Home Forums Chat Forum Posting big things like car bumpers – how?

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  • Posting big things like car bumpers – how?
  • WorldClassAccident
    Free Member

    I am eBaying a load of bits off a car I don’t need and people want them posting.

    Easy with a CD, not so easy with a front bumper.

    Any advice on where to look for people who move this sort of stuff?

    Also, one of the guys bidding wants it shipping to Italy. Anything special I should be aware of for international postage (other than cash first)?

    Free Member

    I collected a windsurf mast from parcel force over your way ( the industrial estate off the 271 ) whilst there a lad came out with a front bumper that just had a bin bag wrapped around the middle with a sticker on it with the address on..

    He tore the bag off and he and his mate fitted it in the carpark out front 😀

    Free Member
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