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  • Geraint Thomas NHS fundraiser on Zwift
  • eruptron
    Free Member

    Geraint Thomas is fundraising on Zwift from today. Doing 3×12 hours shifts as our wonderful NHS do on a daily basis.
    I’ve donated and will be riding the 15.30 shift.
    Give him a Ride on or a few quid.

    Full Member

    Good man :)

    Full Member

    I appreciate the efforts that he and other sports people are making with things like an this.

    I just hope that they are all domiciled in the UK for tax purposes and paying their fair share into the pot in the first place.

    Free Member

    I wonder how much Zwift are paying him to do it?

    Why doesn’t he just go and ride his bike outside for 12hrs?

    Free Member

    Zwift have added 25k to the pot which is now 94k raised for the NHS but cheers for your positivity.

    Full Member

    Good work G & Zwift 👍

    He’s going to have to pace himself so might be able to keep up with him for an hour or so 😃 They’ve split it into 2 hour chunks as separate Zwift Events which is cool, probably join him for the 17.30 one!

    Why doesn’t he just go and ride his bike outside for 12hrs?


    Free Member

    poor ol’ hank from gcn is probably cursing right now :)

    Free Member

    Apparently he is hoping people donate £100k – he not so keen to give his own money though.

    He could have supported the NHS a lot more by paying tax on his multimillion pound cycling contracts instead of moving to Monaco … Typical he moves back to the UK in a health crisis though.

    Free Member

    He could have supported the NHS a lot more by paying tax on his multimillion pound cycling contracts instead of moving to Monaco

    And that’s my point. The NHS isn’t short of cash right now, the cheque book is pretty much open from government.

    What will be the issue is paying it back after, and that’s where his tax payments would be helpful.

    Nice bit of publicity too for Zwift and reduces their tax burden too.

    Free Member

    Typical STW responses here chaps.

    He earns well due to the enormous sacrifices he has made, his natural talent and the good fortune that he has experienced. He has been advised to retain as much of that wealth as possible through perfectly legal means. I doubt that many of us would act any differently, and good luck to him.

    And now when he decides to raise some cash for the service that is helping the country survive, he gets criticized. He could have just hidden away in his hollowed out volcano in Monaco counting his cash and laughing at just how much revenue he has deprived the country of like some crazed Bond Villain. Instead he has chosen to use his fame to raise money for a good cause, no doubt raising more in the process than most of us contribute through PAYE to the NHS in a lifetime of earning.

    Give the guy a break!

    Full Member

    I’m with you on this Sola….

    I’m quite frankly stunned by some of the responses.

    Free Member

    @Weeksy are you really? I’m not! Thought I’d post on something positive. Guess I was wrong :-( There really are some bitter miserable ****t’s on here. I’m sure they’ll be stood outside on Thursday to make themselves look good and feel better because the NHS is cash rich and only needs a hand clap. Shocking! BYE!

    Free Member

    I was about to mention that on his FB pages someone decided to try and drag down G’s efforts by turning it into a tax rant but it seems we have our own here…
    Well done, always great to focus on the -ve eh?

    Free Member

    If anybody on here has raised more money than G, please let me know and I will stand outside at 8pm tomorrow and bang a saucepan in your honour. What’s that? Nobody? In which case shut the **** up and applaud his gesture for its positive intent.

    What next? Shall we criticize 99 year old war veteran Tom Moore for raising £7mil in cash despite not having paid tax for at least 35 years? And I bet he got that zimmer frame for free too. Bleedin’ sponger using his state pension to raise money! Fetch the pitchforks chaps!

    Full Member

    It’s a cool thing that G is doing but I’ve got to agree on the tax argument. It does grind my gears somewhat to see someone brought up in a country with great publicly funded education, healthcare, etc who then has the opportunity to contribute MASSIVELY more than he’s ever taken but instead thinks, “nah, **** em”. It’s not about who has raised the most money, it’s about making a very deliberate decision to shirk your social responsibility. IMO. (maybe one that some people will re-evaluate when this is over, who knows. Obviously not just G doing this).

    (I will still ride with him later & hope to helps to raise loads of dosh).

    Free Member


    He earns well due to the enormous sacrifices he has made, his natural talent and the good fortune that he has experienced.

    And don`t forget the tax payers money that saw him funded throughout his amateur cycling career as part of the Olympic development squads.

