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  • Great names for pets
  • binners
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    Inspired by the homage to dogs thread, lets have your inspired pet names

    We’re looking after our mates dogs at the moment while they’re on holiday. They’re called ‘Get Down’ and ‘Stop Barking’ which I think are fantastic names

    Other mates of ours have a load of cats all named after 80’s action movies heroes, so Arnie, Sly, Van Damme and Bruce.

    What great pet names have you got then?

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    We had Surf and now Fin. Picked from when we spent alot of time in the waves windsurfing

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    I wanted to call one of our cats Seefer but got told off.

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    This guy is (Albert) Bert, compromised because I wanted ‘Dave’.

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    I used to keep gerbils. One pair I had were called Ozzy and Vince (I’d been to see Ozzy Osbourne and Motley Crue in the same week I got them). The next pair were called Paros and Tinos as I had fallen in love with travelling in the Greek islands.

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    I had a mate who’s dog was called Race-Car (don’t let you 5 yr old name your pet, folks)  but they all called it Grinner, because it did. 

    My dog was called Patrick – but of course, everyone called it Paddy. When we were cross we used his proper name to make sure he knew he was in trouble though – and he did.

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    Our pet chickens over the years include Henrietta, Layla, Shelley, Yoko, Nugget and Plucky.

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    My Grandad served in India in the war and ever since all his dogs where called Juldi, it’s Hindi for hurry.

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    There’s a tradition of naming gundogs after Scottish themes,  so you hear a lot of Ionas, Isla(y)s, Tweed, Fergus, Angus….well you get the picture.  There’s a top guy in the clay-shooting world who owns a shooting ground and a couple of gunrooms. I was in one of his shops recently and was dealing with his two sons, Harris and Lewis. I couldn’t help wondering why he’d chosen to name his children after Labradors.

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    A friend named her two rabbits Pie and Stew, but the vets refused to register them under those names.

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    Marcus Aurelius on the left is my lifestyle guru.

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    My friends always had double-act names for their pets (e.g. Bert and Ernie).  When they got their 2 daughters a cat each, the girls were big fans of Phineas and Ferb, so these names were planned.  Until, at the last minute one decided she prefers Perry, so they now have Phineas and Perry.

    Makes me laugh everytime I see them.

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     A mate’s dog had a leg amputated after being run over, the renamed him Tripod!

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    Oh, and I’ve a friend who’s cats are called Poor Tom and Marlinspike. Both Literary references. (they are part of the English Dept at Manchester Uni) The pretentiousity values are high; but cool names nevertheless.

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    My old cat was called “Sony” because everything I owned at the time seemed to have rthe Sony badge on it, phone, PS2, TV etc…

    He was daft. I miss that cat.


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    My wife’s dementia riddled grandad called the cockerel we inherited Fred. So we followed the theme and as we acquired new ones they became Betty, Wilma, Pebbles, and Bam-Bam. Then we realised we didn’t know the names of any more characters, so my wife christened the next two Hannah and Barbara.

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    Various cockerels named after Watford players – Mooney, Bouazza and, most apt, Cox.

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    My father had 3 white English bull terriers named Butch, Blossom and Belinda

    One of my cats is named Ty (influenced by Caddieshack…)

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    Our rescue cat came with the name Charlie.  As my wife had a cat called Charlie when she was as a teenager the rescue cat was registered at the vet as Charles The Second.

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    we’ve had cats called smudge, piewacket and chelsea.

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    A friend named her two rabbits Pie and Stew

    :D :D

    One of the local dogs is called “John” which always amused me.

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    Our pet chickens over the years include Henrietta, Layla, Shelley, Yoko, Nugget and Plucky.

    We had sage, parsley, thyme, rosemary….and of course the cockerel was Paxo, and his son was Rooster Booster.

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    Gingernut and Hobnob


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    Bluebell, because she has a blue collar with a blue bell. She’s a softie. 

    Her sister Blackjack is hard as nails. 

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    Our dog is Wilson



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    A friend named her two rabbits Pie and Stew, but the vets refused to register them under those names.

    In a similar vein, farming friends raised two geese named Christmas and Easter, but then couldn’t slaughter them when the time came because they had become pets.

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    Our cat is Doctor Penelope Cuddles, although the vet doesn’t use the Doctor (Would be confusing I guess).

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    @barrysh!tpeas my mum had a dog called Wilson too, named after a boy that she had a crush on at school.

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    My two spaniels were Ted and Ralph, specifically because of The Fast Show.

    Ted (Springer) loved water, so problems with the drainage in the lower field were not a problem for him.

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    Our late cat was called Douglas – I named him after Douglas Bader.  At the rescue centre he had been sleeping and obviously woke up stiff and walked like he had tin legs.

    Our current cat is called Ava – after Ava Gardner.  Our dog is called Milo – just because it was a name my wife liked and chose.

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    Came across a lady walking her dog called Jeremy Beagle

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    My parents had cats Mork and Mindy. My dad once had black lab called Ni**er, proper back in the day but still mortifying to admit. And the next one was a brown lab called Shandy.

    Once me and my siblings got involved we had a black lab called Snowy (like in Tintin), one called Simba (Lion King).

    And then more cats follow. (Black)Jack, Mittens (apparently his testicles looked like black mittens 🤷‍♂️), Percy and Steve.

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    Merlot was our first dog. I wanted a red haired Welsh Springer. I ended up with a Blue Roan cocker spaniel. Still called Merlot though. I wanted Kibble as the name for our current dog. No not after the food, but my PhD supervisor Sir Tom. One day…

    Still on a Physics note, the cat at DAMPT in Cambridge was called Muon.

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    Son’s Lab is called Buck. Makes for some quizzical looks when his fiancee starts calling him when he’s picking up!

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    We used to have a chicken called Schnitzel.

    And another one called Tadpole (because she used to love eating them, to the point that she’d wade  a few inches deep into the pond)

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    Daughter (10 at the time) wanted to call our dog Jefferson Grooves, but was overridden. He’s now called Cupar (or Cooper).

    Nonetheless Jefferson Grooves was a pretty good name.

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    Currently we have Harold. Real name Harry (he was a reject and came like that)


    I originally wanted to call him Moose, (stolen from Matt Jones choc Lab) but Harold it became.

    We walk a dog for a neighbour that’s called Dan. Always seems a bit wrong somehow.

    Had a mate bitd, bit of a loose cannon, who called his dog Spliff.

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    Our pet chickens over the years include Henrietta, Layla, Shelley, Yoko, Nugget and Plucky.

    *solemn applause*

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    My ex girlfriend wouldn’t let me name our 2 cats after her best friend and husband.

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    Back in my schooldays I had one friend with a hamster called Scuttle and another with a cat called Twizzle, always loved those names.  There’s an old boy with a dog called Kevin that I often bump into walking ours (she’s called Margo, any of my choices were vetoed) and another friend of mine has a cat called Derek.

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