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  • Rumbly noise under load after fitting new chain and cassette
  • charliemort
    Full Member

    I suspect this is the chainring (Hope narrow wide)

    Is this noise likely to go away as the chain beds in or new chainring time?


    Free Member

    Not really no and you’ll likely wear you cassette and chain quicker too

    The tumble will get less, but it won’t go and it feels horrible through your feet

    Just get a new chainring

    Free Member

    Sorry if this is obvious, not trying to teach Granny etc but you’ve checked the chain is on the right side if the retention tabs on the derailleur haven’t you? Riding chum was complaining of a noisy transmission a couple of weeks ago and he’d done just that.

    Free Member

    I was just going to ask the same thing!

    The tab in the cage is a favourite spot to thread the chain over.

    I’ve never done it, oh no…

    Free Member

    Thick thin jockey wheels a tooth out ?

    Full Member

    whilst I am quite capable of ballsing up the chain routing it’s all okay this time

    Free Member

    What group set? My GX was rumbly for the first few miles, seemed to need to bed in a bit.

    I’d probably replace the chainring just in case.

    Free Member

    Directional chain?

    New chain has been cut longer, making it a bit slack?

    Accidentally re-fitted old chain or cassette?

    Full Member

    Had this – changed chain as it was worn. Cassette was making odd noises.
    As above, rumble – hard to describe – under load.

    Chain ring looked ‘ok’, jockey wheels could have seen better days.
    Changed ring and jockeys, no more rumble.

    Full Member

    chain ring looks okay and chain doesn’t lift off it much but I’ll try a new chainring anyway

    Full Member

    Thick thin jockey wheels

    That’s a thing ?? 🤪

    Full Member

    I have checked – cassette isn’t on inside out, chain isn’t on upside down, and I haven’t used chainrings for jockey wheels

    Fitted new chainring and all is good with the world again

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