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  • I'm not a God botherer, but…..
  • ton
    Full Member

    dd, explain why he is a thug.

    Free Member

    dd, explain why he is a thug.

    Oh **** off will ya ton 😛

    Free Member

    Pailsey is a prime khunt – the worst kind of leader, making none too thinly veiled threats, keen to shit stir and follow behind his dim witted but deadly little activists.

    Pretty obvious troll ton as I doubt that even you can’t be thick enough to admire such a vile creature 🙄

    Full Member

    dd, seriously………..why is he a thug.
    but you like to call people such, with nothing to back up your claim.

    idave, is he worse than any of the other so called religious leaders mentioned above?

    Free Member

    that can be your challenge for the week, Ton. you could challenge yourself to see if you can think of any reasons why someone might call him a thug.

    You could start with google

    Free Member

    Does he need to be any worse than Gandhi for you to admire him any less?

    Full Member

    or is he just another ‘religious’leader who shouts a bit louder to denounce all other ‘religious’ leaders.

    Free Member

    but you like to call people such, with nothing to back up your claim.

    [ton stylie]ton…………………..show me where I called anyone other than Paisley a thug………….go on then………bet you can’t[/ton stylie]

    Getting a bit sensitive aren’t we matey 😉

    Full Member

    dd, spotted the edit smiley……….sensitive…no

    Free Member

    is he worse than any of the other so called religious leaders mentioned above?

    What do you mean “so called” religious leaders ………. are you saying Dessi isn’t religious ?

    And yes ton, Paisley is worst than our Dessi.

    Free Member

    ton – Member

    dd, explain why he is a thug.

    I have no idea why he is a thug. perhaps he was neglected by his mother. I doubt DD knows why he is a thug either.

    I suggest yo do some googling on him to see why we call him a thug and what he has done. Not as Bad as Adams perhpas but not that far off.

    Full Member

    well i liked him, proper stand up kinda bloke in my eyes.

    Free Member

    I have no idea why he is a thug. perhaps he was neglected by his mother. I doubt DD knows why he is a thug either

    I’d say it’s because he’s a Presbyterian myself. Are you a member of a dry dour Scottish church based on being a miserable bastard most of your life too ton? Is that why you admire him so much?

    Free Member

    No one is surprised by that.

    Free Member

    no he was nice to the gays and the catholics areas he marched through did i it with sensitivity I think 🙄 .Comparable acts to desmond and the truth commission and ghandi and his peaceful resistance to British rule and attempts to unite indian religious groups my @rse
    as other says Goggle him hate filled individual where the others practised peace and tolerance.

    Full Member

    i also like arthur scargill too.

    Free Member

    WTF is a ‘stand up kinda bloke’?

    Why is being a bigoted, self-righteous, vile, high-priest of hate to be admired?

    You are joking right? Even you can’t be that devoid of an awareness of what Paisley stood for?

    Even as a 10 year old protestant, supposedly on the same ‘side’ I could see he was vile and corrosive

    Full Member

    idave………….of course i am **** joking……ffs
    i just like to see how long it takes……… 😆

    Free Member

    i also like arthur scargill too.

    You’re **** killing me this evening ton. Are you ok mate? Your trolling’s always been a bit shite but your plumbing the depths tonight.

    Full Member

    and tony benn

    Free Member

    Back on topic…………….Our Dessi :

    ……..wish he was my uncle.

    Free Member

    Mr woppit, just ‘cos you believe all that guff about your speaker cables doesn’t make you fanatical…

    Ha ha! Quality pwnage! 😆

    Ghandi was a decent Human Being. Dedicated his life to fight for better rights for Indian people. Not surprising that Woppit doesn’t like him then.

    What do I think of Western Civilisation? I think it’s under threat from fanatical fukwits.

    Ha ha! You really do talk some rot, Woppit.

    Do you actually believe stuff like that, or do you just say it to get a reaction? I mean, you’re quite an intelligent bloke going by some of the things you post on here, so surely you can’t be that blinkered and narrow-minded?

    And what ‘fanatical f***wits’ would these be then Woppit? Care to enlighten us? Seems that only you, the BNP, UKIP, Melanie Phillips and the English Defence League are worked up about such a ‘threat’. Do you know something the rest of us don’t? Please, do tell…

    I like Desmond Tutu. He is come to Stratford recently, but I din’t know about it until afterwards. Gutted. Would like to meet him.

    Ghandi once lived a stone’s throw from where I do. Makes him ok in my book.

