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  • SAD and light boxes
  • emma82
    Free Member

    Just been looking up light boxes with a view to ordering one later, been getting progressively more depressed the last few weeks and neither me or my other half can tolerate it much more. I’m sure it’s weather related as I had the exact same problems last year almost as soon as the clocks changed. Has anyone got one? Do they work and does anyone else get SAD, if so any tips for alleviating it? Doesn’t help that I have always loathed November in general, it’s definatley the crappiest month 🙁

    Free Member

    emma82 – you have my sympathies, it is crap time of year for depression sufferers. I also seem to slide quickly into a deeper depression a couple of weeks just after the clocks go back, although this year it hasn’t been too bad so far, but early days.

    I don’t have a light box, I probably should but have never got round to it, but other things I can suggest are

    1/ Get outdoors irrespective of how cloudy. cold and miserable it is, even on the worst of days 30 mins of natural light can be helpful. A short walk at lunchtime maybe?

    2/ Get your GP to check you vitamin D levels, I suspect we are all lacking at this time of year, but if you are prone to SAD low vitamin D will not make things any easier.


    Free Member

    I used to find that some winters I would get more and more down, wasn’t until recently that I put it down to the SAD sort of thing. Looking back, I figured that it was cause I was in an office job with little chance of seeing any outside likght during the day. I used to get up in the dark, commute in the dark, work without seeing the daylight and going home in the dark.

    I’ve since changed jobs and now am out and about in the daytime and i haven’t had the issue as much.

    Dont really have a difnitive solution, but maybe try ensuring that when its daytime, you keep the lights on or keep the place as bright as possible.

    Free Member

    Thanks chaps, I think I have slightly gone into hibernation, not exercised for weeks and been eating crap, no vitamins at all etc but am now in the vicious circle situation so going to try and buck myself up from tomorrow. Was going to start today but it all went a bit wrong this morning an I’ve bawled my eyes out since so feel uber crap now. To be honest I need to stop spending so much time on the Internet too, that’s not helping at all but I can’t face getting up and doing anything just yet!

    Free Member

    Hi emma82

    Know how you feel, I find sometimes it helps to book something in the near future that means you need to commit to doing with friends. That way you’re less likely to find excuses.

    Recommend going for a nice walk in the country/pub etc can brighten up a dull day. Having a break from exercise ain’t a bad thing. Also might be worth trying something different exercise wise for a change ?

    Take care

    Free Member

    THANK GOD I’M NORMAL! I’ve also gone into hibernation lately, not exercised and eaten loads of crap. I’ve also been extra sensitive. I suffer from deperession and have a lightbox but can’t really tell if it’s helping yet

    Free Member

    hmmmmmm, interesting topic.

    I shall be following this…

    Free Member

    see, I don’t suffer from depression as a rule. I have times when I get stressed out with work etc which might impact but what I’ve felt the last few weeks is what I would associate as being depression, not wanting to get out of bed, do anything, go anywhere, see anyone. Couldn’t really care less if I don’t get up all day but stress about everything. Proper down but it really isn’t me. Thinking about getting this thing:

    Bit cheaper than stated price on Amazon too.

    Free Member

    sorry – crap with URL thingys


    Free Member

    I really don’t like this time of year. The lack of daylight hours just makes me slow down and become quite lazy and eat too much.

    In previous winters I would also suffer from a touch of depression. However, the last 2 winters I have been on prozac, I stopped taking it in April and have been on St John’s Wort since then and I must admit that mentally I am not feeling too bad. I still get very bored and sleep quite a bit, but the depressed feelings are few and far between.

    I know that we still have the very cold months to get through and I will need to reassess things come the Spring, but SJW seems to be working for me so far.

    Free Member

    The light boxes defiantly work. We got ours from Boots and it certainty improves the atmosphere in our house. You do need to make a conscious effort to use it otherwise you end up in rows along the following lines :- “would you like the light box on”
    “no why?”
    ” i just thought it might help”
    “it’s nothing to do with SAD it’s you annoying me”

    Free Member

    I have one and it seems to help a bit, but it’s not going to get you out of a rut or anything. I find it is nice to have on the desk when I am working at home but I don’t think it has kept the winter depression at bay but it may have reduced the severity a bit.

