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  • Local youths and man bags.
  • doris5000
    Free Member

    ‘Roadman’ used to basically mean ‘drug dealer’ but these days it’s a fashion thing as much as anything. From the London estates in the late 2000s:

    to the mean streets of York, 2013:

    Full Member

    What’s a manbag really? I have a bag I use for work (Crumpler Gold Dig XL) with its sole purpose being to move my laptop to the office/place of work and back. Anything else either lives in my pockets or, if I am travelling, in a daysack. Possibly in a jacket.

    Are we talking some sort of small ‘pocket on a strap’ thing?

    Free Member

    For me it’s a bag that has both function and is also worn as a fashion accessory, by a man. I have a couple of different sizes and styles. If I had a bag solely for carrying a laptop etc, that didn’t show any consideration to how it looks then that would be just a laptop bag.

    For the record, I have an unhealthy interest in looking smart, and I’m on a train so I’m happy to discuss something so boring at length.

    Full Member

    ‘Roadman’ used to basically mean ‘drug dealer’ but these days it’s a fashion thing as much as anything. From the London estates in the late 2000s:

    to the mean streets of York, 2013:


    That second video, is that Scott Redding, pre Moto GP?

    Full Member

    Is it the influence of the migrants?

    Migrantis, surely, if we’re talking about manbags?

    Full Member

    I blame David Beckham.

    For both the manbag and the sarong I’m presently wearing

    Free Member

    For me it’s a bag that has both function and is also worn as a fashion accessory

    First part, yes. Second part, you’re a wannabe roadman.

    Free Member

    you’re a wannabe roadman.

    A calling I can only aspire to at my age. But I believe I is looking well peng 8)

    Free Member

    Dem yoot round this way been wearing them bags for years. Roadman looks been strong round here at least 5 years.

    In keeping with the rest of your post you probably should’ve kept the second them as ‘dem’ and finished with the ubiquitous “for time”


    Roadman ting been ’round for time!

    Ya feel me, bruv.

    Free Member

    The local yoof, who hang out at the Co-op, see no irony whatsoever in describing themselves as the Witham Death Squad.

    Despite that, no handbags.

    Full Member

    That second video, is that Scott Redding, pre Moto GP?

    That second video, is that the first video?

    Full Member

    I can’t work out if that video is meant to be a piss take or serious.

    Full Member

    I have just read all the above posts. Twice. No idea at all what any of you are on about.

    Full Member

    Bags. You can put things in them rather than having to hold them in your hands or overload your pockets. I’m surprised this is a new concept for you, they’ve been around for a while now.

    Free Member

    Me neither but at least now when someone talks about Roadmen (Roadmans?) I’ll be able to claim an aloof indifference without having to worry that they’re trolling me and there’s actually no such thing as a roadman. Consider me educated.

    Free Member

    they’ve been around for a while now.

    Not again…..!

    Free Member

    Kids been wearing these bags for years. The Socks and sandals thing makes me laugh…

    Full Member

    No cash, No keys, but a beard comb!


    Not carried cash for a few years now. Just seems a bit pointless in this day and age. Very rarely lock the door either and only take the one key if I do. Never leave the house without the beard comb :D

    Beard comb?

    For combing facial hair. Crazy I know!

    Free Member

    That second video, is that Scott Redding, pre Moto GP?

    That second video, is that the first video?

    ah yes, C&P fail sorry. It was an early Giggs tune FWIW…

    Free Member

    Here’s the Roadman vid my son eductated me with last year. And we revisited yesterday for entertainment.

    Excuse the vid style, kids understand it, I’m sure :lol:

    Free Member


    Seabrook crisps

    greatest crisps known to mankind

    Free Member

    You wouldn’t get a laptop and the Guardian in the bags they have around here, more a boy bag.

    Free Member

    At least they don’t have wheels and **** handles and trundle about taking twice the **** pavement.

    You ain’t OG.

    Free Member

    Does a frayed old Timbuk2 courier bag count as a man bag? If so, I am horribly at risk of being dahn wit da yoof. Or something

    Full Member

    How about a LIDL carrier bag?

    Free Member

    so are THESE roadmen?

    What manbag for carrying my billhook?

    Free Member

    Full Member

    What manbag for carrying my billhook?

    Full Member

    No, these are roadmen

    Free Member

    – roadman
    noun archaic
    noun: roadman; plural noun: roadmen
    – a man employed to repair or maintain roads.

    Free Member

    No, these are roadmen

    Nah bruv! Creps are totally clappin.

    Free Member

    Yes fam!

    Full Member

    They’ve banned man bags at my daughter’s school.

    If you can’t fit a standard exercise book in it you can’t bring it to school.

    Full Member

    How come?

    Full Member

    How come?

    because all the boys stopped taking their exercise books to school because they coulnd’t get them in their fashionably small man bags…

    Full Member

    Ah – so they were using them instead of school bags rather than as well as.

    Free Member

    Looks like Blackpool is where it’s at nowadays :

    Free Member

    Roadman Shaq – Man’s Not Not (R1Extra Fire in the Booth session)

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