    He has been advised to retain as much of that wealth as possible through perfectly legal means. I doubt that many of us would act any differently, and good luck to him.

    Nobody is saying what he is doing is illegal – its just not ethical as far as I am concerned. Taking from the pot – but not happy to put any back in.
    Lets not forget he isnt putting any money himself into this fundraising effort .. just riding his bike and getting more publicity.

    And now when he decides to raise some cash for the service that is helping the country survive, he gets criticized. He could have just hidden away in his hollowed out volcano in Monaco counting his cash and laughing at just how much revenue he has deprived the country of like some crazed Bond Villain. Instead he has chosen to use his fame to raise money for a good cause, no doubt raising more in the process than most of us contribute through PAYE to the NHS in a lifetime of earning.

    Once this is over. See if he moves back to Monaco or stays to pay tax on his cycling contracts.
    As for raising more money doing this Zwift gimmick than any of us contribute through PAYE … I can guarantee it wont be half as much as he would have raised if he had paid tax on his cycling contracts instead of moving to Monaco.

    Tax avoidance

    Free Member

    He has a job that sees him travel the world. Cyclists live near mountains with good weather. That means if you are one of the best cyclists you won’t live in the UK.

    Let’s judge him when he retires!

    If an accountant said to you, do you want to pay 20% tax or 50% tax which one of us would honestly say 50%?

    Blame the system, not the man!

    Some of my mates work in the trade, the amount of cash in hand jobs they do is incredible. They then have accountants write everything off and then get working tax credits to top up their income.

    The only diffidence here is that G earns millions, that and what he is doing isn’t illegal

    Free Member


    Blame the system, not the man

    I respect your views, and recognise we all have different values.
    My own values are that if you have taken a large amount of tax payers money that has enabled you to pursue your dreams, and earn millions along the way. Then you should be happy to pay your own taxes which will enable the youngsters coming up behind you go have the same opportunities.
    And expecting others to donate money – whilst avoiding paying your own tax is blatantly taking the pi55

    Free Member

    Let’s judge him when he retires!

    eh? there’s no tax on wealth even in the UK.

    Free Member

    So glad I started a positive tread for you cockwombles to troll. Well I did my 2 hours. I enjoyed it so Fucj the lot of you miserable ****ts

    Free Member

    eh? there’s no tax on wealth even in the UK.

    So do you think when he retires he is just going to hide away and not earn any money? He will get £20k just for saying hello at an evening dinner.

    so Fucj the lot of you miserable ****ts

    Not everyone!

    Free Member

    So glad I started a positive tread for you cockwombles to troll. Well I did my 2 hours. I enjoyed it so Fucj the lot of you miserable ****ts

    Cockwomble? you really do identify yourself as an idiot by using that word Steve. Keep up the sweary rant too … it really emphasises what an established idiot you are too.

    Free Member

    No not everybody but how does a thread go from trying to raise some money for a worthy cause to a character assasination? Especially those hypocrites that say stuff like hes a bad man but I’m happy to ride with him. Some people on hear seriously need to wobble their heads. Pathetic..
    Guy works mainly in Europe most of the time lives in Europe most of the time is good at what he does. Earns plenty of cash probably employes someone to make the most of it.
    OH but on STW if your successful you don’t fool the holier than thou..
    So some need to wind their necks if you don’t want to join in then don’t .Just stand outside on Thursday and feel you moral glow.
    All I wanted to do was buy a bit of equipment to protect someone! anyone! from getting something BAD :-(

    Free Member

    So glad I started a positive tread for you cockwombles to troll. Well I did my 2 hours. I enjoyed it so Fucj the lot of you miserable ****ts

    Cockwomble? you really do identify yourself as an idiot by using that word Steve. Keep up the sweary rant too … it really emphasises what an established idiot you are too.

    Enlighten me oh great one what is an established idiot? and by calling me an idiot are you not just taring yourself with the same brush?

    Full Member

    Garage needs a tidy though

    Full Member

    £122k will hopefully go some way to help…an impressive amount despite the varying opinions here.

    Full Member

    Geraint is my favourite sportsman of all time.

    Good on you ‘G’.

    Full Member

    So glad I started a positive tread for you cockwombles to troll. Well I did my 2 hours. I enjoyed it so Fucj the lot of you miserable ****ts

    I’m really sorry my original observation and the subsequent debate has caused you so much upset, which wasn’t my intention.