    Perhaps I need to get into the habit of using it for a set period every day.

    Free Member

    Crank – that conversation did just make me chuckle. Probably the same I’ll end up having with the bf. I’ll have a look at the boots ones, didn’t realise you could get them from there too.

    Might get some st johns wort too perhaps although I’m always a bit of a sceptic about herbs ‘un stuff.

    Free Member

    I get winter blues, seclude myself and sluggish etc.

    Its when you’re aware of it and snap out -do something about it.

    Full Member

    If you’re thinking of getting a light box try

    these [/url]

    30 day trial and you send back if you dont get on with it.

    Good luck

    Full Member

    Get it! Mine changed my life, I’ll be putting it on each morning until spring.

    Spend more and get the brightest one you can.

    Good luck,


    Full Member

    After years of feeling really low over winter, last year was really bad. Went for one of these in end.

    Philips golite

    Feeling a definate improvement in motivation and energy this year compared to same time last year. Regular exercise really helps me, but this seems to help find a little more motivation to get out.

    Free Member

    How about making one of your own with this full spectrum bulb?


    I have not tried the bulb, but some chap who suffers from SAD on another forum I visit recommended them.

    Free Member

    Seems to be very good reviews for the phillips one on amazon

    Full Member

    Get one of these:

    £40 from Maplin.

    I wake up to it every morning on a timer switch – an hour of 10000 lux before I get out of bed.

    Full Member

    NB I previously had a Lumie, but way too dim – sold it to someone on here…

    Free Member

    Much cheaper delivery on that bulb I mentioned up above here


    Free Member

    ta all, I have ordered some monster machine from Lumie, these things aren’t cheap 😕 but don’t mind paying if it works. Will have it on a 30 day trial anyway so will soon see. Have also made an effort to do a bit more (day 1!!), went for a walk for 40 minutes at lunch time today then went to the gym after work. Knackered now! Just watching the good life on channel 2 and have decided that is definitely the way forward and the road to instant happiness! 😯

    Full Member

    Good luck with the light box.
    I bought my other half an alarm clock one that gets brighter, thought it would be an ideal way to wake up gently. Thing was she turned over to get away from the light… 🙄 🙂
    Had no problems sending it back to them.

    Free Member

    I ordered one of the bulbs up above yesterday, let’s see how it performs when it arrives. I could quite easily put it in the lamp beside where I am sat now, so I could soak up some decent light and surf STW, bliss!

    I also bought some new daylight bulbs for the kitchen as the low energy ones in there are now very dim and it makes me feel very tired when I am in there and the lights are on.

    Good luck with your Limie emma82!

    Free Member

    Low energy bulbs seem to be great for saving the world but they are very dull and the ones we have seem to take forever to warm up, it goes from ‘cosy glow’ to ‘reasonably nicely bright but not really that bright at all’ so think we will get some proper daylight bulbs to put around the house. The world will have to suffer in the winter for my happiness and by other halfs sanity 😕 I shall let you know how I get on with my lightbox, it will probably be used first thing before I get up then when I get home and have dinner for half an hour so it doesn’t disturb my sleep to much. Apparently you shouldn’t use them close to bed time? I’m quite excited about it now, I like getting new toys.

    Full Member

    im interested in this too,
    and im relieved to find that other ordinary people feel the same as me.
    i find that getting a bit of exercise definately helps, doesnt matter what kind, walking, cycling, swimming, its all good.
    ive noticed i always feel better on sunny days too, doubt its much to do with temperature though, light is the issue i think.
    good luck btw.

    Full Member

    some info on times to use light boxes here

    Free Member

    Sunny days certainly help me.

    The sun has been shining well up here today and I have walked up and down to school 3 times today to take the 2 big ones to school and little one to play group and I feel much better for it.

    I know it is due to go much colder soon, but at least it will be dry and sunny and hopefully I will be able to get out for a ride again soon.

    Full Member

    I got a Philips “GoLite” last winter, and it has transformed how I feel during the darker months. It’s small, neat and portable. I just use it for 20mins each morning and it does the job for me. A bit pricey(I got mine from Amazon) but worth every penny IMHO.

    Free Member

    Get a DX light? Just a thought?

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