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  • It has begun. Xmas survival thread
  • howsyourdad1
    Free Member

    Here in my adopted homeland of Sweden , the big day is tomorrow. The mother in law arrived yesterday (for 8 days), sister in law, husband and three children today( only 7 days!) Tonight is ‘sitting up evening’ where everyone is forced to play bingo watching some god awful light entertainment show. The food is out , so is the booze, we cannot emerge until everything, or everyone, has been eaten.

    Use this thread as a means to survive and share both the good and bad times! Merry Christmas all!

    Full Member

    My parent in laws are great.
    Frustratingly its been one of those days where our tired children and we have argued with each other. It better get better.

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    At work tomorrow, some friends coming over on Tuesday, surf forecast looks promising for the 3-4 days after. Winner.

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    work tomorrow then riding 25th & 26th all day. dunno what all the fuss is about

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    My mum died last week so I’m opting out of a family Christmas this year. Had a mini Xmas dinner at home today, riding in the lakes tomorrow and then 25th & 26th on my tod.

    Current Xmas plan is sandwiches, tomato soup and hip flask up the nearest hill followed by curry for tea

    Full Member

    Working tomorrow morning, and then im spending the next two days in that happy buzz of being midly intoxicated.

    Free Member

    My girlfriend last night asked me if I still wanted to buy a house with her. Hardly spoken to her since.

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    Full Member

    My family are only here for Christmas Day, and the in-laws for Boxing Day but I want to go back to work already. I’ve been on holiday since Friday afternoon and relaxing it is not…the wife is stressed and the list of shit and pointless jobs I’ve been given is ridiculous. Lost track of the arguments so far. I just want to be up a mountain somewhere…

    Merry Christmas.

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    Free Member

    Despite moaning about it constantly, I actually enjoy Cmas, when it actually arrives.

    The outlaws are here tomorrow, I’m in work till midday ish so Mrs Jay will be setting up. They’ll be gone by 6pm. Presents all wrapped, just need to build the daughters stunt scooter thing, I’ll enjoy that.

    FIL for Xmas Lunch, he’s had a shit year, heart attack in June, triple bypass and in hospital more than out since.

    My folks for Boxing Day once Mrs finishes work.

    Only worry is my Mate, he’s at the start of a very messy break up by the sounds of things, I know he’ll be hitting the bottle hard this week and I want to makes sure he’s okay.

    Free Member

    Pre ordered all our food from Booths which got picked up today. Working nights Xmas day and boxing day….yaaay.
    TBH the run up is exhausting, months of Xmas being advertised/talked about. I would sooner it wasn’t mentioned until December but I like Xmas Eve better than Xmas day. It’s more relaxed.

    Free Member

    No partner to argue with, off to my sisters for the day itself – will stay five hours tops, then down the pub boxing day – said no to going to my crazy uncle’s place, after which I will be off to a spa hotel with a bag of books to read for three nights.

    Free Member

    Worked up to and including today. Off tomorrow.
    Only me and my youngest nowadays (22 yo).
    They are off to their mum’s tomorrow for a week.

    Only three days off, was hoping to cycle, but shoulder and arm knackered with shingles (pretty disappointed)

    So went with Scotch, cheese, bread and will do myself a roast purely designed around me.
    Might have to go for a walk instead.


    Free Member

    Heading off to oz tomorrow for 3 weeks with SIL and BIL plus nieces. We all get on and shall be doing lots of fun stuff. Can’t chuffing wait!

    Full Member

    Mum comes home from having a heart valve replaced tomorrow, Christmas eve. We are in Germany where shops close pretty smartly starting at noon with the latest at 14h00 and remain closed for both Christmas and Boxing Day.

    She is absolutely set on going to the supermarket as well as following a fixed pattern of meals and naps.

    I cannot tell you how much worrying I am doing about the next 72 hours. I know that I have to get up, sort a few things out around the house, nip out and get stuff that is absolutely essential so that we don’t end up without milk and some basic stuff to eat over the holiday and be back in time for her to arrive home. Feed her, wait for her to have a nap then hopefully not kill her by taking her to Kaufland to top up on whatever else she wants…

    I’m not great at dancing attendance on people. She’s not fantastic at recognising her (or indeed any) limitations. My dad has helpful intentions somewhat limited by the onset of dementia. I’ve been hospital visiting almost daily for the last three weeks, plus trying to finish off work that I can invoice for (self-employed) and I whilst I’m delighted that I’m no longer spending 3 – 6 hours a day doing the rounds, I’m really not sure how this next few days is going to pan out.

    Full Member

    By the measure of some others above, ours is pretty straightforward: in-laws, BIL + Prof North’s aunt + uncle.

