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  • Ladybower route recommendations
  • sam1988
    Free Member

    Going to ladybower for first time next month and looking for recommendations on loops. I’ve had a Google and come up with this one

    Ladybower Loop – Medium

    This ok or anyone recommend anything else?


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    It all depends what you want. Big views and easier pedalling or hanging on over rocky terrain

    Free Member

    Loads of options. That route takes you down 4 descents. Hagg farm, jaggers, potato alley and lockerbrook. An alternative would be to do the beast instead of potato alley (at 10 in the route description go straight on instead of left). Or miss out jaggers clough (not ridden it for years, used to be a bit of a boring low tech high speed blast) and do whinstone Lee tor instead (before getting to a57 for the first time there is a bridleway that goes behind ladybower inn. Follow this to cut throat bridge then go left up the hill to WLT before descending pretty much to where you started. Then do the route as per the link!)
    Get there early if you want to park at fairholmes

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    that’s fine for a first timer, just do that.

    Free Member

    I tend to agree with docrobster.

    Or add in WLT as well. Seems very odd to go east side of ladybower and not go up to Derwent Edge etc

    Full Member

    It’s fine, but seems a bit pointless to go round the east side of the reservoir without doing any of the good stuff round there. Easy enough to add it in though, see this ride for an example. On the SW part of the loop I’m not a fan of slogging along the road between Hope and Edale to link things up after doing the Roman road (step 7 in your link), I prefer to just turn around at the gate after you meet the road and do the descent as a climb (as per this ride).

    Edit – don’t know why the sharing links aren’t working :/

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    Seems very odd to go east side of ladybower and not go up to Derwent Edge etc

    I guess it’s listed as a medium route is why. You’ve got to make some compromises somewhere. I’m the same as @jekkyl just do that route, it’s a good start to get your bearings in the area (if you’re going back another time) echo the comments about parking, it gets rammed, especially weekends. Aim to get there before 09.30am

    Free Member

    log onto facebook and ask the same question in the group called “coggers”

    you will get lot of info, and most likely invitations to show you around.

    Full Member

    Just go very early or very late.

    It’s great fun and such a beautiful place, but it’s always hammered, even midweek.

    And beware of other cyclists, the all the gear, no idea brigade seem to regard it as a right of passage and treat it as if it were a trail centre.

    It’s the only place I’ve ever encountered real, genuine arseholes, both walkers and cyclists.

    Well worth a trip though, it’s an amazing place.

    Full Member

    +1 for ignoring Jaggers and adding in WLT instead.

    Up Screaming Mile (or through the farm as in the OP route)
    Down Haggs
    Along and up SB Climb
    Down to the Roman Road
    Up to Hope Cross
    Down Potato Alley
    Up and down Lockerbrook
    Round to the slabs and up to WLT
    Down to the Inn.
    Cool down on a tarmac spin back to the car park (or back along the east side of the reservoir)

    Free Member

    Up and down Lockerbrook
    Round to the slabs and up to WLT

    Ah but…. ;-)
    Although the slabs itself are a masterpiece of uphill challenge, the middle section through the gates is unrideable so is flawed.
    Surely better to go UP behind the Ladybower Inn, which is another masterpiece of uphill, this time a bit more techie, and then down the slabs route thus being able to ride everything rather than pushing.

    Except of course that the chosen route gets you to the bottom of the slabs rather that Ladybower Inn…. unless you add in some fireroad miles….

    OP ignore me. I’m just illustrating someone above’s point that there a millions of variations.

    Full Member

    Although the slabs itself are a masterpiece of uphill challenge, the middle section through the gates is unrideable so is flawed.

    You sure it’s unrideable? I’ve seen pretty much all of it done though not necessarily at the same time :-)

    Not a huge fan of that route fwiw. I’d add in the slabbed climb up to WLT etc then head up towards Hope Cross from the side of the reservoir after riding across the dam thing where you’re not supposed to ride, but I’m not very good at planning anyway and just tend to link things up as the mood takes me.

    I’d agree that Jaggers is uninspiring and Potato Ally is increasingly just a jumble of boulders and slightly disconcerting if you’ve not ridden in the Peak before. The Beast is better organised and tidier. None of which is much help really.

    Anyway, I’d recommend tha V-Publishing Dark Peak guidebook if you intend visiting more than once. It’s not perfect, but includes OS mapping, pretty pics and has most of the classic loops plus is easy to use and follow if you’re new to the area. I’m pretty sure the excellent 18 Bikes in Hope will sell you a copy too:

    Peak District Mountain Biking

    Full Member

    Don’t forget Elmin Pitts climb everyone. It gives you the Beast, Spud Alley and Hagg Farm all in a 90 minute loop.

    Free Member

    Complete hijack but this is my old stomping ground and reading this thread has made me realise I need to dust off the bike (for various reasons it’s been used 4 times in 4 years).

    Soo… anyone up for a slow ride round the peak(a) with an entirely unfit 41yr old who’ll inevitably moan about how tired they are / how horrible their kids are?


