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  • Geraint Thomas NHS fundraiser on Zwift
  • tpbiker
    Free Member

    Mooman’s point is not completely invalid tbf.

    OP’s little temper tantrum was slightly embarrassing also..

    Free Member

    So glad I started a positive tread for you cockwombles to troll. Well I did my 2 hours. I enjoyed it so Fucj the lot of you miserable ****ts

    Get a grip man. Just because some people might like to think things through in a little more depth and detail than you, and might come to different opinions based on that thought process…..

    No need to get in a huff

    Full Member

    He’s a really good athlete and I’m sure he’s doing this with the best intentions, but the idea of reframing the NHS as a charity has the potential to do more harm than good.

    I agree.

    Of the donations, how many are from people earning £9/hour and how many (and how much) made by the better off? All those gushing TV events – Children in Need, Sport Relief etc – with their overpaid celebs asking the little people to cough up again and again while they invest their huge salaries and appearance fees in tax avoidance schemes. It is wrong.

    Carers don’t need you to clap for them; what they need is a government that allows them a passable wage and fair benefits (like more than 5 days sick pay a year) instead of being treated like disposable plebs at the bottom of the food chain. And anyone who ‘claps for carers’ having voted Tory in December is a hypocrite.

    Free Member

    Simon E – I’m going to have to disagree with your last point. For the record I didn’t vote Tory nor will I. Ever. However I think through this crisis the one decent thing to come out of it is a renewed appreciation of the NHS from the general public. I’ve no doubt people valued it, especially when they needed it but for the most part it was taken for granted. Not the case any more and despite the cheesy clapping (imo) most people now praise nurses and doctors and I think hold them in much higher regard. People are starting to understand how valuable the NHS is, especially when compared to countries like the US.

    Hopefully once this is all over, people hold Johnson and his bunch of Criminal mates to task and ensure that it continues to receive more funding and appreciation rather than a race to the bottom to sell everything off..

    Full Member

    even though tax payers money enabled and supported him to achieve his cycling potential.

    That money was invested in him so he could win Olympic medals for Britain. Which he did. The money invested in him by his trade team was so he could win races and grand tours. Which he has.

    A by product of that is that he can use some of his time, skills and achievements to do events where people want to give money to the NHS as part of taking part with him. As an aside, I would imagine G takes very little out of the NHS nowadays, and has more than covered anything he’s taken out previously.

    Criticising him for that just reeks of envy tbh

    Full Member

    Christ all *king mighty, global crisis and some of you are carping about motives and tax status.
    The NHS needs help and support.
    Have a look at yourselves.
    For those of you criticising – what have you, personally, done to help; practically or financially?
    G doesn’t need the publicity nor does he need to bask in the glory of his efforts.
    I suggest you wind your necks in and invest your energy in doing something positive.

    Free Member

    Flange – I hope your right; but sadly you got too many people who can get fooled too easily by a fake selling a good cause .. and too distracted to look any further as TomHoward here demonstrates with his imagination of what Geraint Thomas has put back in covering what he has taken out.
    It’s kind of like Phillip Green some time ago; then he was seen as a philanthropist and generally great guy .. once you scratched the surface things looked a lot different; but bias or ignorance can disguise such things.

    Frank Conway – I have continued to do my normal work visiting and supporting vulnerable people within hospital and community settings during the COVID situation. Which not looking to big myself up – is a lot more worthwhile than sitting on a turbo trainer getting publicity for zwift and encouraging people to donate money.

    What have you done during the COVID crisis?

    Free Member


    Christ all *king mighty, global crisis and some of you are carping about motives and tax status.
    The NHS needs help and support.
    Have a look at yourselves.
    For those of you criticising – what have you, personally, done to help; practically or financially?
    G doesn’t need the publicity nor does he need to bask in the glory of his efforts.
    I suggest you wind your necks in and invest your energy in doing something positive.

    It is possible and acceptable to simultaneously praise G’s efforts, criticise tax dodging and be concerned about the charitisation of the NHS. All of those things are ways to help and support health and carer workers.

    Full Member

    For those of you criticising – what have you, personally, done to help; practically or financially?

    Paid my taxes?

    Full Member

    He’s now being criticised for jokingly asking for a bag of peas, after doing something for charity. Instead of sitting on a pile of his money.
    I think we’ve hit a bit of a low here.

    Free Member

    I’m sure GT pays his taxes. But as someone who doesn’t currently live or work in the UK I doubt they’d be paid here. Why that should be held against him 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️

    Full Member

    Why that should be held against him

    Well, if you cant work it out I dont see why anyone should bother explaining it to you.