    But this still seems to involve epic pressure to get ready for the day and to maintain peak Father Christmas excitement for our 8 yo daughter.

    I generally don’t enjoy Christmas Day because of the efforts required – we both have uber busy jobs, so being at home at waiting on the retired and lightly employed doesn’t enthuse me that much.

    I like Boxing Day because everything has been done and the few days off work can then be enjoyed.

    Free Member

    having “Christmas” between 8:30 and 10:00 tomorrow morning at the kids’ grandparent’s.
    Then lunchtime flight to the alps for what Christmas is truly about: Boarding and skiing until the legs work no more.

    Full Member

    @Slackboy sorry to hear that.

    My little one is aware that presents are coming so I’m looking forward to her reaction on Christmas morning. Then to my in-laws for a good feed.

    Free Member

    It’s Christmas eve here and I’m working (from home). Wife and her parents, , toddler, newborn are in the next room….. I’m answering some work emails with my noise cancelling headphones on, a large flat white and a bacon and egg roll.

    So far, so good.

    Full Member

    Most of the tiresome prep (venison sausages, rabbit rillettes, gravy, piccalilli) for Tuesday lunch done Sunday.

    A few little bits to do Monday, then some wrapping and dropping off of presents to mum for her and bro/sis families. Also got to find a slot to drop the van off (now I’ve stripped all the camper stuff out) at the garage as it’s being written off following my monumentally stupid actions a couple of weeks ago…

    Then Monday PM off to the in-laws in Skeg Vegas for a big day eve curry and the day itself. Potential tension there as political views differ somewhat and dad-in-law loves a good stress over minor stuff but it will all be good after a few drinks and watching mum-in-law get confused over whatever game we try to play (Exploding Kittens this year).

    Depending on how well/badly the puppy behaves we’ll be back home to chill Boxing day PM or Thursday morning and then hopefully back on the bike for a gentle bimble following and enforced three week lay off.

    Free Member

    Condolences, slackboy.

    My mum passed away in March this year. First Christmas without her.

    GF and I are back in Blighty for six days. My sister is doing the dinner thing.

    My old man rattles about the place worrying about nothing whilst not knowing what to do with himself. Never really understood the old man and we’ve seen eye to eye. Always on egg shells.

    Been here for four days and it already feels like a month….

    But my nephew is a nice distraction.

    The best Christmas and New year was 2016 when the GF and I went down to Sicily for four weeks.
    Christmas day spent waking the remote north west Cape and NYE spent on a random beach dancing in the sand.

    Roll on next year.

    Full Member

    Clover: like your mum I’m in hospital recovering from a valve replacement operation. I’ve outstayed my my welcome by a few days as it’s only my wafarin level that they are struggling to get right and then I can go home so I’m ‘fitter’ than I should be at discharge. Still, I can’t imagine the thought of anything worse then going food shopping on the day I get out. I doubt I could even walk that far without a bit of a sit down every 5 minutes and I’m certainly not allowed to lift anything much heavier than a tin of beans. Good luck.

    Free Member

    Best Wishes and Peace to those who feel oppressed or out of sorts over the next few days xxx

    I’m all done, the wife’s done up. We’ve done our family entertaining, it’s now just the two of us and a quiet/warm/fridge full of food few days.

    I have no idea what we will do to entertain ourselves, but for sure it’s going to be our choice with no one else involved.

    This is only the second time in 20yrs we will have been on our own, by our choice.

    We have a massive family contingent staying at the farm, we will drop in/out of that as we please instead of being both orchestrator and conductor.

    All the very best, hug your partners/hug yourself/hug the kids/hug your families/hug the dog.

    Full Member

    This is probably our last Christmas with all the kids at home. They are all mid 20s and have (partially) moved out. Planning a relaxed few days and want to enjoy it but have been up since 4 panicking about unimportant rubbish.

    Need to focus on the fact all the food and drink is in the house and we won’t starve in the next few days.

    Free Member

    It’s “our turn” and this nails it for me:

    we both have uber busy jobs, so being at home at waiting on the retired and lightly employed doesn’t enthuse me that much.

    Full Member

    I wish I was at home with my family all Xmas but work calls. Just getting sorted to head in, I’m in at 7am for the next 4 days hopefully only until 7pm.

    Enjoy your time with your family as one day they won’t be there.

    Full Member

    Working today so a bit gutted I’m going to miss out meeting the Reindeer later with the kids, I’ll just go out on my bike instead.
    Tomorrow we’re having my mum and sister over for breakfast then it’s off to the main event at the in-laws who I get on really well with. Looking forward to a nice chilled out day.

