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  • is this the best computer game ever made?
  • Northwind
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    I’ve got Lords of Midnight on my phone now. Still remember where all the lords are, think I can just about remember all the keystrokes 😆

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    Can’t believe no one’s mentioned Descent yet!

    Free Member

    Great shout on Portal. Really challenged perceptions on what a 1st person ‘shooter’ could / should be.

    Still waiting for GTA V to come out on the PC.

    Free Member

    Brian Bloodaxe

    Full Member

    Grim Fandango and Day of the Tentacle. The little multilayer stick man game in Alien Hominid also takes some beating. For modern games, in my opinion it has to be Demons or Dark Souls……praise the sun!

    Free Member

    @Drac – you mention QWTF earlier in the thread, it was a small community back in the day, were you in a clan? Not sure if you remember the following clans: SG, EQ, TF, WK 🙂

    Aaaaahhhh the memories..

    Full Member

    The new elite is gorgeous and mahooooooosive.

    The what, now?

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    Free Member

    Just watched some Elite Dangerous trailers. May have to get that when it comes out.

    Free Member

    The actual answer is GTA V. You can’t deny it. Stealing cars, modifying cars, ace missions, ace characters, the look and feel, the map is massive, guns (lots of guns), planes, helicopters, boats, subs, bikes, hills, mountain lions – do I need to go on?

    Of course for all the misty eyed amongst us, the correct answer is one of:
    Transport Tycoon
    Desert Strike
    Micro Machines
    or possibly just multi player on N64 Goldeneye. Me and my brother were talking about that the other day – we spent hours and hours playing that together, controlling your character at the same time as looking at the other half of the screen to figure out where my brother was.

    Free Member

    Forgot another contender – Carmageddon.

    Full Member

    @Drac – you mention QWTF earlier in the thread, it was a small community back in the day, were you in a clan? Not sure if you remember the following clans: SG, EQ, TF, WK

    I was in a couple but small ones can’t remember the names. I do remember SG and TF though as they were the big ones, our Clan leader left for SG.

    Free Member

    Looking through the thread I’m going to have to go with Worms. It’s still going, essentially unchanged, after 20 years and is still one of the best games ever for reducing people to spluttering, indignant rage.

    That being said, Speedball 2, Elite and Mario Kart run it close, Sim City 2000 probably ate the most of my life and Monkey Island is the most amusing.

    Free Member

    Just watched some Elite Dangerous trailers. May have to get that when it comes out.

    A few above seem unaware of the new Elite game; not into games really now but I’d get it, unfortunately but I’d need to buy a new PC too so might not be able to justify that.

    Free Member

    ah now if we are talking eating most of my life that is a different thing. That would be Championship Manager or Street Fighter 2.

    Or Mario Kart, or perhaps Fifa. Sigh….

    Free Member

    Head over Heels on the 128k spectrum. Loved that game!

    Also thoughry enjoyed Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator. Hours and hours of ME109 / FW190 shooting!

    Full Member

    Banjo kazooie, perfect dark, Super Mario Galaxy, Ocarina of time, GTA V single player, and MYST for me. I did just go to type one, but loads sprang to mind.

    Also Starwing… DO A BARREL ROLL!!

    Free Member

    My wife signed a new phone contract this week and the deal came with a free gift – an XBox One: I love her very much (Bungie’s Destiny has been purchased and I am as excited as a ten year old).
    For what it’s worth, as soon as I first saw Halo I’ve been a one game bloke.

    Full Member

    Doomdark’s Revenge on the Spectrum
    Elite on BBC Micro blew my mind at the time.
    Original Halo (not the follow ups), HL2 and Portal/Portal2 on the PC, although TF2 seems to be the biggest time-eater in terms of addictiveness.

    Full Member

    Ooh Quake 3 arena on the Dreamcast, 33kbs modem tdm was great!

    Free Member

    Thing on a Spring. Haha, no, I meant Elite.

    Free Member

    I put a lot of thought into this when I realised that I’ve been playing video games for thirty five years, ever since my older brother brought home an Atari 2600!