    You’re sweary over reaction seems a bit over the top though.

    Free Member

    As requested; Just for you Steve.

    having existed or done something for a long time and therefore recognized and generally accepted.

    Definition of idiot
    1: a foolish or stupid person

    Hope that helps Steve.

    Free Member

    ..and it’s thread’s like this that make me think what’s the point in contributing or starting one elsewhere.

    I’m joining him tomorrow morning. I’ll enjoy it and will make a donation. No response necessary.

    Full Member

    He’s done it and now asking for a bag of frozen peas for the nether regions.
    Oh and his baby so cute, bouncing along beside him. I think we have another Thomas in the making.

    Full Member

    Good on you G. I hope that’s assuaged the guilt somewhat. I’d loved to have ridden with you for a bit and said ‘look at me everyone, look at me, but I don’t have Zwift.

    Full Member

    I put in a shift on G’s ride – happy to do a little bit to support the NHS, which I’ve been taught since childhood to love and respect. My parents were of the generation that saw the before/after of the introduction of the NHS, and made sure I understood it’s significance, and the need to protect it from politicians who would do it harm.

    I’m not sure why people think there’s any contradiction between doing this, and critiquing the system that’s allowed it to be run down over the last few decades. We’ve opted for a tax system that prioritised wealth accumulation in the hands of a relative minority, over a properly funded healthcare system, and now we’re in a situation where a 99 year old is having to drag himself round his garden to offset our failure.
    The need for preparations for this type of event were well known before it occurred, along with the need for a stockpile of the relevant equipment. It’s frankly outrageous that Jeremy Hunt is in the media banging on about failures in the present, when the run down of essential kit took place on his watch.

    By all means clap, cheer, fundraise, do whatever it takes to support frontline staff in the current situation, but when we’re through this, a meaningful vote of thanks for all of them, and a fitting memorial to the ones who have died, would be to commit ourselves to not allowing the NHS to be devalued in the same way ever again.

    A Medic’s Point of View

    Free Member

    No not everybody but how does a thread go from trying to raise some money for a worthy cause to a character assasination?

    Are you new here?

    Free Member

    £326,358 raised of £100,000 target

    Well played G

    Free Member

    ditch_jockey – I totally agree with you with regards to appreciating our NHS service, and those that work within it. I have conflicting views on the fundraising going on to raise money for it though. Whilst I appreciate the efforts and good intentions of the vast majority of the people doing so, I am also concerned that this allows the government to fund it less in the long term if they see that money going into it from elsewhere … as has already been wrote, there is an open book to the NHS at the moment; but once this is over with .. there will be another distraction from funding the NHS.

    The issue with Geraint Thomas is that he moved to Monaco to avoid paying taxes on his multi-million pounds cycling contracts; even though tax payers money enabled and supported him to achieve his cycling potential. The argument that he moved there for the mountainous terrain is silly – there are many other countries with a warm climate and mountains .. its just not many with the generous tax system of Monaco.
    He is sponsored by Zwift for an undisclosed amount to promote and publicise it – which he has done so brilliantly – it would have been nice if he now states he will pay UK taxes on his cycling contracts to support the NHS, maybe also donate what Zwift pay him to the Zwift NHS fundraiser too … but I havent heard him doing so, and quite frankly wouldnt have expected to either.

    He’s done it and now asking for a bag of frozen peas for the nether regions.

    And basically thats typical Geraint Thomas – always expecting things for himself to be provided by others.

    Free Member

    Well done G 👍

    Full Member

    And basically thats typical Geraint Thomas – always expecting things for himself to be provided by others

    Oh FFS…

    Full Member

    And basically thats typical Geraint Thomas – always expecting things for himself to be provided by others

    Yeah, he just gets to win medals and Grand Tours by getting someone else to do it for him. And all the years of self-sacrifice, training rides, dieting and time away from home, all provided by someone else.

    Full Member

    He’s a really good athlete and I’m sure he’s doing this with the best intentions, but the idea of reframing the NHS as a charity has the potential to do more harm than good.

    Unfortunately the real way to help support the NHS is quite boring – pay more tax.

    FWIW, I just put Geraint’s rumoured 3.5m salary into the money saving expert PAYE calculator and got this:

    Over the year you’ll pay £1,560,000 income tax and £73,860 in National Insurance.

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