    Free Member

    Re Ian Paisley:

    I am sure the family of one of my childhood mates had a little figure of Ian Paisley, that shouted ‘NEVER! NEVER! NEVER!’ when you pressed a button or something (it sounded like a dog barking tbh). I’m sure they did. Could I have dreamed it? Is that possible??? 😯

    I remember my dad watching The Reverend IP on telly, and being quite bemused by him. Me dad would say, in his pidgin English (think of the dad in East is East);

    ‘Why he bloody shouting all bloody time? Bloody bastard always bloody shouting? What he bloody shouting for?’

    Erm, I think it’s to do with him being opposed to Sinn fein and the IRA, and wanting peace in Northern Ireland dad…

    ‘How can be bloody peace Northern Ireland this bloody bastard shouting all the time?’

    Fair point really. He’d then go on to do impressions of IP, but it just sounded like a dog barking really. 🙂

    Mind you, me dad once tried to measure Jimmy Hill’s chin on the screen, with a ruler. We only had a 14″ telly, and the bastard thing was still 4″ long.

    I’m not sure if my dad was really cut out as a political commentator.

    Full Member

    fred, brilliant that………… 😆

    specially that bit about paisley wanting peace in ireland

    Free Member

    Well, it was a tad difficult explaining the intricacies of Northern Irish politics to me dad, because he’d get confused over who was who (I still bloody do), then probbly get bored and wander off to find something to eat. Or feed the goldfish. Or scratch his arse. Or something.

    I think Jimmy Hill annoyed him more tbh. I think there was once a show where Jimmy and Graham Hill were on at the same time. Thank God he din’t see that… 😯

    He had quite an affection for Ken Dodd, for some reason. I doubt he could understand much of what Dodd was ever saying mind. Just thought his mannerisms were hilarious.

    But the strangest one was Barry Took. My dad once announced he had ‘much respect’ for Barry Took.

    Don’t ask. I had a troubled childhood…

    Free Member

    i got half way through the first page and gave up. but i will say – it was religious fanaticism that got us to western “civilisation” as it is now; it’s not necessarily the threat :O

    Free Member

    Yeah, really uncivilised. So uncivilised that when it was asked by the Indians – “Can we have our country back?” Britain said “Oh, O.K., then”.

    Good job they didn’t have to try getting the Nazis to do that. Or the Communist Russia so beloved of the likes of “El Commandante”.

    As to recent developments in Cuba: sure, they have started to organise themselves more like the free West. I hear they’ve even “allowed” the populace to have mobile phones. Only the one kind of course – supplied by the government.

    Otherwise, quite a good thread, I thought…

    Free Member

    The funny thing is I started thinking Ton was just trolling but now I am thinking his “course I’m joking” is just to try and cover his actual love of Paisley/Scargill.

    Free Member

    Arch bishop of Cant for me. Love listening to him ramble on, he has such a good understanding of the english language.

    Free Member

    Yeah, really uncivilised. So uncivilised that when it was asked by the Indians – “Can we have our country back?” Britain said “Oh, O.K., then”.

    but but…??? This is either ignorance or trolling, either it’s just stoooopid!

    Free Member

    his is either ignorance or trolling, either it’s just stoooopid!

    Neither; it’s just Woppit. Take no notice. It’s meaningless babbling tbh, little more.

    Free Member

    Good job they didn’t have to try getting the Nazis to do that. Or the Communist Russia so beloved of the likes of “El Commandante”.

    eh? may i introduce you to the removal of the berlin wall?

    Free Member

    It’s meaningless babbling tbh, little more.

    Bloody hell thats a bit rich!

    Free Member

    In fairness, there is little else which can contextualise that statement

    Free Member

    So uncivilised that when it was asked by the Indians – “Can we have our country back?” Britain said “Oh, O.K., then”.

    Yes the empire is loved the world over for the way we gave it back, without struggle, to the exploited. America, Africa, India yes they all loved our rule.
    A link to support your view of history?
    More tosh from the self stylised thinking man’s buffoon.

    Free Member

    Interesting that Woppit is very quick to attack and belittle, yet seemingly unable to answer the question of why Western Civilisation is ‘under threat’ from ‘fanatical f***wits’….

    Free Member

    Elfinsafety – Member
    Interesting that Woppit is very quick to attack and belittle, yet seemingly unable to answer the question of why Western Civilisation is ‘under threat’ from ‘fanatical f***wits’….

    Referring to the rise in Christian fundamentalists in the US? Or perhaps the fact that the US is probably the most dangerous country in the world at the moment, with the most resources and run mainly by a bunch of complete nutters who think nothing of invading other countries in order to change governments?

    Or is it boring racism as usual?

    Free Member

    I don’t know, IdleJohn! He’s not answered…

    Free Member

    Ineteresting Wikipedia link. So, pretty much: “Can we have our country back” followed by “oh, O.K. then”, then…

    Free Member

    So, care to answer my question then Woppit?

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