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  • Irrelevant things deemed important.
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    Full Member

    just caught the news after washing the tea pots.

    i noticed a couple of things, and notice things like it more often.

    why are things that are of no relevance to the general good of things deemed important on the news ?

    todays main headline were the oscars and football.

    why are things that mean nothing so news worthy ?

    Full Member

    Things that have very little impact on day-to-day life but can be seen as feel-good news, perhaps?

    Full Member

    They may mean nothing to you.

    Football means a lot to many as do the Oscars.

    News doesn’t have to be depressing.

    Full Member

    It’s called News though. It’s not called Important. Most days nothing Important happens, at least with enough of a difference from the day before to keep people watching/reading/listening.

    I would pay a subscription to Important, as long as they promised not to bother me unless it was actually really Important.

    Full Member

    A woman having an operation.

    Full Member

    I had a mini rant at the radio 4 news earlier this evening.  They were bleating on for about 10 minutes, about a royal happy snap which had apparently been photo shopped.  Whoopdy de f*****g doo! WGAS?

    Full Member

    Quite possibly the editors of the news just deemed whatever else is happening in the world is too damn depressing…

    Or, for the tin foil hat wearers, it’s a good method of burying really bad, or really embarrassing, news ..

    Free Member

    I don’t think that is tin foil hat country.  Distraction is a useful tool.

    Free Member

    Bike forums?

    Full Member

    my wife commented that it was to hide all the doom and gloom.

    is there a radio station with no news or adverts ?

    Full Member

    Kate Middleton

    Full Member

    is there a radio station with no news or adverts ?

    Radio 4extra

    Full Member

    Almost everything on the news is irrelevant, on a short enough time scale anyway.

    It’s only if you live long enough to see climate change decimate the world you thought you knew or you face an existential threat to yourself or someone you love that anything is *truly* important.

    I’m a hypocrite though and get caught up in the small stuff like everyone else.

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