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  • Great names for pets
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    Jurgen the German

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    My cousin used to have cats.

    The ash coloured twins were called “Benson” and “Hedges”. The other one was called “Spuff” for no reason other than they thought it sounded funny.

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    Not mine, I hasten to add, although I’ll probably still get banned for this.

    A Uni mate had a cat that had no roadsense. His Dad (my mate’s dad, not the cat’s) was a bit politically incorrect, or maybe just it wasn’t a thing in Sheffield in the 80’s. So the cat was called Nelson, because it was black and not allowed out.

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    Work mate has a chameleon called Karma, as in Culture Club…

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    A mate had a Giant Schnauzer named Wordsworth. His painfully middle-class partner who had spent her formative years in another country approved of this literary reference. I don’t know if he ever actually confessed that he took it from Jamie and the Magic Torch.

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    We have a 7yr old Borador called Shivers, 6 year old cats Louis and Dennis (known as Widge) and a new addition  called Ripley.
    We also had Angel who was sister of Louis  but she went missing.
    Anyone  know the origins?

    Widget is the odd one out,  he came when Louis was suffering  the loss.

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    The kids named our cats Paws and Lightning. Paws became Paws Meister then PM. He’s the best PM this country has had since 2010.

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    FENTON!!! I did almost nominate that (internet bores will point out it’s actually Benton though).

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    Our youngest got a kitten and called it Keith.

    During its first vet trip, we learned that he was in fact she.

    So now registered at the vets as Mrs Keith.

    Which is weird to shout out the back door at night 😂

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    We’ve had cats called:




    Our current cats are Ted and Barney

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    When I was in charge of pet nomination we had Rabbits called Kylie, (after Minogue) and Marlon, (after Brando) and a Hamster called Tinkerbelle. Boring pet names since the daughter became old enough to decide, but oddly always ending with a ‘y’ sound, so Bobby, Robbie, Henry… 

    I do like the Nelson and Wordsworth stories above. 🤣

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    I wanted to call our dog named Milo – ‘Dave Gorman’.  When we went to look at him and choose him – he just didn’t look like a ‘Dave’…

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    I have met two Cocker spaniels called Jarvis to date (in separate parts of the country obvs – if both had same owner might be a bit confusing).

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    I knew a bloke who had a mate that apparently had a dog called “Dick nose”.

    I had a cat whose actual name was Mixu Paatelienen but I just used to call him Fuzz.

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    Our youngest got a kitten and called it Keith.

    During its first vet trip, we learned that he was in fact she.

    So now registered at the vets as Mrs Keith.

    Out of the litter that two of ours came from, we took one ginger and my partner’s son took another. We chose names before discovering that – wildly unusually – both gingers were girls. We renamed ours, they didn’t so have a female cat named Neville.

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    We have a one eyed rescue cat called Mike Meowski.(monsters inc) 

    Out other 2 are slightly more normally named munchkin (after the board game) and Luna (harry potter) 

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    Meet geoff….  

    I wanted withnail as in withnail and i went the pub…  

    cats called croker? His brother was charlie and another rescue we lost was called camp Freddie all from the italian job.


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    hens – Maggie Scratcher, Egguina Curry and Margret Peckett

    wanted to call the dog ‘Socrafleas’, but the gf nixed it, along with ‘Flashheart’

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    Our neighbours have cats named by their kids and there were gender confusion issues with both. They ended up with a massive male maine coon called Betty and a tiny female cat called Bernhard

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    I stumbled across this on iplayer the other evening, the dogs name is Colin from accounts who is working on a big merger. Or Colin for short.

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    I wanted to call our Dachshund Wolfgang. But the Mrs insisted on Billy…

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    My Italian vet was quite amused that my black cat was called Bianca.

    Not a name we chose, Cat’s Protection just work through the alphabet for names for litters. We were going to change it, but she turned out to be a bit chavvy and scruffy, so it stuck.

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    My wife named our old King Charles Spaniel  ‘Treacle’, cue lots of Mockney ‘Awright Tweacle’ greetings in the park whenever out for a walk.

    Mum and dad rescued a couple of chickens years ago. My suggestion of ‘Sam and Ella’ wasn’t seized upon sadly.

