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  • Newbury trails – Greenham common
  • themyers
    Free Member

    I am going up to Newbury at the weekend and have a few hours to burn. Looking for somewhere near the town (it’s a town right?) centre pref not driving out far.

    I heard Greenham Common has some fun trails – if that is true is it obvious where to go – looking for a bit of a singletrack hack and a bit of general fun (i.e. not riding round flat fireroads)


    Free Member

    It’s obviously pretty flat – few slopes round the back of the GAMA site – might be some trails in there, but didn’t see any when i had a poke around a couple of years ago.

    Might be ok for a cruise around.

    See what I did there.

    Free Member

    Give it a miss, I’ll recommend somewhere else for you…

    (See what I did there?)

    Actually some nice tracks and trails stuff around, and a trip along the runway is an eerie, spooky experience.

    Free Member

    Yeah the GAMA site is awesome like stepping into the set of Threads, it’s all amazingly well perserved.

    Free Member

    Ewan I had to google to see what you did, flashheart – that was easier after I googled for Ewan’s

    is there somewhere specific worth going or is there somewhere within a short drive of Newbury that would be worth a short trip for a more decent ride?

    Full Member

    Enter from Pinchington Lane – there’s a little car park there. Two main trails at that point – one goes onto the main common, straight on (perpendicular to the road). One goes to the right.

    Go right. It curves around, bit of concrete surface. The fence on your right will end, take the track on the right about 5m after the end of the fence. Follow this, vaguely straight ahead. After about a mile you’ll come to a section that has a few muddy puddles and pops out with a fence in front of you. Go right. About 50m on, after a couple of wooden logs on the ground, there’s a drop in that has a fence on the right. Go down that, follow the main trail. By main trail, I mean 12″ wide singletrack.

    Little bombhole, bend left, through the trees/rooty bit. There’s a turn on the right to the new singletrack but you might miss that bit. Carry on with the trail.

    You’ll pop out on a little tarmac road.

    Go left, up the hill, towards the height barrier. Just after, drop in on the right, go right of the big tree, follow track, curves left, little steep gravelly up hill to the fence again. Go right, right again about 10m later – almost doubling back on yourself. Follow track, bends to left, steep downhill to gully. There’s a couple of planks over the ditch at the bottom – don’t look at the planks, or the ditch – look at the steep track up the gully on the other side.

    At the top, right turn onto some white pebbly singletrack. Follow. Lots of roots, contours around the slope to the left. Another ditch, another couple of planks.


    14″ drop onto the planks, look at the exit and roll across, up the slope. More roots, contouring, drop to your right. Don’t fall off.

    Track goes sharp left at the end, follow this through more woods. You may ride over a piece of carpet. Up the slight slope. Pops out on another trail, go right. Keep hard left on the rocky slope (it falls to the right), carry on to the weird mound with the rusty grills. Factory dead ahead.

    You’re now back on the top. bear right, follow the fence and you’ll join a wide surfaced track with a fence on your right, past the cruise missile bunkers. At the end of the fence, go right. Follow this track (curves left, then turns right) until you see a wooden post. Go onto the track to the right of the hedge. (Yes, I know I’ve missed out the steps and the new boardwalk, but he could get lost!).

    Straight on, keep to the same track until there is a big fallen tree blocking it. Go left, up the slope through the trees. You’re back on the edge of the airfield again. Right turn Clyde, hard right again down the steep slope – can be a bit loose and squirmy. Boardwalk/steps (some are broken), across the narrow concrete section (don’t fall right, you may die), steep uphill, keep on this track, bear left, onto the main open section. You’re now on the Eastern edge of the old airfield. Follow the track North by the fence, turns into gravelled track, past the athletics track, keep to the Northern edge by the road. Follow this back to the car park where you came in.

    I think that’s clear. I could send you gpx, but with all those trees it’d be useless.

    Hope this helps.

    Full Member

    Or, there may be someone organising a ride at the weekend. What time/day? I could ask around.

    Full Member

    Greenham is fun for an hour/ hour and a half, small twisty singletracky stuff. Suits a faster bike and a good pedaller IMHO, not one for the big AM bikes.

    It’s very close to me, but got to confess i walk the dogs there more than i ride it! Another local option would be the area around Hermitage if you want more of a ‘proper’ ride with hills and variety (and a little bit of cheeky fun stuff!)

    For Greenham, head up to the car park at the corner of the common nearest Newbury (about 500m East of the big Tesco and Greenham retail park – its easy to ride from the town. There’s a water tower to make the car park obvious. Head through the smaller gate (not the big metal one) and head along the edge of the common. Keep taking right forks and hug the edge of the common, then just work your way around.

    The Common has a flat top (former runway) and slopes off steepest to the south, so the best singletrack winds along the south/ south west side of the common. Its mostly follow your nose stuff, you cant really get lost if you dont cross a road!

    Hope you find something fun….

    EDIT: Looks like Beej has got the details, beats mine!

    Free Member

    I was going to say contact the Greenham Common Mountain Bikers on Facebook but it looks like you’ve already done that!

    Full Member

    There’s a Facebook group?

    I got my knowledge the old way, passed down from MTBer to MTBer.

    Youth today.

    Free Member

    just tagging thread for future reference as I’m down that way soon.

    Full Member

    Don’t forget there’s Watership Down (Kingsclere) nearby or Wayfarer’s Walk that leads to Combe Gibbet which is the highest point in Berkshire.

    Free Member

    thanks beej for the great description – if you did have gpx that would be great as I could load it in just to get a visual idea of where I am going

    owenP – that is what I am looking for bang on – i.e. couple of hours of thrashing

    cheers all

    Full Member

    themyers – YGM, hopefully. OwenP has given a good description of the start.

    Nothing too tricky on the loop but good fun in a woody singletrack kind of way. On the top you’ll be where the runway was, and you’ll go past the bunkers in the first half, and the control tower on the way back.

    Free Member

    hi beej – looks great – looking forward to it:) if anyone is out on sunday and sees a guy on a red inbred that’s me

    Free Member

    Hi Beej – great route cheers, followed the description and didnt get lost – nice ride so thanks:)

    Full Member

    You had a good day for it too!

    Free Member

    ya was sweeeeeeeeeeet

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