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  • I’m a hunched up, stiff old git…
  • franksinatra
    Full Member

    …and it really is time I do something about it. My quads and hamstrings basically don’t stretch at all, I have an old lower back injury and I know these two statements are related. I work at a desk a lot and picking something up from the floor now has to be a well planned event. I’m 43 now and need to take charge of this.

    I’m pretty busy and will struggle to commit to a regular class of Pilates/yoga/bar but I do work from home so can you my time to do stuff based on YouTube or App. I can do 20 mins everyday quite easily but need to start from really low base. I don’t mind paying.

    What is working well for you lot?

    Full Member

    I spent 5-10 mins every morning stretching to address a few tightnesses I’m prone to. I fit it into my day instead of my cycle ride to work. 15 mins of stretching and playing on a slack line in the garden. Consistency is key as otherwise you just seize up when you forget to do it every day.

    Full Member

    If nothing else, go for a walk. You can easily cover a mile or two in 20 minutes.

    Also, eh, this is a cycling website, so…

    Free Member

    43 is no age. I’ve got 3 years on you and can roll down from standing to get my palms flat on the floor with my knees still locked.

    For me there’s a 20-30 min gap when the missus is in the bath before bed that’s the perfect time to stretch. A mix of yoga, stretching, pre-gym warm up exercises I’ve picked up and stuff the physio has given me to do over the years. Its pretty easy to commit to doing it unless I’m working away, as if I don’t, various bits of me start going badly wrong and it makes riding bikes harder and less fun, which makes me grumpier. Foam roller is a good (albeit painful) investment too.

    Free Member

    I use Apple Fitness+

    It does a huge range of things including yoga and core strength. I started doing it in Jan this year and have seen a huge change in my posture and how I stand – I also have a old lower back injury.

    They do on demand classes via the app that start at 5 mins up to 45 mins with an easier option in every session.

    Full Member

    Yoga With Adriene on youtube gets good reviews.
    Personally I use the down dog app/website but not sure it would be great for someone who hasnt done yoga before.

    Full Member

    +1 for Yoga with Adriene on YouTube.

    She does longer series of 30 days etc

    I don’t need to stretch regularly but if I feel I’ve got a niggle of some sort I just choose one of her videos and it sorts me out.

    Full Member

    I’ve been through the same thing – a lot of desk time and most exercise from cycling. Just doing some basic stretches every day helped my back a lot. Work your muscles and joints through their full range of movement. Lunges, squats, twists, etc. Walking or jogging will help your legs a lot.

    For me there’s a 20-30 min gap when the missus is in the bath before bed that’s the perfect time to stretch.

    Yep, this works for me too. Watch TV and do gentle stretches.

    Full Member

    Yoga with Adriene on YouTube
    Absolutely…. the back and neck ones are fantastic. She seems an all round good egg yoga without the hippy bit.

    Full Member

    I’m not quite as bad as you describe yourself, but still not ‘right’.

    I’m quite intrigued by the Tom Morrison mobility method, seems a relatively cheap one-off payment with lots of vids and guides. I like his facebook ads as well, doesn’t take himself too seriously 😎

    Full Member

    I try and do the odd hamstring stretch between calls and have a spiky roller to hand in my office. I try and do little 30s stretches through the day. Seems to help

    Full Member

    You may be a hunched up stiff git but you are not old. Nowhere near.

    Full Member

    Thanks, I’ll look in to the suggestions

    If nothing else, go for a walk. You can easily cover a mile or two in 20 minutes.

    Also, eh, this is a cycling website, so…

    I walk the dog two or three times a day, cycle a couple of times a week and run three or four times a week. None of these things really help with flexibility though

    Full Member

    I walk the dog two or three times a day, cycle a couple of times a week and run three or four times a week. None of these things really help with flexibility though

    Not surprising really as none of these activities require much flexibility and none use your muscles over their full range of motion.

    Full Member

    Adrienne and/or Kassandra for youtube yoga. I prefer Kassandra. After doing a weekly yoga session for a few weeks my running improved markedly as I was able to engage more muscles.

    Full Member

    Eric Goodman’s foundation workout is good, seen that recommended all over including here.
    I like it although my issue is groin / hip, not back so much but the herniated disk thread gave me the fear!


    Free Member

    I’m going to suggest you look up the Alexander technique. I’ve got a book on it by Richard Brennan and it’ll help you look at how you move, generally speaking, completely differently.
    If you’ve got the money then also go for Alexander lessons. I haven’t gone that far as I’m working on it by myself, don’t really have any back issues but me working on this technique is in aid of preventing them happening.
    Basically put, it tells you to stop bending your back as it’s not really supposed to do that. But it goes through it more thoroughly and gives some very very simple exercises that do not take long at all.

    Free Member

    Pretty similar myself: lower back injury from falling down some steps, hunched shoulders from sitting at a desk all day, 43 this year.

    I started pilates a year or so ago, and it does help. The one thing I will say is that in-person would make a big difference: you may think you’re bending or stretching right, but the number of times our teacher would come around and tell me to relax something, or twist something further, and the exercise would either get a lot harder (because I was cheating) or a lot easier (because I was using the wrong muscles for the job).

    Full Member

    I’ve now got a long list of injuries probably all caused by lack of flexibility, non firing glutes and weak lower abs. If I had my time again I’d drop half the running and cycling I’ve done in the past five years and replace it with Pilates, stretching and strength work. That’s certainly what I’ll do when I get through this next set of physio. I’ve got three different physios working on me at the moment.

    I’d do something now to ensure that stiffness doesn’t end up with a nasty injury.

    Full Member

    Yoga is working for me. Been doing a studio session once a week for about 2 Years (on zoom since covid), plus the odd bit of self practice on and off.

    For me I need a structured weekly thing to go to or I’ll not do it, plus I’ll also shy away from doing things I find difficult.

    I can’t recommend enough finding a class / instructor who can tell you how to modify and adjust according to your ability. Apart from anything else it’s very demotivating if you can’t do anything near the you tube video, and you won’t be getting the point of the pose.

    Still hunched and stiff, but noticeably less so than before.

    Full Member

    Another one to look at, paid for – Basecamp Training Mountain Fitness. Ignore the word “mountain”.

    A few of the basics are on YouTube “Chase Mountains”, I didn’t know where to start so paid up for some structure and to make sure I’d do it and get my money’s worth. There’s a strength bit and a stretch/mobility bit daily.

    Free Member

    2 cocodamol and 2 naproxen…

    Give it 30mins…

    The above is not the answer, but it serves on occasion as an interim solution.

    I am 58 and have abused my body with mx bikes and physical work added to multiple injuries including lower back. There are some mornings that the above is the only answer as i can barely walk, yes i understand the implications.

    Keeping moving through the day works well for me, its the desk bound days that cause the pain.

    Full Member

    Switch to standing desk?

    I also use the Down Dog yoga app.

    Free Member

    Yoga is the answer. If your too busy to sort your health out what’s the point of work as you’ll be a wreck and won’t be able to do anything.

    Free Member

    +1 pilates

    Full Member

    +2 for pilates. In-person better as can get advice for your issues. Will loosen up those quads and hams, and as importantly for cyclists address hip adductor/flexor tightness

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