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  • OS offline maps not downloading fully
  • Pook
    Full Member

    Anyone solved this? They’re at 99% but then just pause

    Full Member

    Nope, I’ve had it too. I find the OS Maps soon generally a bit flakey. Not enough to not use it, but enough to about me a bit at times.

    Full Member

    Don’t know whether it will solve your issue but I gave up with the OS app after version 2 in the end: downloaded the latest non 2 version APK (Ive got on my android phone), installed it and turned off auto updates…been using that for the last year or so now without issue

    Full Member

    All working fine for me.

    Android App version.

    Free Member

    Same version here, working fine.

    Free Member

    Yes, on an iPhone go to settings, OSMaps change document storage to on my iPhone (not iCloud). Close, restart phone, re download maps and you’ll be fine. Currently doing KAW and it downloaded the whole map for that

    Free Member

    That’s a truly dangerous flaw in iOS if it defaults to iCloud storage. I’ve downloaded offline maps before but the whole experience was flaky and I went back to using a Garmin. The maps just wouldn’t load, even with full signal.

    Free Member

    That’s a truly dangerous flaw in iOS if it defaults to iCloud storage.

    It’s an easily fixed irritant but hardly “truly dangerous”.

    Free Member

    Yes I’ve had this problem too. I think there’s a limit on how much you can download, though this isn’t well publicised. I was able to download the map I needed once I deleted a few other maps.

    Full Member

    but hardly “truly dangerous”.

    Well if you were out in the hills in a zero signal aea (most of them) and the OS app was your backup gps you planned on relying on, got lost on your paper map and the gps backup failed because the the map you thought you’d downloaded before setting off turned out not to be available…it might be.

    I have mentioned it before and got slapped down but I don’t understand why the downloadable map sizes are so small. On memory map I had/have the entire UK downloaded onto my phone and have done for 10 years. On OS apps I can barely get a quarter of the cairngorms as a max downloadable size on a phone with many many times the internal memory and ram. Phone could easily handle it but for some reason the app is super conservative with the max area you can download before telling you to zoom in.

    Also never got around the issue with forcing the app to look at the offline map by default rather than try to download a map. If you are in an area with a bit of edge signal but that’s all it always seems to try to download – there is no button to swipe to default the offline map first on launch. Putting in in airplane mode sorts this but no good if you want to remain contactable by other group leaders.

    Free Member

    Well if you were out in the hills in a zero signal aea (most of them) and the OS app was your backup gps you planned on relying on, got lost on your paper map and the gps backup failed because the the map you thought you’d downloaded before setting off turned out not to be available…it might be.

    An unlikely scenario I’d have thought, and down to bad luck or incompetence. Easily fixed. Carry a back up paper map. Or if you don’t have one then photograph the paper map and you’ll have that on your phone. Or make sure a pal has paper map too.

    If you’re in the hills and relying solely on an app on a phone then you’re not going to get a lot of sympathy if something goes wrong.

    Full Member

    I only have two maps so far. Android.

    Full Member

    Thanks dickyhepburn, good info that i would never have discovered!

    Full Member

    An unlikely scenario I’d have thought, and down to bad luck or incompetence. Easily fixed. Carry a back up paper map. Or if you don’t have one then photograph the paper map and you’ll have that on your phone. Or make sure a pal has paper map too.

    If you’re in the hills and relying solely on an app on a phone then you’re not going to get a lot of sympathy if something goes wrong.

    You have either misunderstood or don’t have a great deal of experience of what goes on in the hills with most folk at a ‘normal’ level of expertise (sub ML) and how they operate.

    A very very likely scenario. It’s not about the number of physical maps- the group could have a bag full of them that they use as a primary map and are very conversant with using them. But if caught in a whiteout or it’s gone dark on them it’s not unreasonable for them to reach for their gps to confirm their location when they become uncertain of where they are. And the app that was playing nicely in the car park before where there was signal before they set off now does not work. As I said back up, not primary as you inferred.

    Free Member

    I think you’re rather over-estimating my own experience. In reality it’s what you describe above ie “normal’ and definitely sub-ML

    I see where you’re coming from to some extent, but a couple of things. Firstly if you’re going out where there’s any chance of a white-out you can’t easily retreat from then you should have someone in your group with ML (or similar) sort of experience. Yes things can go wrong and groups get caught in the dark (have been there myself due to making daft mistakes) but again you should either be in the position of being able to walk out easily (follow the track you came in on) or have someone with you who knows how to navigate at night.

    You don’t have to be an experienced hillwalker to know that one of the most basic bits of Mountain Rescue advice is “don’t rely on electronic aids”.

    I appreciate people do make mistakes (anyone who says they haven’t is a liar or hasn’t been out much) but there are simple things you can do to reduce the risk.

    Free Member

    Actually having thought about it I take back what I said about people not getting any sympathy. I’ve done plenty stupid things on the hills in my time (especially when younger) but have been lucky enough to get away with them.

    Everyone makes mistakes.

    Full Member

    I gave up with the OS app after version 2 in the end: downloaded the latest non 2 version APK (Ive got on my android phone)

    Yep v2 release was a disaster they sent apology emails I remember, it’s better now but I still prefer v1, unfortunately v1 stopped downloading offline maps for me (ones I bought not subscription) so forced to go v2 but it boils my piss it just doesn’t work well without data. I know you shouldn’t rely on it anyway but it would be nice to have more than a 50/50 chance of working.

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