    Full Member

    aa – G would have paid his taxes when a UK resident so same as you; he will now be paying taxes in Monaco at the appropriate rate – yes, lower than the UK.
    Are you trying to claim moral high ground?

    Free Member

    Well, if you cant work it out I dont see why anyone should bother explaining it to you.

    No I can’t work it out I must be stupid. Tell me why someone who doesn’t work or live in the UK should pay British taxes.

    Free Member

    Bunnyhop – just a suggestion on where to focus: maybe explore the tax avoidance criticism before the bag of peas criticism eh …

    Frank Conway .. I am still keen to hear what you have been doing during this COVID crisis; because seeing as you were the one asking us I can only imagine you must be in the thick of it at the front line ..

    Homerun – if you look back at one of my previous comments you will find a link to explain it. Ask an appropriate adult to read and explain it if its still a bit complicated for you.

    Full Member

    aa – G would have paid his taxes when a UK resident so same as you; he will now be paying taxes in Monaco at the appropriate rate – yes, lower than the UK.

    Good for him, you asked what I’d done I gave you an example, your response speaks volumes.

    No I can’t work it out I must be stupid. Tell me why someone who doesn’t work or live in the UK should pay British taxes.

    I respectfully decline, you clearly wouldnt grasp it anyway.

    Free Member

    I respectfully decline, you clearly wouldnt grasp it anyway.

    So you can’t, all you could do is voice an opinion based on your own prejudices.
    Mooman your the same, you parade your prejudice and envy like a banner for the whole world to see.

    Full Member

    So you can’t,

    I can, I could even read the rest of the thread where its explained. That you choose not to or you choose to pretend to not understand because you dont agree with the opinions of others is your choice.

    Mooman your the same, you parade your prejudice and envy like a banner for the whole world to see.

    You really are childlike in your ability to see your own view as the only one possible, its quite amusing

    Free Member

    I can, I could even read the rest of the thread where its explained. 

    Where on this thread is it explained ?

    You really are childlike in your ability to see your own view as the only one possible, its quite amusing

    Oh the irony 😂😂😂😂.

    Free Member

    Simon E….

    Of the donations, how many are from people earning £9/hour and how many (and how much) made by the better off? All those gushing TV events – Children in Need, Sport Relief etc – with their overpaid celebs asking the little people to cough up again and again while they invest their huge salaries and appearance fees in tax avoidance schemes. It is wrong.

    Carers don’t need you to clap for them; what they need is a government that allows them a passable wage and fair benefits (like more than 5 days sick pay a year) instead of being treated like disposable plebs at the bottom of the food chain. And anyone who ‘claps for carers’ having voted Tory in December is a hypocrite.

    Damn well said.

    Free Member

    Christ all *king mighty, global crisis and some of you are carping about motives and tax status.
    The NHS needs help and support.

    Can you not see the link?

    The NHS has needed help and support for years/ decades, but hasn’t got it due to a combination of rich, selfish, self serving tools, ambivalent people and a sub class of scum who continue to vote Tory because they are too stupid to realise what it happening and how they are being manipulated by the powerful rich.

    Full Member

    Well this is a pleasant thread.

    I only have one thing to add: Please let’s not conflate the underfunding of the NHS and Tory hypocrisy with Geraint’s attempt to do something useful (albeit with a commercial partner) and his tax arrangements.

    These issues can co-exist without one rendering the others worthless.

    Also: Are you OK Mooman? You seem surprisingly vexed by a relatively innocuous event here.

    Free Member

    Also: Are you OK Mooman? You seem surprisingly vexed by a relatively innocuous event here.

    I am very good thank you; just back from a very nice 3hr sunny bike ride, and whilst the head wind on the way back was a little challenging at times, overall it was a very nice ride. Thus I can allay your concern that I may be vexed xx

    Full Member

    These issues can co-exist without one rendering the others worthless.

    Indeed, but at the same time we can discuss these matters together, as they are linked, its just a shame some feel the need to be shouty about it.

    Full Member

    class of scum who continue to vote Tory

    Anyone who’s voted Tory are scum?

    Full Member

    Anyone who’s voted Tory are scum

    Of course not, dont be daft, some are just really stupid!!

    Full Member

    moonman – ‘G’ made a funny comment about needing a bag of peas (surely you must know his sense of humour by now).

    He wins the TdF and the whole of Britain/UK applaud him, he’s wins the sports personality of the year, voted for by the public. He raises thousands of pounds for charity and gets criticised. Fella can’t do anything right.

    I’m a huge fan. He wrote a note for me once when I was in a bit of a state and I’ll always be grateful for that.

