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  • neck and arm pain
  • robertyboberty
    Free Member

    Been cycling since 2004 casual miles really on mtb, bought road bike back in june 2013 and have been more consistent with mileage. However this year again trying to up mileage 70 miles every second wk. I have developed pain lower left bottom of neck and this goes down into left arm causing numbness. I think its due to holding head up for long periods. Will physio be way to go or lay off bike. Really need to keep mileage going as entered some events for 2014.

    Free Member

    Go straight to a Physio, do not pass go or collect £200 yadda yadda. Physio’s IME are great and much prefer their approach to Chiro’s, Osteo’s etc , but horses for courses on that one.

    I had similar symptoms on my RHS a number of years ago, much much pain from between my shoulder blades, neck to shoulder and arm with numb fingers. Different causation to you but none the less, pain and numbness down the arm would suggest to me trapped or inflamed nerve – please note I’m not a physician, just experienced similar symptoms to those you are describing.

    Mine turned out to be C6 & C7 prolapses. You may be more fortunate, I hope so. I am generally sorted now, although my riding position has had to change to one of more upright and so long as I do the neck retractor type exercises when I get a ‘twinge’, I can manage it all very well. I also have a physical job, so in all in, I’m delighted with my recovery from where I was. I hope this helps rather than scare to doo-diddlies out of you!!

    Go well.

    Free Member

    Being a neck, shoulder and back pain sufferer – in response to your question:

    Will physio be way to go or lay off bike


    You’ve probably put the muscles into spasm, and they’re going to need a rest and the other muscles around them stengthening. So it’ll be exercises, stretches and stopping doing what makes it worse for a while.

    Free Member

    Go to the doctors and get a MRI.

    I have the same thing by the sound of it and presumed it was my shoulder for ages, as that is where the pain seems to come from, but it turns out it’s the C6 and C7 part of my neck. I get numbness in my hand and pain in the spine side of the shoulder blade.

    Free Member

    Stiff vertebrae in the neck caused a similar problem with me,a few sessions with a physio had it sorted, worth getting it checked by a professional.

    Free Member

    Physio! And if you are in the north west try Stuart cosgrove between bolton and wigan, the guy is Amazing!

    Free Member

    Is the bike the right size for you?
    Is the stem the right length?
    Is the seat in the correct position?
    Did you get measured properly for the above?
    Should any of those be even slightly incorrect you will start to suffer after a few miles.

    Free Member

    Pay 150 for a professional bike fit

    Full Member

    It’s no good tacking the symptoms with a physio without tackling the cause. You need a pro bike fit. I had the same and cured it by using narrower bars, and also raising bars.

    Free Member

    And Seconded for the above 🙂

    Free Member

    thanks everyone for replies, will follow all advice.

    Free Member

    I face planted last year. Since then I get numb arms/middle finger (s) in my sleep every night 🙁

    Free Member

    Update on this, Well paid for 2 physio sessions, old age,desk job and bike riding caused the nerve problems,well worth the expense did not realise how inflexible i was around shoulders and neck. Enjoy the stretching so much that i have incorporated more overall body stretches, i would recommend trying to get stretches into your fitness routine.purchased a foam roller and this has helped to recreate the massage .Not complete cure but its enabled me to get back on bike.
    It has taken a month off bike but that included a viral infection that probably accounted for 2 weeks.
    This weekend completed pain free 16 miler on road bike, and yes stretched afterwards.
    Yet to get bike fit saving up for that one.

    Free Member

    Good result, i’d definitely recommend the bike fitting too, it found problems I didn’t even know existed, sorted them, and has improved the time I spend on the bike immensely. A warning if you decide to use Cyclefit in London though, research your car parking arrangements(avoid the one opposite Evans Cycles/end of Drury Lane, as prices are extortionate), and don’t assume they send you a bill for congestion charges(they don’t, they send you a fine at 650% of the bill), log in and book it in advance.Other than that, really nice people, very thorough, and certainly worth doing, wish i’d gone years ago.

    Full Member

    I had neck/arm pain, I thought it was biking until I changed my pillows…..consider everything else that could be a cause. The longer you spend doing it the more likely a cause – so sleeping and chair at work are prime candidates.

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