    Full Member

    Sorry to hear your news Slackboy. Tough at any time.

    In laws will be over for Xmas day. My wife is an only child now so we have them every year.

    St Stephen’s Day is my favourite day of the year. Kids rest a bit more, still interested enough in their presents to stay at home all day and we get a full relaxing day together. Last year before my eldest heads to Uni as well.

    Full Member

    I actually feel guilty for not feeling positive about Christmas this year because ours will be a fairly relaxed affair. It’s been a stressful month with my wife leaving the police after over 20 years and I have had one day off all month so coming into Christmas from a 13 day run. Just the four of us on Christmas day but the in laws and their other kids/grandkids are spending the whole day with us on boxing day and I’m just not feeling sociable. It might be a blessing in disguise that I’m on call boxing day night because I can’t drink and it will (hopefully) prevent me from telling them all to **** off by 3 pm.

    Full Member

    No massXit for me. Full on biking all week with all the trimmings. Maybe a visit to the foodbank to drop some extra stuff off too.

    Just the two of us, and a mad border terrorist.

    Full Member

    Ouch Alphabet! German hospital boots you out fairly promptly but into ‘Reha’ – two weeks of recovery bootcamp with breathing practice, walking and exercise bikes. So she’s a bit further on than you. However, she’s also 75.

    Hope you feel better soon. Also that everyone’s Christmas is better than expected…

    Full Member

    Bit too much rushing last couple of days – mainly getting son to work and back. At SIL’s tomorrow as it’s ‘their turn’ to host Xmas (we have to have MIL every Christmas – no mention of my parents). Got my folks and two of my sisters at ours for a buffet Boxing Day. Won’t be at SIL’s too long as MIL has to be home for 4:30 then we’ve been asked to put her to bed – WTF she has carers 4 times a day and SIL should be checking that – I’ll not be drinking so going to get a decent red for when I get home – were not doing bedtime duties as well.

    Free Member

    Enjoy Swavis! It’s reassuring reading threads like this to realise how normal my in-laws are!

    Full Member

    Is it just mine or does everyones missus turn into a completely different person around their mother ? I barely recognise mine when we’re down at her mums. Very serious, strict and downright stuck-in-the-mud, “Eat your food this way” “Sit like that” “don’t do that” all to our lad, we sit there and pull faces at her when she’s not looking :)

    Lots of Rolleyes going on. The MiL is nice enough, but it’s not my house, not my place, I can’t just walk round in my undies scratching my nuts when i want or let off a massive fart… it’s just not the done thing.

    Little things like using a different knife to put the butter on your plate, then the spreading knife to butter the toast, but you can’t use that knife for the lemon kurd, you have to use a spoon for that. So for 1 slice of toast i now need 3 items of cutlery ! Sheesh… WTF.

    Free Member

    Herself went off to work at 7:10 this morning, I’ve done 2 loads of washing and about to hang those out, got a bowl of washing up to do then once that’s done I’ll head out and pick herself up from work.
    Our respective parents are too far away to visit so we’ll call them tomorrow morning then get out for 3 hours or so on the bikes, get home, pop down the pub for a couple of hours then home for a nap before putting the dinner on.
    Relaxed Boxing Day then herself is back at work Thursday.

    Full Member

    I love Christmas, and all of my kids get quite excited for it. My second child is in Montreal this year, so won’t be with us – which is a bummer – but we still all look forward to it.

    My mum died last week so I’m opting out of a family Christmas this year.

    My sincere condolences. Best wishes at this tough time. :-(

    Full Member

    Compared to some I should count my blessings but yesterday was dinner with my parents and sister but everything revolves around her child and by definition how she is coping, like every conversation is a lesson in ego.
    Today lunch with BiL who I told to **** off last Christmas because he brought not a bottle opened our good stuff didn’t lift a finger and then “joked” that the dinner plates were cold he is a banker in that there city of London. Tomorrow egotistical SiL who earns £80k and lets us know annoying BiL and the in-laws who only speak to is twice a year since we eloped and used OHs real mums ring to form her engagement ring.
    I could be doing the festive 500 it would definitely be more fun.

    Full Member

    Little things like using a different knife to put the butter on your plate, then the spreading knife to butter the toast, but you can’t use that knife for the lemon kurd, you have to use a spoon for that. So for 1 slice of toast i now need 3 items of cutlery ! Sheesh… WTF.

    Hold on, I do that in my own home (while wandering around guffing and scratching my nuts etc.)..!

    Full Member

    @slackboy – sorry, I missed your post in the mickey taking.

    I’m really sorry to hear that. Condolences. Hope you get the time you need over he next couple of days….

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