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  • Films…..That you expected to be good but….weren't
  • Stuey01
    Free Member

    Re: Anchorman – defintely a grower – I saw it at the cinema and hated it. Watched it again years later and laughed from start to finish, love it.

    Free Member

    Inception, if it was the one about going into dream/subconcious. Went way to complex IMO. Good idea for a movie but no need to create so many twists.

    Don’t watch Primer… :lol:

    Free Member

    Eyes Wide Shut. What WAS Stanley thinking?

    Full Member

    Bullitt – just rumbled on and on, and the car chase isn’t all that.

    Free Member

    Scott Pilgrim vs. the World – proper rubbish. I can’t bring myself to speak coherently about that dreadful waste of human energy.

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    Steve-Austin – Member
    Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy.
    Soooooo Slooooowww. Tension building? no, that was boredom building.

    This is mine as well.

    Went to the flix with some friends and high hopes and found it as interesting as watching paint dry.

    Free Member

    Inception. Why not bring the kids to France and save me the £5.50 and ninety minutes that were wasted on this?

    How come so many people have been suckered into proclaiming this film to be a work of genius?

    +1, but don’t get mistaken into thinking it was bad. It was just so hyped up that it was a massive disappointment, but it was still an alright film.

    Zombieland > Shaun of the dead, but SOTD is still great. Hot Fuzz is epic. Anchorman is brilliant.

    Scott Pilgrim seems to be a love hate film, I loved it.

    2001: A space odyssey. I want the life time I spent watching it back.

    Into the wild. Watched it, and all the way through just thought dull, dull, dull, pretentious daddy doesn’t love me issues, dull, dull, dull, predictable, pointless, dull. Then for some reason it stayed in my mind, and I started to appreciate the beauty of some of it. But still think it’s crap.

    Cowboys and Aliens. Ok, I knew it was a typical hollywood blockbuster, but Harrison Ford and Daniel Craig, and the hot girl off House? How can you go wrong? Started off excellent, but just couldn’t carry it. Not by any means a terrible film, but I did expect a bit more, perhaps foolishly.

    Full Member

    Tricky one this, as I’ve generally decided before I watch a film whether it’ll be pants or not. And whaddayaknow, I’m usually right!

    A Serious Man, watched it last night, I’m very much a fan of the Coen Brothers stuff but this was pretty bland compared to their best stuff.

    Good call; I liked the Man Who Wasn’t There, and Barton Fink, which were also Coen ‘nothing much happens’ films, but I didn’t get the point of A Serious Man.

    There Will Be Blood

    Agreed too. Although I had an inkling it was tosh before I went in. Both of these films though, I got to the end and wondered what the point was – what are we supposed to have learned, what’s the implication etc. Silent Running was a film where very little happened (broadly), and it got a bit slow in the middle, but when it finished you felt that you would be thinking about it for a while afterwards.

    Be Cool, Kill Bill Vol. 2, Vicky Cristina Barcelona (etc)

    You really have to wonder why you expected them to be good. Be Cool too much time had passed, and it was probably always going to be a bit self-referential; KBV2 was utter dross; and VCB was recent Woody Allen. The omens were not good for any of them.

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