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  • This topic has 27 replies, 11 voices, and was last updated 4 years ago by Mark.
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  • Privacy
  • scotroutes
    Full Member

    Yeah, we know.

    How do I get rid of the annoying floating blue box?



    Full Member

    Me too – Mac / Firefox

    Lost count of how many times they’ve valued it today! :-)

    Full Member

    Are you guys seeing the “privacy” link in the bottom right of the screen (desktop)?

    Full Member

    Yes, got asked about my privacy even though I’m still logged.

    Free Member

    Are you guys seeing the “privacy” link in the bottom right of the screen (desktop)?

    Only when it’s not obscured by the massive circular cross that keeps popping up.

    Full Member

    FYI this is the system we are using for our GDPR compliance. The input from ourselves is practically zero apart from adding our logo and some very limited options over text and button labels. Quantcast is pretty much now the industry standard for this stuff.


    The cookie it sets in your browser to log your consent choices isn’t ours and we have no control over it. If you are disallowing cookies for whatever reason then that will possibly have an impact on this consent tool.

    I hate it all too. But GDPR says it is mandatory.

    Full Member

    Pop up for me…

    Free Member

    Will be be able to opt out of GDPR after Dec 31?

    Full Member

    No, it’s being adopted globally.

    Full Member

    Some possible answers that may help anyone getting the consent tool on every page from the Quantcast FAQ.


    Why are my users being asked for consent at every page?

    If the users on your site are reporting being repeatedly asked for consent, this can be due to the user having a browser plugin  (such as Ublock or Ghostery) that blocks cookies. If these plugins are active on their browser, they are preventing the consent cookie from being saved, which makes Quantcast Choice have to ask for consent again. The solution would be to edit the settings or deactivate the browser plugin so that their consent preferences can remain saved in the consent cookie that is set.

    Full Member

    If you have any of those sorts of browser plugins or options set then you may need to whitelist our domain singletrackworld.com in them to allow the consent cookie to be saved.

    Full Member

    Are you guys seeing the “privacy” link in the bottom right of the screen (desktop)?

    I can see it on the big iPad. It always asks the same questions though, seems not to remember that you’ve hit either of the buttons it presents.

    Full Member

    It’s gone now. So, it’s storing your choice in a cookie, but not also keeping a local copy of your response? Blimey.

    Full Member

    That’s how it works Kelvin. Your preferences are stored in your cookie. That popup is not reading your cookie – just setting it.

    The consent cookie, for the technically minded is called ‘euconsent-v2’

    You can check it yourself in your browser settings if you are familiar with where to look.

    Full Member

    If it stored your consent outside of the cookie then you would have to consent to that being allowed. So you’d be consenting to the consent system. But the consent system is mandatory under GDPR you do not have any choice about that. The whole idea is that ALL your consent is stored in one place on your own device and no where else. This is deliberately so that you have full control over your consent at all times.

    Full Member

    For anyone interested, here is the contents of my euconsent-v2 cookie


    I’m using Chrome.

    On the page I right click > Inspect > Application (top menu bar in inspect window) > Under sub menu ‘Storage’ Click ‘Cookies’ > Double click ‘singletrackworld.com’

    Scroll down the list until you find ‘euconsent-v2’. The contents of that cookie are displayed in the ‘Value’ column.

    Free Member

    Sorry to be that guy, but I’m avoiding using ‘blacklist/whitelist’ – safelist and blocklist are just as good. Words innit.

    Full Member

    The cookie it sets in your browser to log your consent choices isn’t ours and we have no control over it. If you are disallowing cookies for whatever reason then that will possibly have an impact on this consent tool.

    Point of note, I believe cross-site cookies are blocked by default in Safari (if that’s what this is). You might need to take the tick out of the relevant box under Settings / Privacy.

    (I have a sneaking suspicion that this has been a long-term cause of issues for Safari users.)

    Full Member

    The latest CMP from Quantcast (V2) is designed to deal with this specifically (among other things) and they’ve worked with Apple on it. The cookie that is set is not our BUT it is stored on our domain and so it should pass through as it’s not treated as a third party cookie.

    Full Member

    Hmm had the re-request consent stuff for the first time in months (maybe even more than a year). I guess Quantcast (whom I have no contract with) changed something?

    What I find ironic is the fact that practically every site in the world contracted out their GDPR (“privacy”) consent gathering to a single cross-site tracking company ;)

    Which is why STW is the only consent I’ve ever given via Quantcast. And set a rule to totally hide “We value your privacy” on every single other site. Or leave that other site immediately and clear cookies/data. On which note, I was curious when Quantcast pops up that famous pop up, to whom does the “we” refer?  STW? or Quantcast (who want to tie up all of my other site visits)?

    PS I consent to all the GDPR nonsense for STW, but no other party when I visit STW.

    PPS I did hear rumours about EU changing the GDPR website consent regulations, when they finally realised the irony of their “privacy” law ;)

    Full Member


    Full Member

    The annoying floating blue box disappeared.


    Full Member

    If it stored your consent outside of the cookie then you would have to consent to that being allowed.

    Yeah, I didn’t say stored, just that the script setting the cookie should also remember (for the single page instance) that it has set the cookie. As it stands, it looks as if you still need to respond to its request, even if you already have and the cookie has been set. Not seen that lack of feedback before… click, click, click… keeps looking like it still needs completing ‘till after page reload, and only then does it act as if accepted/dismissed.

    Full Member

    It’s shit isn’t it

    Full Member


    I have controls at my disposal in our Quantcast dashboard that let me choose the option to limit consent to just our site or to all other sites with the Quantcast CMP, which would allow users to see the consent once and then have that consent carried over multiple websites.

    Ours is set to just STW and no others. I imagine that many publishers would be tempted to click the cross site option in order to limit the interference to their users. But like you say, that’s not really consent on a site by site basis at that point.

    Free Member

    Currently completely unusable on my iphone SE – the accept button only shows up in landscape mode, but can’t be cleared (or it just keeps coming back).



    Has been like this for 2-3 days now.

    Edit – no ad blockers, or anything else – just the web browser (Safari?) as installed by default on iphones

    Full Member

    Is your iPhone iOS uptodate?

    I’ve just checked on the 3 iphones I have here and can’t replicate what you are seeing so far. I have an iPhone SE that I’m just reviving now to check with that too.

    Full Member

    Good news bad news on the iPhone SE front. I CAN replicate it on the office SE model we have here. I’ve updated it and it still happens on both Safari and Chrome. That’s the good news. The Bad news is that there’s nothing we can actively do about it since the CMP is Quantcast software. I have reported it back to them and we’ll see what happens.

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