    Full Member

    Soo… anyone up for a slow ride round the peak(a) with an entirely unfit 41yr old who’ll inevitably moan about how tired they are / how horrible their kids are?

    It sounds like a Peak Pootle revival request.

    Ticks all the boxes. Hmmm, who was it who organised those? ;-)

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    Ropey, free on Monday? I need a companion for my Stanage ride.

    Free Member

    Ropey, free on Monday? I need a companion for my Stanage ride.

    Ooh. I could be. I literally haven’t don’t any exercise in 6 months though so would be a bit worried about testing your patience!

    What sort of loop?

    Many moons ago I started riding the peak(s) with people I met on Bike Magic (remember that?!) – peaks again thread

    Apologies to OP for the hijack ..

    Full Member

    Ticks all the boxes. Hmmm, who was it who organised those?

    We need Blue Lou and Matt Guitar Murphy. And you’ll never get Mr Fabulous.

    Full Member

    Many moons ago I started riding the peak(s) with people I met on Bike Magic (remember that?!) – peaks again thread

    Was that the one featuring the amazing Dylan T?

    I met a whole load of my regular riding buddies on the Peak Midweek thread before the group exploded all over the shop, geographically and otherwise. Marriage and children I’m giving you my hardest Paddington Bear stare :-)

    Free Member

    Was that the one featuring the amazing Dylan T?

    Indeed. The infamous Dylan T…

    I mostly hid in the peaks again thread as it seemed suited to my relaxed / lazy attitude to riding 🙂

    Free Member

    ( @jekkyl YGM)

    Free Member

    You sure it’s unrideable? I’ve seen pretty much all of it done though not necessarily at the same time 🙂

    Not sure by any means. I went through a ohase of trying to do it but I think the ditch section just after the gate just after the stream is not currently doable. I’d love to be proved wrong, and would be up for a session on it.

    The rest of it is eminently doable in sections. Next time round I need to get someone to hold the slabs gate open and see if I can ride through it instead of riding into it :-)

    Full Member

    Not sure by any means. I went through a ohase of trying to do it but I think the ditch section just after the gate just after the stream is not currently doable. I’d love to be proved wrong, and would be up for a session on it.

    I’m not sure I want to go sessioning climbs and, tbh, I’ve not done that one since before the pandemic, so I guess it may have worsened. Everything above that is occasionally nadgery but fine ime. Anyway, no-one rides up hills these days. I’m sure Peak helibiking will be a thing before long ;-)

    Full Member

    The rest of it is eminently doable in sections

    That’s what I told myself on the Hagg farm climb on the weekend. Didn’t make it any easier if I’m honest

    Free Member

    Oooh yeah a climbing session. Where do I sign up? I’ve never done the bit after the flagstones in one go. In fact, the last time I did it recently I didn’t get particularly near it but I remain convinced that it’s doable. I love techie climbs, and people who don’t are missing out on 50% of the fun of MTB.

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    I hate that hill, I can get *almost* to the gate at the top of the slabs, but then you go past the wee hut and you realise, oh that’s just the start of it, lol.

    Full Member

    I walk it from the start of the cobbles, after the slabs  around the hut, continue to push up the “un-ridable” part, get on at the next gate and continue from there.  Life’s too short.

     and people who don’t are missing out on 50% of the fun of MTB.


    My favourite/most ridden is (probably one of the most common)

    Hope > Roman Road > Beast > lil bit of road > up Rowlee Pastures > down Lockerbrook > turn right > fire road to top of Lockerbrook > Hagg Farm > back across A57 > shit bastard climb > down fields to double drop adjacent Roman Road

    Free Member

    Talking of lovely ascents, Greenlands to Hollins Cross is very doable now since they flattened a few of the bigger muddy ridges last year. Managed to do the double gate at the bottom past Hollins and about half way up Mam Tor without dabbing.

    Free Member

    Not done that climb for years but I remember it being hard. One day I’ll get up the Beast, but my training program of eating more, riding less and slowly getting old is not working out for me at the moment.

    Full Member

    A nice little clover leaf ride…

    Start at the lay-by at the hagg farm turn off.
    Up SB, down the beast, up Elmin Pitts, down Potato Alley, up Rowlee Farm, down Hagg Farm to the car.

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    Sh*t B*stard

    Free Member

    That’s a bit strong, I only asked 🤨

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    Full Member

    After years of trying to “beat” the various climbs in the peaks, i bought an ebike….. :-)

    Full Member

    As a bloater on a big bike I’m…

    Happy to push on SB Climb.
    Happy to push on the slabs.
    Happy to push the bottom bit of Screaming Mile.

    Happy to still have the breath and leg strength to enjoy the downy bits that follow them.

    Full Member

    Elmin Pitts is your easy up

    Free Member

    Ended up doing the short loop that @ebennett posted. Had a fantastic day, felt like I was melting on some of the climbs with the heat today.

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