    Free Member

    Bumyhop – I have no issue that you have a different opinion than mine; we all have different social values and opinions of what social responsibility is. If you feel he does more good for the NHS by encouraging people to donate a off amount towards the NHS instead of paying UK tax on his multi-million pounds cycling contracts then thats your decision.

    As you state – your a big fan because he wrote you a note; if that makes him a great guy in your book then I guess nothing is likely to alter your opinion of him.

    Full Member

    So why do you think he should pay tax here? Because he was born here? I get that British cycling invested in him, but as I said, he gave them what they wanted (gold medals), and continues to work to give them a world champion. He now lives in another country and makes his living, primarily, outside of this country, so why pay here? Are you saying that people that come here for work shouldn’t pay tax here, but in their country of birth, as that’s who educated them etc, despite getting all the ‘benefits’ of living here?

    Are your living arrangements based on what is best for the treasury, or best for you? And if there were two different options, one favouring the treasury, one favouring you, which would you pick?

    Free Member

    TomHoward – maybe re-read this thread from the beginning to get a basic understanding of the answers to the questions you ask, or maybe you too could ask an adult to read and explain it to you if that is too difficult.
    Also to maybe emphasise it a tad better – remind yourself of what country he moved back to as this COVID19 crisis developed.
    His move to Monaco – the same as some of the other SKY/INEOS riders was simple tax evasion … I have little doubt as soon as the multi-million pounds cycling contracts end he will move back to the UK.

    On the funding he received whilst an amateur – don`t you think it would be fair if he paid into a the same system that gave to him so other athletes could receive the same opportunities?

    Full Member

    His move to Monaco – the same as some of the other SKY/INEOS riders was simple tax evasion

    No it wasn’t. Tax evasion is illegal. What he has done is tax avoidance, which isn’t. Maybe get an adult to explain the differences to you. Do you chastise people with ISA’s with the same vigour? What about those who use the cycle to work scheme?

    I’ve no doubt British Cycling are very happy with what he has given them, in order for them to keep their funding up. I don’t think that because an organisation has invested in someone early on, that that person should be indebted to them indefinitely, no. Imagine if banks worked in the same way.

    Full Member

    Do you chastise people with ISA’s with the same vigour

    Now we all know people have different views and morals and ethical values, thats fine but can we try and keep the argument sensible. Going into tax exile and paying into an ISA are in no way similar.

    Full Member

    On the funding he received whilst an amateur – don`t you think it would be fair if he paid into a the same system that gave to him so other athletes could receive the same opportunities?

    He was essentially funded by the National Lottery – and Sky I guess – rather than directly by the tax-payer. That’s how British Cycling took off.

    If you want to blame someone for the underfunding of the NHS, I’d say the Tories are just a little more culpable than a professional cyclist. This is a bit like Matt Hancock randomly deciding that professional footballers should be taking pay-cuts because, well, they have lots of money.

    It’s all chaff to distract from the Tory neglect of the welfare state for the last ten years. A better question to be asking would be why the **** is our health service so stretched that a professional cyclist is raising money to support it.

    Full Member

    I never meant my original comment – aimed at all tax avoiding sports stars, not just G – to turn the thread so shouty, and I’m really sorry about that.

    I think he’s an amazing athlete, his tax situation is entirely separate to that.

    But if he’s doing this to encourage people to make a moral choice to contribute to a charity, then people need to consider his – and others – moral choice to maximise his tax situation in Monaco. Someone roughed out how much UK tax he could have potentially paid in to public services if he was UK based.

    If he needed to live and train abroad, lots of cyclists manage to do so in Spain, Italy or France, and pay taxes there.

    Full Member

    I’ll add this link

    Full Member

    maybe he just like monaco ?

    Full Member

    why the **** is our health service so stretched that a professional cyclist is raising money to support it

    WHere did you want the money that you put in the NHS have been taken from ?

    Defence ? Terrorist attacks ? Floods ? Roads ? Police ? Litter ? Parks ? Regeneration ?

    You can’t magic the money, it has to come out of something else?

    Full Member

    Going into tax exile and paying into an ISA are in no way similar.

    Different ends of the same spectrum. Where do you draw the line?

    Full Member

    WHere did you want the money that you put in the NHS have been taken from ?

    Defence ? Terrorist attacks ? Floods ? Roads ? Police ? Litter ? Parks ? Regeneration ? You can’t magic the money, it has to come out of something else?

    Not buying votes in parliament?

    Full Member

    Not buying votes in parliament?

    £100s upon £100s of millions worth ? You think that would have made a dent in what the NHS needs ?

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