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  • Pop up stw videos
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    Full Member

    Is there some reason I keep getting these over the last week or so?

    I’ve checked I have blocked them at ; Disable VideoDisable embedded Singletrack videos

    but still getting them.

    [Mod] Tech have been alerted.

    Full Member

    I get them if I navigate away from a page then come back. Refreshing the page kills them again for me.

    Full Member

    I changed the settings and it works on PC and Mac but not on iphone :(

    Full Member

    **** me … famous last words. They’re back again on Mac!

    Full Member

    my Android phone seems to really like the videos

    Full Member

    I get them if I navigate away from a page then come back. Refreshing the page kills them again for me.

    Always been like that for myself. Then again I do use safari so I deserve to hung from a lamppost by my bollocks (apparently)

    Full Member

    Nope. Nothing here (Chrome on Android).

    Full Member

    I get them if I navigate away from a page then come back. Refreshing the page kills them again for me

    Same. I doubt it’s deliberate but I also doubt it will be fixed

    Full Member

    my Android phone seems to really like the videos hasn’tshown me any for months and I feel I’m missing out

    Full Member


    Is there certain pages where these are displaying, so I can try and replicate this issue, any help would be appreciated

    Thank you


    Full Member

    This page and any other after I refresh or open them on an Android phone.

    Full Member

    We are looking at it – contrary to what the ultimate pessimist and full-time ST critic Rubber thinks if we can fix it we will.

    For the majority the filter that allows full members to disable these videos in the forum works, but because it uses cookies to do the filtering then there’s unfortunately going to be some leakage. We will do what we can though but in the meantime the usual tricks ‘may’ help. Clear out cookies, ensure our site is whitelisted in any extra browser plugins you have running – stuff like that might help while we also look at what we can do at our end.

    The cookies that control functionality like this are 1st party cookies so things like blocking 3rd party cookies shouldn’t bugger them up but tech being what it is and browsers being what they are sometimes they do. For those that like to dig deeper and actually look at stuff like cookies these are set by Ezoic so they may not neccessarily have an obvious name like ‘singletrack’.. They may have names like ezoic or even just ‘EZ… ‘ at the start. I say that only in case anyone is going through their list of cookies and deleting anything that doesn’t obviously scream ‘Singletrack’.

    I’ll keep you updated on anything we find at our end.

    Full Member

    Which settings do you change where if you’re a subscriber please? They’re irritating and I didn’t know you can turn them off!

    Full Member

    Go into My Account and then Preferences

    no issues on iPhone and iPad using Brave browser

    Full Member

    Getting them using chrome on iPad. Blooming annoying anthe the cross to kill them is tiny

    Full Member

    Is there certain pages where these are displaying, so I can try and replicate this issue, any help would be appreciated

    All forum pages, all the time. (Chrome on iOS)


    Full Member

    And you have this setting ticked?


    Full Member

    And in Chrome?


    Full Member

    Thank you Mark and Scotroutes, some of us need a simpleton’s guide on how to. Hopefully this will stop the intrusive pop ups for me

    Full Member

    I got disappointed there as I thought that was a new episode of Fun with Flags…

    Full Member

    Pop ups blocked in Chrome, StW also set to ’disable video’, as has been forever. Still those videos. Poor Amanda gets more face time with me than my wife! 😂

    Full Member

    Interesting. If I do a search on Google and an STW thread is suggested, opening the link pops me into STW and I get the pop-up videos.


    Free Member

    I get them as pop ups too and manage to ignore them quite successfully.

    Admittedly its harder on a phone because they take up more of the screen, but the cross to close them down is that small you never get distracted by the vid anyhow.

    Full Member

    For me it is very consistent and has been the same for some time, autoplay videos are disabled in my settings.

    If I enter a thread from the overview, no video.
    If I click a link to an external site in a thread then use ‘back’ to return to the thread I get a video playing
    If I come to a thread via a google search I get a video playing

    The only variable I can’t put a quantity on is I don’t think I have ever seen an autoplay video in a thread with very few posts, maybe half a dozen but I’ve not paid enough attention.

    Full Member

    I get them on iPhone Firefox again as well now … with the box ticked.


    Full Member

    It’s always been hit or miss whether the account preferences work (be that videos, editor choice etc). I just accept it and carry on… it’s not a big deal.

    Full Member

    I found the videos easy to ignore (iPhone/safari), but when they did appear (such as on this thread and the Ukraine one) I would get taken to the bottom of the thread and could not scroll back to the top for more than a millisecond before being returned to the bottom again.

    I have now disabled the videos in preferences as per the post above and will report back if this does not improve things.

    Full Member

    For me it is very consistent and has been the same for some time, autoplay videos are disabled in my settings.

    If I enter a thread from the overview, no video.
    If I click a link to an external site in a thread then use ‘back’ to return to the thread I get a video playing
    If I come to a thread via a google search I get a video playing

    So, I get the first and third of these, but not the second.

    Free Member

    As the cookies pop-up thread has been closed I’ll mention here that I’m getting two different cookies acceptation pop ups.

    1/ the regular one with parameteres on the left or accept on the right on th elower half of the screen. I get this just once every time I clear my cookies logically enough – all good.

    2/ A cookie accepation pop-up box in the middle of the screen that started popping up earlier today at random or so it seems as it comes back regularly even if I haven’t cleared my cookies. Not a big issue, just a mild irritation as it only takes two clicks to clear as it has a “reject” button second click.

    Firefox on PC.

    Full Member

    Now pop up videos are being replaced by the we value your privacy accept cookies box every  page, ffs.

    Free Member

    This #2 which pops up at random:

    Full Member

    Bright yellow pop up just erm….gone away now though.

    Free Member

    It appears the hampsters are in need of feeding again, will try again tomorrow, sleep tight, tech excepted of course, we’re all expecting an all nighter till it’s sorted. ;)

    Full Member

    I have had the new style accept/reject cookie banner 4/5 times today, guess the techs are fiddling away in the stw dungeons

    Full Member

    And the pop up videos are back again.

    Does anyone actually watch them (voluntarily)?

    Full Member


    Irritating videos have been here all weekend on Chrome on an iPhone 12.
    Bloody annoying considering they hold absolutely no interest whatsoever for me.

    [Mod] Tech have been alerted to this.

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