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  • Phone rage
  • martinhutch
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    Zoomed out on the map a bit and I see there’s a place called “Bedlam” just down the road. You crazy northerners!


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    I beeped the wrong person once. It didn’t come to anything but it made me realise I’d rather let awful driving go unbeeped rather than risk getting my head kicked in by a nutter.

    Now I only beep idiots who nearly hit me head on doing stupid overtakes. Thankfully that doesn’t happen too often.

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    Well done for everything except trying to grab his phone.

    There is no situation where attempting to steal someones property is OK and yes – regardless of your intent once you had his phone in your possesion – you tried to steal it.

    These people absolutely need calling out on their actions and the coppers aren’t well enough funded to do it… but best to retain the moral high ground because if he did have footage of you trying to steal his phone you could easily find yourself having a conversation with those undefunded coppers.

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    I beeped the wrong person once. It didn’t come to anything but it made me realise I’d rather let awful driving go unbeeped rather than risk getting my head kicked in by a nutter.


    Will my behaviour change theirs? Unlikely. The most I can do is avoid theirs. Oh and keep sending the police and my MP the crazy events that my Tesla captures on all those cameras.

    I’m reminded that on any given day my own driving or riding could be better. That bloke flashing me, swerving, and beeping and then overtaking in a 20mph zone on a near-blind bend? Maybe he didn’t see the signs? Or was distracted by his phone? Or never did a driving test? Not things I can change.

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    Said driver got out, flung open the passenger door or sons car, dived in and pinned him against the window.

    Many years ago I stopped to let a van through at one of those artificial pinch points that today would have priority one way or the other. The driver of the van leapt out, ripped open my door and punched me full in the face for mouthing off at him.

    I was enthusiastically singing along to the stereo.

    Zoomed out on the map a bit and I see there’s a place called “Bedlam” just down the road.

    Yup, that’s literally just up the road where I used to live. There’s more horses there than people.

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    I had no idea James Blunt came from your neck of the woods. Must be a posh place.

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    One funeral done (cousin) but was ~30mile away so unsurprisingly MotorolaMondeoman wasn’t there. Next one in Accrington on Monday for a work colleague.

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    Cortege on camera…

    Anyway, don’t generally do driving threads but:

    made me realise I’d rather let awful driving go unbeeped

    Is that what the horn is for? (Missus…) To sort of comment negatively on bad driving?

    I thought it was more generally used as the “I’m cross” button, when people want to signal that they’re upset for whatever reason?

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    The horn is correctly used to alert other road users of your presence. And to tell them just what an angry person you are, obviously.

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    Cortege on camera…

    This needs recognition 👏

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    Dave Pulp Fiction

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    Bad link … I’ll sort later.

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    😂 it was worth it in the end!

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