    Free Member

    I was later advised by someone who was also a parent, after relating the tale, that it wasn’t up to me to instruct someone else’s child – that’s the parent’s job.

    Clearly they weren’t doing it very well then

    Free Member

    This one just sounds a thug.

    certainly a little over zealous.. 😀

    Free Member

    Can somebody please think of the flowers!

    Free Member

    Quite a few daffodils species are protected by law regardless of their abundance and you are breaking said law if you pick them. Really, they are.

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