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  • Oneup dropper lever
  • jpacey
    Free Member

    Just about to buy a new oneup dropper.
    Any reason I shouldn’t buy the oneup lever with it?

    Quite like the look of the PNW Loam lever but I’ve only ever used reverbs so never had a choice before, other than swapping from the button to the lever



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    The BrandX one does the same job for a lot less beer tokens.


    Full Member

    Brand X one is the only one I’ve found that somehow feels horrible to use. OTOH the ZTTO lever is very good value

    Free Member

    Probably not what you want to hear from a price perspective but the Wolf Tooth lever feels much nicer than the OneUp IMHO. I own both on two separate bikes.

    Apparently the ZTTO one is a copy of the Wolf Tooth but don’t quote me on that.

    Free Member

    The new shimano one is nice. Prefer it to the bontrager one. Ztto one was good for the money but not as sturdy in use. The brand x one I thought was a bit rubbish.

    Full Member

    Ztto is a near perfect clone of the wolftooth (light action lever length). You can even swap parts between them.

    The Spesh Command post has a nice lever (horrible post) and fits to SRAM Matchmaker if that’s your flavour. Looks like the design has changed slightly now though

    2022-04-01_11-29-09 by davetheblade[/url], on Flickr

    Full Member

    I’d say the lever is the worst bit of the oneup dropper, found it really cheap and flexy feeling

    Given the price of it, I’d either buy a cheap one, or get the PNW or BikeYoke one instead.

    Full Member

    If you’re interested in the Brand X lever after the pasting it’s had on this thread, I’ve just got a new one to sell here.


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    I must have an insensitive thumb cos a dropper lever is a dropper lever to me, apart from the different angled ones.
    I just stuck one of these on https://www.pedalon.co.uk/acatalog/bontrager-line-dropper-under-bar-lever.html .. does the job just as well as any other. Do they have to be pretty or something? I don’t get the prices of em, I really don’t.

    Full Member

    The brand x one does a job but it doesn’t feel very nice and I snapped one off with my knee a few years back (that smarted) and they get pivot wobble.

    For a cheaper end one the ztto one works pretty well – I’ve got 2 Oneup posts and using the ZTTO lever with both for a number of years now. The only trying they could improve on it is the barrel adjuster which feels a bit cheap – but one set you don’t touch it.

    I’d probably skip the Oneup one and either get the pnw one with the bit of silicone on the lever for grip or Wolftooth.

    Personally ztto does the job and I’m not going to switch as it seems sturdy / is light / has a decent action / makes the post go up and down.

    Edit – I had the first gen Bontrager dropper lever and it worked nicely with a brand x post but was horrible with the oneup post – it was like it didn’t have enough leverage so it was really hard to push.

    Full Member

    After destroying the rather flimsy plastic first gen One Up lever (I’m guessing that’s the one honourablegeorge had) I got the metal one as a replacement, which is pretty solid in my estimation.
    Mrs has a Ztto, which wins in the vfm/quality stakes. It seems to have gone up in price, but it’s still far cheaper than any other similar lever. I got a bargain dropper for Jnr last month and fitted a Decathlon lever, setting me back the princely sum of 15€. I’m quite impressed; the lever itself doesn’t look like it’ll survive too many bike-tree interfaces, but the throw is very light. Perfect for a kid, until they crash it

    Free Member

    I went for the OneUp lever as I was buying their post. Works well enough for me, nice and easy to set up etc.

    Full Member

    E13 Vario dropper is ace!

    Full Member

    it was like it didn’t have enough leverage so it was really hard to push.

    Sure it wasn’t a dodgy cable? Only time I’ve found any hard to push was when the cable was kinked or, somehow on one of my bikes, completely rusted up.

    Full Member

    If you want cheap and functional
    Buy one of these:
    take out this spring

    and voila

    Full Member

    Does the ZTTO one come in black? In the past I’ve only seen it in cheap looking silver/red.

    Full Member


    Sure it wasn’t a dodgy cable? Only time I’ve found any hard to push was when the cable was kinked or, somehow on one of my bikes, completely rusted up.

    Nope – it was working perfectly with the brand x – literally swapped the dropper and put a new cable in (moving totally freely) and it struggled with the Oneup – just really hard to push. Same cable with the ztto – perfect and really light.

    I’m guessing it was something to do with the pivot placement / the Oneup must be harder to actuate.

    Full Member

    I have 2 wolf tooth levers, they are nice.

    I also have a Brand X one that ended up being used on one bike instead of the wolftooth. It might not ‘feel’ as nice, but I really quite like it!

    Free Member

    The ZTTO I got recently from China was the red one, but it came with a black bearing cover so you can swap the red one and it looks pretty stealth then, other than the ZTTO anodizing on the lever itself. However, for the price (~£14) I’m not bothered.

    Full Member


    After destroying the rather flimsy plastic first gen One Up lever (I’m guessing that’s the one honourablegeorge had) I got the metal one as a replacement, which is pretty solid in my estimation.

    Mine came with a 213mm post, so I don’t think it’s first generation, but it’s still pretty crap, and the lever blade is plastic IIRC

    Full Member

    It’s this one, which claims to be aluminium


    Full Member

    €59,50 ! Holy crap

    Full Member

    Yep they ain’t cheap, still costs 15€ less than PNW! You could always get a ZTTO lever with the spare change.
    The lever blade on my One-Up is most definitely metal. Maybe they’ve changed the design again?

    Full Member

    Bontrager Line Elite is the nicest dropper lever I’ve used. The ZTTO is identical to the Wolf tooth but they have loads of sharp edges (I’d not want to put my knee into them which is how I’ve broken a few dropper levers in the past) and the way they go together is hardly elegant. Bonty lever is neat and low profile. Shimano one is good too. Brand x is horrible.

    Bonty and Shimano levers are just over £20. Can’t believe the Brand X costs as much – I’d not pay £10 for one.

    Full Member

    @zerocool my ztto is black apart from pivot which is red. If that really bothered you the black wolftooth breakaway pivot is compatible.

    Full Member


    €59,50 ! Holy crap

    Exactly, they’re priced as premium but quality wise, they’re low end, so either save cash and buy a Brand-x or Bontrager, or spend similar money on a decent one

    Full Member

    The only trying they could improve on it is the barrel adjuster which feels a bit cheap

    Easily fixed by stealing the barrel adjuster from an old mech or shifter

    Full Member

    Guess as long as we cyclists enjoy being ripped off for fashionable bits of kit and see them as pretty little “upgrades” they’ll keep charging these **** stupid prices for them

    Full Member

    I’ve just replaced a Reverb with 1X lever with a One Up 210 post and as PNW loam lever, the Loam lever is really nice, and has a some adjust of where the lever sits in its travel via a grub screw, I was undecided between the Loam lever, One up, Wolf tooth and ZTTO.

    I had a quick ride on m a friends bike with the same post and One up v2 lever last weekend, and I prefer the Loam lever, and the ZTTO looks poorly finished in pictures and reviews.

    If you have I-Spec EV the Shimano one looks good.

    Full Member

    The current OneUp lever is aluminium and not at all flexy. It also runs on a big bearing. It’s cheaper than more expensive ones, and more expensive than cheaper ones!

    I also have the Bontrager Line Elite lever and to be honest I don’t notice any difference.

    With regards to having to press hard on a lever, is that when it’s been sat for a while and it’s hard to press the lever to actuate the post for the first time? I get by this by keeping the dropper stored around 10mm down which solves the problem. You shouldn’t store it full down though due to significant pressure increases inside the post.

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