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  • Garmin Live Track Help
  • oscillatewildly
    Free Member

    i used this for the first time last night as was out alone for the first time in ages

    it basically tracked and started fine, but then as i lost my phone signal further and further up i got in the peak district it suddenly lost stopped tracking

    so basically the question is once you lose phone signal does the live tracking stop?? or do i need to enable GPS on my i phone or something?

    it was tracking perfectly fine and people at home home were amazed to see my live dot on the screen, then it suddenly stopped (and i know i lose my phone signal where it stopped recording), so it was pretty useless after that point 🙁 it didnt then pick up a signal again for the rest of the ride, which again i know could be true given where i was, but it didnt even track me back at the start where i did have a signal

    so am i missing something? in prinicpal its an amazing idea, but if it doesnt work with no phone signal its pretty useless given where i ride 🙁

    Free Member

    and without phone signal how do you think it registers your position with the internet ?

    Full Member

    With no data signal, it’s never going to be able to upload its position.

    It must surely use the GPS though as any location data based on signal triangulation is only ever going to be very approximate.

    I would recommend you look at getting a Spot Tracker if it’s that important.

    Free Member

    i know it may sound a little dumb but i thought it somehow used the GPS on the phone and garmin edge to be honest, i guess that answers my question then, its pretty bloody useless to me 🙁

    Full Member

    Remember, the GPS signal is one-way (i.e. satellite to you) – there’s no uplink capability.

    Free Member

    Ya it’s a bit useless if you’re riding in areas without signal. Apparently once the phone loses signal the Garmin keeps sending the ride data to the phone but obviously the phone can’t send it so effectively stores it, the problem is that once you get signal again the phone starts sending the oldest data first and never really ever gets caught back up especially if you’ve lost signal for a while. Another problem I’ve found is that if you manually pause a ride (I don’t have auto pause on) the ride is basically terminated. I used it 3 or 4 times and found it Ok as long as you’ve always got signal, blame the network providers basically!

    Free Member

    yeh i guess its not really the garmins fault, more the network then if anything….never mind, at least they will be able to see where i start the ride worst case, tis a shame as i bought it for solo night rides too, i dont know anyone on any different network that can get a full signal for the rides we do, bit pants really

    even when i eventually came back to the same start point (where i had a signal) it didnt pick it up again at all, like you say probably as its been inactive for so long it cant suddenly trace/update fast enough when you do finally get a signal back 🙁

    Free Member

    I kept meanin to leave the live track/ride active once I got home from a ride to see how long it would take to (or rather if it would) catch up, lost interest. Mine had to go back to the shop yesterday 🙁

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