Tackled Skiddaw last night. Have been waiting for some decent weather to return so we could get this ticked off before the end of the summer. This was also our first time climing it with bikes, so we figured it would be quite interesting!
The evening weather was perfect. good visibility, warm, and a slight breeze.
Flat bit past Little Man thankfully suprisingly rideable. Then it kicks up again:
Lots of sharp little rocks at the top, one tube change and hardening of tyres followed:
Gratuitous BrantPorn shot
We did tidy up after ourselves eventually:
Then the downhill! Thankfully it was worth the effort. It would have been over far to quickly, but my two compadres suffered pinch flats by the time we got back to Little Man. So we had an enforced break while we sorted ourselves out.
The next section down the *steep* zig-zags to Latrigg carpark was a touch hair-raising, certainly a good test for my V2's! The discs were hot and black by the bottom, pinking as they cooled. Speed was instantanious if you let go
Then a nice fast cool down across the side of Latrigg back into Keswick. No walkers, just daft speeds! 8) Brilliant.