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    Colin was the name of the dog in Spaced also, as I recall.

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    We had a guppy called Tuco, named after Tuco Salamanca in Breaking Bad, lived over two years which is looooong for a guppy.

    A mate of a mate had two cats called Fat Cat and Orifice.

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    Need a like button!

    Work mate had a couple of cats named after the beer in the Coronation Street pub , Newton and Ridley.

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    We were given a pedigree Burmese kitten, whose registered name was Kimaross Sharmeena. For the rest of her 21 year life she was known as Killer. Her rather daft and distinctly not pedigree companion was called Einstein.

    Our first two hens were Thelma and Louise. More recent hens have included Martha (black) and Amy (ginger), Philosohen (spent a lot of time just thinking) and Psychohen, Nina Simone and Etta James (our Ukrainian guest used to tell us “chickens sing a lot today”.

    My niece has a dog called Phil.

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    There is a vague story of a woman who lived in an old Napoleonic fort at the top of a nearby hill in Midlothian, centuries back. 


    Meg as she was known, lived alone and in order to draw less attention to herself she always dressed as a man. She was amazingly gifted at healing sick and injured animals and local farmers often called on her to assist.


    She had a horse called ‘Skewball’ and a dog that had the best possible name in terms of pure function ever, given her need to be wary of folk – the dog was called ‘Help’.


    However, her unusual lifestyle made others weary and she was commonly regarded as a witch, and whilst the records are far from accurate, it seems she may have ultimately been tried as one…


    In fact, I’ve learned that until fairly recently, misbehaving local children were threatened ‘Meg will get you’ when in fact she should be celebrated as an early vet and absolute folk hero (who had a dog with the most functional and still somehow coolest name I’ve heard).

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    One of our hens was pure white with a full breast. She was called Lagertha.

    This will make sense if you ever watched Vikings

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    Meet Enzo

    In the logical and entirely natural evolution of his name, he is known variously as

    – Benzo
    – Bingo Benzo

    and when I’ve had a few (for the CX fans)

    – Pauwels Sauzen-Benzo

    Enzo when I’ve called him Pauwels Sauzen-Benzo once too often

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    The RSPCA gave our cat the name Olive before we adopted. It was only after knocking her out for spaying that they realised she was actually a he who had already been neutered.  He’s now Oliver. That can’t have done much for his self esteem though!


    Edit: Enzo and Oliver have the same pose, every 5 seconds he seems to be flopping over with his belly out: PXL_20230707_135205594

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    My Mate Ken has a dog called Spud, because he is a chip off the old block…!

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    Edit: Enzo and Oliver have the same pose, every 5 seconds he seems to be flopping over with his belly out

    Haha, Enzo is a disgrace, no dignity whatsoever

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    I’m afraid another instance of being talked out of it – wanted our current cat to be Spartcius simply to see if everyone else in the waiting room can resist the urge when the vet calls him! 

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    My Dad is a Classics nerd so all of our Cats growing up had corresponding names (which mostly got abbreviated because of how pretentious and stupid they all were):

    When I was a baby there was Aristotle (Aris) , throughout most of my Childhood we had Achilles (Achie) then there was Socrates (who was black with white paws and thus ‘Socks’ worked) finally they had Phoebe and Lyra who were twins after I’d moved out.

    Our current cat is rather unimaginatively named Arthur, but he really does look like an Arthur somehow.

    Oh and my Family all collectively (and rather visibly) all cracked up one winters day on Greenham common as some shrill, middleclass muppet loudly tried to summon her Dog that she’s apparently named ‘Attenborough’… Some people shouldn’t get to name their own pets IMO (My Dad included TBF).

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    A friend of mine has a dog with three legs, one ear, one eye and a missing tail.

    Answers to the name of Lucky.

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    Hairy…  from the children’s classic ‘Hairy Mclarey from Donaldsons Dairy’.  Although a sound argument could be made that he’s more of a Bitzer Maloney or even Muffin McLay.

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    Brody, the Border Collie, because he was like a shark when he was little

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    Many years ago I knew fellow students who had a flat with a pet albino rat called ‘Yadurty’

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