    My all time favourites in no particular order including sequels

    Turrican & Turrican II (Amiga)
    Grand Theft San Andreas (PS2 & PC)
    Elite & Elite II Frontier (Speccy & Amiga)
    Civilization IV (PC)

    Full Member


    Incidentally, ever tried googling that?

    Free Member

    My son is playing the Beta version of the new Elite.


    Still love the original one but on a high def 27 inch screen the new one is awesome.

    Starglider anyone? Loved that….truly addictive at the time.

    Free Member



    Free Member

    star wars battlefront 2
    Any worms game
    Need for Speed underground
    GTA V
    James Bond nightfire

    Full Member

    The game that I enjoyed more than any other was:

    Stunt Car Racer for the Amiga

    It was great joining two Amiga’s together for a head to head

    Free Member

    Jet Set Willy
    Phantom of the Asteroids
    Sonic the Hedgehog
    Alien Breed
    New Zealand Story
    Road Rash
    Street Fighter II Turbo
    Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
    Soul Reaver
    Final Fantasy VII
    Micro Machines V3
    Soul Blade
    Resident Evil
    Tomb Raider
    Unreal Tournament 2004
    Timesplitters 2
    Silent Hill 2
    Prince of Persia: Sands of Time
    Legacy of Kain: Defiance
    Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
    World of Warcraft
    Gears of War 2
    Phoenix Wright

    I genuinely find it quite hard to choose. There’s the games where I can just appreciate the purity of the mechanics from a design point of view, the games that pull me in and I play over and over again because of the world they’ve built, the games that created great memories through playing with friends, etc.

    Full Member

    Forgot Star Wars Galaxies pre CU, best fun ever on a game for me.

    Free Member

    Deus Ex.

    Free Member

    The Forbidden Forest (puns welcome!)
    The last Ninja
    Manic Miner

    All C64

    Full Member

    Jet Set Willy.

    I’m sure all the others mentioned above are great, but Jet Set Willy was the first game that I really got into.

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    Full Member

    I genuinely find it quite hard to choose.

    That’s why I’ve not posted one so far. I don’t think it’s possible to define one single “best game ever.” Best how? Something I’ve played the most? Best value? Best technically?

    How do I compare, say: Combat; Final Fantasy 7/8/9; SOCOM II; Manic Miner / Jet Set Willy; Silent Hill; Vulcan Venture; The Hitch-Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy; Freespace 2; Paradroid; Red Dead Redemption; Day of the Tentacle; World of Warcraft; Portal; Rock Band; Laser Squad?

    These were all (sorry) game-changing titles for me, and I’ve sunk hours and hours into them. I could probably come up with many others if I put my mind to it. My current poison is the latest Tomb Raider, it’s a turning out to be a solid modern classic. But best game ever? Who can say.

    Full Member

    SinglePlayer – Still thinking about it!

    Multiplayer – Mario Kart SNES

    Online Multiplayer – CounterStrike

    Free Member

    I forgot one that ate up vast quantities of my life. Shining Force 2, great game!

    Free Member

    This has made me want to sneak an hour’s GTAV whilst the Mrs gets the kids from school. Sod WFH.

    Full Member

    could i just add that i was joking btw (although i do love bruce lee 🙂

    Free Member

    as said it’s impossible to answer, too many to mention as with each jump in technology certain games just made you go WOW!

    but my 5p worth

    manic miner, fond memories on the spectrum

    shadow of the beast on the amiga, purely for the OMFG jump in technology, graphics and sound

    bubble bobble is still al classic

    tomb raider on ps1, again massive jump in graphics

    metal gear solid was another WTF moment

    GTA III, first 3D world, madness

    i know its rose tinted specs but its just not the same these days, were almost spoilt and were spoilt for choice.

    the only game really to make me sit up was unchartered 3

    ps- did any of you ever play a game called ‘midwinter’ on the amiga, that was amazing!

    Full Member

    I had Midwinter on the ST. It was ahead of its time, but in hindsight not that great.

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